Tremors 3

Genre: Comedy/Horror.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: No one confirmed as yet.

Premise: Hard to say, since this film may never become a reality. See Scoop Feedback below for the full details.

Release Date: Unknown.


SDI Custodian Widgett sez:

"Even though the latest on this project show it to be nothing more than a rumor, I will say this to whoever who might be concerned about making this into a viable reality.  Over at SDI, we heard the rumor and did a DreamCast for it.  We instantly got several e-mails asking us about the project, from people who apparently didn't understand what our DreamCasts were about and thought we were talking about the real thing.  What I mean to say is: if you build this sucker right, they will come.  And in fact, I'll screenwrite it--cheap. :-)"

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

November 29, 1998... Okay, the fun with this one started back in July, when Cinescape heard from one of their spies that a third chapter was in the works. This time around, it would be called Tremors 3: The Aquatic Species. The spy stated that the project was in pre-production and models of the aquatic graboid had been completed. Then someone else apparently heard the same rumor elsewhere, corroborating the first person's story.

But then a third spy had to go and ruin everyone's fun. He had to go straight to the source, Stampede Productions, who gave us the first two films, and ask them if it was on the money. In his words, he found out that "Stampede is not working on this film and if they are not then it is a safe bet that nobody is." So now with the rumors squelched, what is there left to but wait and see if someone actually decides to do the sequel or wait thirty years and "recreate" it? [Originally appeared in Cinescape Online; reported by 'Widgett'.]

December 15, 1998... Apparently in answer to our posting of this page, many have been visiting the website of Stampede Entertainment and asking the question: is it true? We received this from Stampede Entertainment: "This is an easy question to answer. There is no plans for the making of Tremors 3. Stampede Entertainment is the team that created Tremors 1 and 2. If there was talk of Tremors 3 we would be in on it and we are not so no Tremors 3. Sorry." Not half as sorry as the fans out there who want more Val and Earl. [Thanks to Allan over at Stampede Entertainment for checking in with us.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Tuesday, 15-Dec-1998 23:19:42 PST.