How to do the translations ========================== At first thank you that you will take some time to help me. Currently the translation consists of three parts. You don't need to translate all three. I am happy with every bit. Important. If you want to do some translations, please contact me before. This is to avoid doing something twice ! If you have done it, pack them all together (lha/lzx/zip) and send them to me. I'll then include your name in the list, who has helped me and if you are not registered yet, I'll offer you a discount (-50% if you translate all three parts). Remember - who comes first gets it first. Catalogs -------- 1. Open the file SoundFX.ct into your favourite texteditor and save it under .ct. 2. Fill in the first two lines, so that they look like below ## version $VER: SoundFX/Deutsch.ct 1.0 (12.03.1998) ## language deutsch 3. Translate the messages, which starts with a ';' and a tab. Type the trans- lated message into the blank line. Please leave that english message there. It is just a comment, which helps me see what is what. Here is an example how it looks before (just some lines) : : : ; Can't open file ! errOpenFile ;Can't open file ! ; ; Can't open library ! errOpenLibrary ; : : Afterwards it should look like this : : : ; Can't open file ! errOpenFile Kann Datei nicht öffnen ! ;Can't open file ! ; ; Can't open library ! errOpenLibrary Kann Bibliothek nicht öffnen ! ; : : Installer-Texts --------------- 1. Open the file Install-SFX.txt into your texteditor. 2. Cut out the block you want to translate or update. Update 3. Look for comments ';NEW'. Translate those lines inbetween and remove the comments 4. Look for comments ';CHANGE'. There you will find the original lines commented and new lines, which are possibly already translated by me. Make sure that the translations are correct and remove the comments (and the old translations) New 3. Replace the name of the language in the line (IF (= @LANGUAGE "") 4. Translate in each line the text between the '"'. ignore those sequences like '\n' - just keep them as they are. 5. Save it as "Install-SFX..txt" Orderform --------- Just translate all the texts and save it as "Orderform..txt" -> e.g. Orderform.español.txt or better translate the word "Orderform" as well and save it under ".txt" -> e.g. Bestellformular.txt