
Genre: Action/Adventure.

Studio: Disney.
Production Company: Jerry Bruckheimer Productions.

Project Phase: Script Stage.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Gregg Martin (Screenwriter); Jerry Bruckheimer (Producer).

Premise: A maverick oceanographer is pitted against an incompetent military industrial complex as a giant tidal wave sweeps across the Pacific toward San Francisco.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: It was suggested for a summer 1997 release date back when natural disaster movies were popping up every other month (remember Volcano and Dante's Peak?) Disney paid a number in the high 6 figures to purchsse the script.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

June 15, 1996... Boy, Jerry Bruckheimer must have something against San Francisco. First The Rock and now this. What's next, an earthquake movie set in - you guessed it - San Francisco? [Project information supplied by the always-informed 'Sylvester'.]

August 5, 1996... This scooper writes to tell us of a very interesting sidenote to the Tsunami project.If you recall the 'movie-within-a-movie' movie Living in Oblivion, there was a scene in which a film crew-member thrusts a screenplay into the hands of a Brad Pitt-esque actor, saying something like "It's called TSUNAMI. A giant Japanese tidal wave is heading for LA and you're a Navy Seal who's the only guy who can stop it," or words to that effect. Life imitating art? [A cool scoop sent in by 'a.diggle'.]

July 26, 1998... For nearly two years this project has sunk like a stone dropped in the ocean, dropping down fast and then hitting the bottom. The last person who scooped us about this production (in June '98) said the project had been dead for six months and that it wasn't moving at all. Then last week we received another email that suggested Bruckheimer wanted to rejuvenate this project with an ensemble cast. This latest scooper also said that Bruckheimer is using his inner circle of writers to revamp the script using a larger cast and may ask either Michael Bay or Tony Scott to direct the flick. The final piece of gossip they heard was the mention of Vince Vaughn's name; apparently he's read the former script and was interested in playing the lead but will probably have to settle for a secondary role if he winds up being cast in the new script. [Anonymous scoopers.]