Universal Soldier 2

Genre: Action/Science Fiction/Sequel.

Studio: Columbia Pictures.
Production Company: Texas Boys Inc/Baumgarten- Prophet Entertainment/IndieProd/Long Road Entertainment.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: Jean-Claude Van Damme (Luc Deveraux); Michael Jae White (SETH [Self Evolving Thought Helix]); Bill Goldberg (Romeo); Kiana Tom (Maggie); Heidi Schanz.
Who's Making It: Mic Rodgers (Director); William Malone, John M. Fasano (Screenwriters); Craig Baumgarten, Allen Shapiro, Mike Rachmil, Adam Merims, Jean-Claude Van Damme (Producers).

Premise: SETH is the supercomputer controlling a significant group of new improved Universal Soldiers. Luc Devereaux, the sole survivor of the first group of UniSols, is now the systems tester for the unit. Fearing its destruction, SETH seizes control of the facilities, and uses the Universal Soldiers as virtually indestructible bodyguards to pursue its own survival.

Release Date: August 1999.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Deadpool'.]

October 25, 1998... It will begin shooting in and around Dallas, Texas in November and go until next February and will return to Los Angeles for post production. [Scoop provided by 'Deadpool'.]

An anonymous scooper sent us a synopsis and review of the script. They also revealed that Michael Jai White (Spawn) has been cast in the role of SETH. White will provide the computer's voice for about two-thirds of the picture "until he decides to get out and boogie and chooses the 'biggest and the baddest' Universal Soldier body to occupy."

Here's what our anonymous Universal Soldier had to say about how the script reads:

"Script evaluation. God only knows why this series needs a sequel. Perhaps it can be best explained with the current status of Van Damme's career. Although the script is filled with cliches, it should be strong set- up for some high quality stunts under the expert hand of Mic Rodgers. To my knowledge, this is Mic's first shot at first unit director, having been stunt coordinator on a lengthy list of 'A list' projects, including the Lethal Weapon series. Although the script is no award winner, God only knows the original was not either: If anything, the sequel is stronger."

[Thanks go out to the anonymous UniSol.]

November 10, 1998... Just heard that the web site Wrestlemaniacs.com reported that WCW Champion Bill Goldberg took a small part offered to him in UniSol 2. As reported by the site, originally 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin, the current WWF Champion, was offered the part but his wrestling league turned the role down for him because of the small payment -- $55,000. So WCW wrestler Goldberg was offered it, and took it. [Look closely and you'll see 'Landwehn' in the first row.]

November 22, 1998... The British magazine OK reports that Gena Lee Nolan is about to sign up for Universal Soldier 2. [Thanks Arnold.]

And yes, we know there are two direct-to-video UniSol movies...but they should not be confused with this project, a theatrical sequel.

December 29, 1998... We've just been told actress Heidi Schanz has been cast to play the role of newscaster Erin Young in the flick. UNIVERSAL SOLDIER 2. Also, ex-NFL football player Bill Goldberg (y'know, the wrestler?) plays a UniSol by the name of Romero. Mic Rodgers directs. A fellow by the name of Mic Rodgers is directing. This is Rodgers first go at directing a feature but he's been second unit director of a heap 'o films including Braveheart, Virtuosity and Volcano. As for his stuntwork, he's either been the stunt coordinator or been involved in the stunts of dozens of big-budget studio films over the past two decades including all four Lethal Weapon films, Conspiracy Theory, Batman and Robin, Titanic, Twister and The Rock. ['SF-Duff' will dive off buildings too, for the right price.]

January 3, 1999... Bill Goldberg's character may be called Romeo and not Romero. A reliable source told us that in a previous draft the UniSol was indeed named Romeo and that the character wasn't anything like his namesake; in fact, in one scene this Romeo is quite the lecherous individual towards a lady. [Anonymous UniSol told us so.]

Kianna Tom is also in the film cast in the role of Maggie. ['Deep 3'.]

January 5, 1999... Some more casting news: "While listening to the radio yesterday (23/12/98) I heard someone talking about the band Green Day, there was something mentioned about the drummer being a computer whizz, and also about him starring in Van Damme latest movie. Now i do not know whether it is this movie or something else, as the title was not mentioned." Does J.C. have any other casting directors beating down his door? [A flurry to the solar plexus courtesy of 'Kish'.]

January 7, 1999... The Muscles from Brussels has been spotted chowing down! "JCVD was in Dallas, Texas today. He is filming or doing something with the movie Universal Soldier 2. I saw him at a restaurant on 1/6/98 with someone." Guy or girl? We wanna know. [Kevin Neal was in the right place at the right time.]

January 14, 1999... The online edition of Longview, Texas' Newsjournal.com web site has published four pictures taken from the set of Universal Soldier 2 showing J-C and Kiana Tom doing that acting thing in a swamp. There's also some spiffy pictures of UniSol jetskis that bear the UniSol motto of "Dying to Serve." Check out the article by clicking here.

[Thanks to 'W.' for filling us in on the goods; originally reported by Newscenter.com.]

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Last updated: Thursday, 14-Jan-1999 20:56:40 PST.