X, The Man With the X-Ray Eyes

Genre: Science Fiction.

Studio: Dreamworks SKG/Orion.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Script Stage.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Tim Burton (Director, attached); Bryan Goluboff (Screenwriter); Tim Burton, Larry Franco (Producers).

Premise: A remake of the 1963 Roger Corman classic which starred Ray Milland. A scientist working on a serum to make vision clearer accidentally bestows X-ray vision on himself. Soon he begins to use his newfound abilities, but not always in the most noble of intentions - looking past women's clothing, diagnosing people through their flesh, cheating at cards. But when the extent of his vision continues to progress, he begins to see through reality itself, which drives him toward madness...

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: They should only remake this one if they can keep the original ending. No, don't ask us what it is, it'll spoil it.

Rumors: None.

Scoop Feedback:

July 6, 1997... Even though this is working at Dreamworks SKG, both Sony and Warner Brothers have either a remake of the film or a project similar to it in development as well. All three studios say they have the rights to the film, so some sort of shooting match will ensue, I'm sure.

Bryan Goluboff was the writer for The Basketball Diaries.

Burton is expected to accept directing chores on the project directly after helming his new Superman feature. [Page draft sent in by 'widgett'. Additional scoops sent in by 'H.B.', 'elnppr', 'Martin Ambassador' and anonymously. Extra additional information supplied by 'Deadpool'.]

November 16, 1997... Someone who claims to have read the script calls it "Burton's best combo of horror and pathos with a depth deeper than anything he's ever done before." [Reported anonymously.]

April 19, 1998... No sooner than Warner Bros. announced another disquieting delay with Burton's Superman Lives project than we received this scoop about this Burton project on the backburner. Our scooper reports that X-Ray is moving to the top of Burton's to-do pile now, and that rumor has it Burton is talking to Johnny Depp to play in the lead -- and with Depp's ex Winona Ryder as the female lead. Apparently she loves the script. [Anonymous.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 18:08:28 PDT.