Wild and Free

The Lemmenjoki National Park

The Lemmenjoki National Park which was situated in the munipacipalities of Inari and KittilΣ was established in 1956. Since then the nature reserve has been enlarged twice. Today Lemmenjoki covering 2855 m2 is the largest natinal park in Finland. The area is also one of the widest roadless uninhabitated forest wildernesses in Europe. Besides natuer preservation, the park is of great impoetance for reindeer husbandry and hiking.

Arrival at the Natinal Park

The most recommendable spot to visit and the starting point for excursions is the village of Njurgulahti situated on the bank of the River Lemmenjoki, 50 km southwest of Inari. Njurgulahti has an information hut for the national park and nature trail. Marked treils to the Lemmenjoki valley also start from there. Local tourist businesses offer for example coffee house services and accommodation and riverboat facilities.


Large rivers and forests, fell and marshland areas between them are characteristics of tyhe scenery of the national park. In the south the rivers Ivalojoki and Repojoki flow through low and swampy lands. Besides pine and birch, spruce still grows there, however it quicly dimishes as you travel north. The largest marshland areas Naskama-aapa and lemmenjΣnkΣ are the most difficult to cross. the central part of the national park is characteristesed by the most impressive scenery of the park: the River Lemmenjoki valley, tens of kilometres long , and surrounded by the Maaresta and Viipus fells. Although the height difference in some places can be great, the terrain is easy to wander and the most popular hiking spot. Both side of the river valley are covered with old pine forest , which is unique for Finland. The unbroken and rugged pine heath is interrupted by lush gorges of small streams and rivers from the fells. The upper course of the River Lemmenjoki flows to a deep canyon and it broadens towards the quiter middle section of the river. Before Lake PaatarjΣrvi the river menders splendidly through the high sandy banks.

The Lemmenjoki National Park
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Updated 28 March 1997