Now back in the days of the caveman, history recalls,  
Man had his burning desire to scratch his messages on walls.  
And even today you'll find "Joe Loves May" or "Mavis Loves Little Jim,"  
Or "Little Jim Loves Charlie", we're gonna keep our eye on him. 

This is known as graffiti, graffiti, 
They even do it on the tombstones in the cemetary.  
"Beneath here lies dentist Rafferty,"  
Someone's written, "He is filling his last cavity."  
And loves down these words you may discover,  
Beneath this song, there lies another.  

Now sometimes there's advice and it's very, very nice, sometimes it is superfluous, Like "Don't put your cat in the washing machine or you might get a sock in the puss." Carrots will make kissing sexy, you've only got to look at the rabbit, You can kiss a lady, sure jump her once or twice, but don't get into the habit.  

Oh this is graffiti, graffiti,  
It needn't lead to a sense of depravity,  
Why each can be quite witty,  
Because there is no law of graffiti,  
There is no law of graffiti,  
There is no law of graf-fi-ti.

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