World War III

Genre: Action/Thriller.

Studio: Columbia Pictures.
Production Company: Fried Films.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: Jason Hightman (Screenwriter).

Premise: The only thing standing in the way of nuclear death is two men, one from the U.S. government and one from the Chinese military.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

June 13, 1998... The script for this project was purchased in October of 1997. Since then, nada has been happening with the project -- that we've heard, at least. [Reported by 'Widgett'.]

September 28, 1998... We received some new word on this project. Bout time. "I've been following this puppy since it hit the market last fall. I read the first draft at a company I worked at. Think 'Saving Private Ryan', but with nuclear bombs. Lots of nuclear bombs. A truly frightening film to contemplate. I guess there were a lot of notes from the studio (Sony, I think), and a friend snuck me a copy of the latest rewrite by Hightman about two months ago. Perhaps this is an anomaly, but the development process seems to have improved the script. Gone are some of the peripheral characters from the various theatres of war, but there's exciting new tension between the two lead characters: an American and a Chinese diplomat who must find a way to come together. I hear that it's getting a polish right now from some writer I've never heard of. Sony's still bullish about this one. Should be some casting pretty soon."

A script that is helped by the development process? Truly, the end of the world is nigh. [Thanks to 'rotgut' for his report from the front.]

October 6, 1998... A little rodent arrived and told us this snippit: "The production company that is doing the movie at Columbia is Fried Films. A rewrite just came back and everyone there is pretty happy with it." [Thanks to 'a mouse in the wall at Columbia']

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Tuesday, 06-Oct-1998 19:37:27 PDT.