Without Remorse

Genre: Action/Thriller.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's Was In It: Unknown.
Who's Was Making It: John Milius (Director, still?); based upon the Tom Clancy novel Without Remorse.

Premise: Ex-SEAL John Kelly is recruited by the Pentagon to go on a mission into Vietnam to garnish information on supposed P.O.W.s. Hijinks follow (read the book!)

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Following in the footsteps of the popular (and profitable) Jack Ryan movies, Clancy's spin-off character John Kelly gets his hands more dirty and finds himself in more of a physical danger situation than Ryan's boy scout. Clancy's disapproval of the film series Jack Ryan is universally known, and it should be interesting to see how his more direct involvement in this adaptation differs from the previous franchise.


May, 1996... This project looks to be in development hell due to the fall of Savoy. See Scoop Feedback.

Scoop Feedback:

May 15, 1996... Savoy no longer has the rights to the property - Savoy is no longer in business, according to this source. The project is being shopped around right now with no promise any of the previously linked players will be involved. [Scoop reported by 'Iloschin'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 18:07:57 PDT.