Cafe Ole
In the street of a Thousand Tochtias, that's where you'll find the Cafe Ole, 
The food tastes like hell, it's not easy to tell the dish water from soup of the day. Now the patrons have got a new waitress, she's called Anna Maria LaBelle, "I don't mind it," said one, "that her hair's in a bun, but it's in the rice pudding as well." 

She went out in the park one night in the dark, and was kissing our chef by a hedge, When along came his wife with a long-handled knife, she cut off his meat and two veg.  

When I saw her she was down by a river quietly plucking a duck,  
Then just as she feared the gamekeeper appeared, she looked up and said, "What rotten luck." She chucked the duck in the lake as the gamekeeper spoke, he said, "You're stealing that duck I suppose. She said, "Come off it, Jim, he's just having a swim and I'm sitting her minding his clothes."  

They've just bought the new Plotta Detouris next door to the Cafe Ole,  
And they advertise big, juicy sweet breads from the bulls that were fighting today. A tourist complained to Maria, "These sweet breads are tiny and thin." Maria said, "Sure, but respective Senor, you see sometimes the bull wins."  

We stood by her poor old grandfather, as he lay upon his death bed,  
And after he sold me his gold watch and chain, these words of wisdom he said. "The joys of drink last but a moment, cigarettes make you sick, you could die, But the love of a beautiful woman, oh, it's the best thing that money can buy."  

I will marry the lovely Maria, because family honour forbids,  
It's alright, I'm sure, with my ma and my pa, but it would upset my wife and eight kids. Ole.

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