With Wings As Eagles

Genre: Action/Drama.

Studio: Paramount Pictures.
Production Company: Paramount Pictures.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Arnold Schwarzenegger (unsigned).
Who's Making It: Randall Wallace (Director, Screenwriter); Alan Ladd Jr., Randall Wallace (Producers).

Premise: During the Second World War, an American bomber pilot is shot down and captured by the Germans. As orders are sent to execute the pilot, the German officer in charge refuses to carry them out.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

May 5, 1996... [Movie info submitted by Maxim Savic.]

June 6, 1996... [Additional info sent in by 'Sylvester'.

September 12, 1996... A scoop arrives at CA reporting that Sir Richard Attenborough has expressed interest in directing this film. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

February 4, 1997... Schwarzenegger wants this to be his next picture. Coming off of the positive reviews of The People vs. Larry Flynt, director Milos Foreman is heavily favoring this to be his next project as well. [Scoop sent in by 'mprender' and 'Sefster'.]

February 9, 1997... [Thanks to 'Frankie' for the assist!]

September 7, 1998... Languishing in development hell for a year-and-a-half, reports now indicate that Randall Wallace has been placed in the director's chair. We've also heard that the project is aiming for a February start date. ['Deadpool'.]

September 27, 1998... Well, here's a lesson in how not to get thrown in jail. Don't do what Scott Steven Engel and Thomas Beirith allegedly did. They have a company called Metropolis Premier, and on the 10th of this month--WhakKA!--according to Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, they got beaned for seven felony counts of fraud and 'using false statements in the sale of securities.' It is alleged that these two were trying to raise money for this project, although they have no ties to the actual production of this film. Not only did they have Arnie's name in their prospectus, but also Roland Emmerich's as well. The two have pleaded not guilty. All this, but no real word about the actual legit project. [Originally appeared in Cinescape Online; Hollywood Reporter, reported by 'msavic' and anonymous.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Monday, 28-Sep-1998 19:35:26 PDT.