 Komiksy cd.
 Beastie Boys
 HIP HOP cd.

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h│opaki z Beastie Boys, a w│a╢ciwie ju┐ panowie bo wszycsy dobiegaj▒ 40-tki to pradziwy fenomen na rynku muzyki... hip-hop'owej? No w│a╢nie czy to co graj▒ Beastie Boys mo┐na nazwaµ hip-hop'em? Napewno ich korzenie tkwi▒ jeszcze w punku. P≤╝niej zainteresowali siΩ raczej jajcarsk▒ odmian▒ rapu z wszechobecnymi samplami. NastΩpnie by│y eksperymenty z ostrzejszym brzmieniem. Tego co dzia│o siΩ przez te wszystkie lata nie da sie │atwo zdefiniowaµ. Jedno jest jednak pewne - BB graj▒ muzykΩ oryginaln▒ i chociarz z p│yty na p│ytΩ inn▒, to wci▒┐ udaje im sie zachowaµ ci▒g│o╢µ.
Trzeba przyznaµ, ┐e na stare lata panowie ci jakby trochΩ spowarznieli. Nie wiem czy np. pozak│adali rodziny i wykupili polisy ubezpieczeniowe ale na pewno g│Ωboko zaanga┐owali sie w dzi▒│alno╢µ harytatywn▒. Ze szczeg≤ln▒ uwag▒ potraktowali sprawΩ Tybetu.

G│≤wnie za spraw▒ takiego jednego, kt≤ry co jaki╢ czas pojawia siΩ w mediach i m≤wi o Tybecie i jego okupacji przez Chiny. Z inicjatywy Beastie Boys powsta│a idea koncertu Tibetan Freedom i za│o┐enia fundacji Milarepa. Na koncercie, kt≤rego odby│o siΩ ju┐ kilka edycji zagra│y m.in. gwiazdy hiphop'u i rock'a. Pojawili siΩ The Fugees, De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, KRS-1, Red Hot Chilli Pepers i inni. Pomys│ wypali│ a w mediach wielokrotnie pojawia│y siΩ migawki z tej imprezy. Do ods│uchania fragment≤w z koncertu zapraszamy na stronΩ Hip Hop Cd. Ostatnio m≤wi siΩ co prawda, ┐e formu│a koncertu ju┐ siΩ przejad│a i nie wiadomo czy odbΩd▒ siΩ kolejne.
Zdaje siΩ jednak, ┐e Beastie Boys szykuj▒ co╢ nowego. Trzeba zatem cierpliwie czekaµ.
Druga sprawa o kt≤rej chcΩ napisaµ to Fundacja Milarepa. To w│a╢nie Millarepa Fund zajmuje siΩ imprez▒ Tibetan Feeedom Concert. Poza tym organizuj▒ innego rodzaju akcje jak zbieranie i wysy│anie protest≤w, sprzeada┐ gad┐et≤w, lista mailingowa itd. WiΩcej dowiecie siΩ z ich strony www.millarepa.org. Warto jeszcze wr≤ciµ do dzi▒│alno╢ci muzycznej Beastie Boys.

Na p│ycie Ill comunication pojawiaj▒ siΩ utwory inspirowane muzyk▒ tybeta±sk▒ - Shambala i Bodhisattva vow. Tekst drugiego utworu prezentujemy poni┐ej.

Bodhisattva vow (Beastie Boys/Caldato)

As I develop the awakening mind
I praise the Buddhas as they shing
I bow before you as I travel my path
To join your ranks I make my full time task
For the sake of all beings I seek
The enlightened that I know I'll reap
Represpect to Shantideva and all the others
Who brought down the Dharma for sisters and brothers
I give thanks for this world as a place to learn
And for this human body that I'm glad to have earned
And my deepest thanks to all sentient beeings
For withoutthem there would be no place to learn
What I'm seeing
There's nothing here that's not been said before
But I put it down now so that I will be sure
To solidify my own views
And I'll be glad if it helps anyone else out too
If others disrespect me or give me flack
I'll stop and think before I react
Knowing that they're going throught insecure stages
I'll see it as a chance to help the other person
Nip it in the bud before it can worsen
A chance for me to be strong and sure
As I think on the Buddhas who have come before
As I prise and respect the good they've done
Knowing only love can conquer hate in every situation
We need other people in order to create
The circumstances for the learning that we're here to generate
Situations that bring up our deepest fears
So we can work to release them until they're cleared
Therefore, it only makes sense
To thank our enemies despite their intent

The Bodhisattva is one of power and strenght
A strenght from within to go the lenght
Seeing others are as important as myself
I strive for a happiness of mental wealth
With the interconnectedness that we share as one
Every action that we take affects
So in deciding for what a situation calls
There is a path for good for
I try to make my every action for that highest good
With the altruistic wish to achieve the buddhahood
So I pledge here before everyone who's listening
To try to make my every action for the good of all beings
For the rest of my lifetimes and even beyond
I vow to do my best to do no harm
And in times of doubt I can think on the Dharma
And the enlightened ones who've graduated samsara

Beastie Boys "Ill communication" 1994, Capitol Records Inc.

A percetnage of of the proceeds from all right here this "Shambala" and "Bodhisattva vow" will go to (aborigine organization), Tibet House, and the Office of Tibet.