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The Japanese economy is one of the strongest in the world. Only the US has a higher GNP. Check the links on this page for statistics and the current Yen exchange rate.

Exports: Japan's main goods for exporting are cars, electronic devices and computers. Most important single trade partner is by far the USA which imports almost one third of all Japanese exports. Other major purchasers are Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore.

Imports: Japan has a large surplus in its export/import balance. The most important import goods are raw materials such as oil, seafood, and wood.
Major suppliers are the USA, followed by China, Australia, South Korea, and Indonesia.

Industries: Manufacturing, construction, distribution, real estate, services, and communication are the major industries today.
Agriculture makes up only about 2% of the GNP. Most important agricultural product is rice. The fish consumption of the Japanese is huge so that a large amount of the seafood must be imported.
Resources of raw materials are very limited in Japan and the mining industry is not very large.

Sorry, this section will be improved in the near future.

Links to the homepages of Japanese companies.
International relations
About Japan's international relations.
Financial matters
About prices and banks in Japan.




September 21, 1997
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