1.4 Installing Voyager

You need to have a copy of MUI3.8 in order to use Voyager. You might be best installing MUI before you install Voyager. MUI can be found on the Aminet, many shareware CD-roms's, most PD libraries or on a magazine cover CD.

Remember to use your backup disks of of Voyager before you start installation..

1.41 Open the Installer

Open the Voyager main drawer and double-click the "Install_Voyager" icon.

When you click this icon a Voyager install GUI will appear on your Workbench. This GUI will guide you through the process of installation.

1.42 Setting the Install Mode

Before installation begins, you will be asked to specify your knowledge of the Amiga.

IntermediateThe process of installation is nearly automatic. You only need to select where you want to install Voyager, AmiTCP, MUI and then configure the AmiTCP GUI
ExpertSame as Intermediate mode except you are asked some extra questions about installation and further options will be presented to the "expert" user.

Our advice is to select Intermediate mode. Most of the questions asked in Expert mode are trivial and do not alter your use of Voyager. In fact, we would even recommend expert users to use the Intermediate installation.

Click "proceed" to start the installation.

1.43 Where do you Want to Install Voyager?

The installer will ask you where you want to install Voyager. Make sure the hard drive partition you want to install Voyager contains more than 2MB of free space. You need more than 2MB to use Voyager. Our recommendation is a hard drive with more than 10MB of space.

A Voyager drawer will be created on your hard drive. We recommend that you install to your work: or hd1: partition (ie. with a lot of space).

Voyager will be installed to this hard drive partition and copy some essential files to Workbench where needed.

1.44 Where do you wish to install the MimePrefs Program?

You will be offered two choices of where to install MIME Prefs. Our suggestions is 'sys:prefs' as MIME Prefs is needed by other Vapor programs, other than Voyager.

1.45 What Voyager Documentation Would You Like to Install?

You can chose to install the full HTML based documentation (recommended) or just the readme. You can, of course, install both.

The readme contains very basic information and the history guide (not contained within the HTML documentation).

1.46 Installing SSL

If you live in the USA you cannot use the supplied Voyager SSL module, due to encryption laws.

1.47 Which button set do you wish to install?

Which button set do you wish to install? There is a choice of two button sets, with the 'Devo' set being the default.

1.48 Which documention do you want to install?

Which documentation do you want to install? The supplied HTML documentation or the simple readme, or both?

1.49 Install/Update the Vapor libraries?

The installer will do a check on installed Voyager libraries in order to see which files need to be installed and will then present a list of the libraries that do need to be installed in order for Voyager to operate.

Note that if you do not install these libraries, Voyager will possibly fail to open.

1.50 Installation Completed

A few more files will be installed and then you will be presented with an Installation Completed GUI. Reboot your machine and you will now be able to use Voyager!