Three Kings

Genre: Action.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: George Clooney; Mark Wahlberg; Ice Cube; Jaime Kennedy.
Who's Making It: David O. Russell (Director); John Ridley (Screenwriter); Tom Muzila (Stunt Coordinator).

Premise: Days before the Desert Storm invasion begins, three U.S. soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia find a real treasure map that points to the location to a fortune stashed within occupied Kuwait. When the Allied Forces commence their attack to recapture Kuwait from the Iraqis, the trio go treasure hunting.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by treasure hunter 'Deadpool'.]

September 8, 1998... The project was announced in late July and reported in the two major trade magaiznes, Variety and The Hollywood Reporter. At the time the actors in final negotiations to star alongside George Clooney (Batman and Robin) were Mark Wahlberg (Boogie Nights, The Corruptor) and actor/filmmaker/rapper Ice Cube (Friday). No actor had yet been attached for the fourth leading role in the film.

Production will commence in the fall, with the picture shooting in Mexico, Arizona and Los Angeles. Three Kings is the first film in Clooney's two-picture contract the actor inked with the studio a couple of years ago. Warners made an exception for the actor so he could film Out of Sight for Universal. Since this is to be the final year for Clooney on E.R., he'll have to juggle the series shooting schedule around the Three Kings production schedule. The last time Clooney did that (for '97's Batman and Robin), Clooney said the experience was exhausting. [Reporting provided by 'Deadpool'.]

September 22, 1998... David Russell apparently has completed a "page-one rewrite of the original spec script," which went by the moniker Spoils of War. Our anonymous scooper tells us "The script now bares no resemblance to the script Ridley wrote. Expect him to share a 'story by' credit at best." [Scoop provided anonymously]

November 1, 1998... Are we close to the date filming starts on Three Kings? According to this person, yes. "Rumor has it that George Clooney is already in Casa Grande, AZ some 45 minutes south of Phoenix. He has somebody's house to live in during the shooting. There is a casting call for extras in the Casa Grande Dispatch for Saturday at the Holiday Inn. A less reliable rumor is that Nick Nolte is invloved with the film." [Sent in by 'robw'.]

November 17, 1998... This scooper tapped us on the shoulder to tell us the latest production status well as mention a disturbing rumor that may cause writers' guild arbitration eventually.

"Filming has begun in Mexico. The director, David Russell is trying to steal credit for the entire script. Expect him to get no more than shared credit." [Sent by 'Miles Irish'.]

November 22, 1998... Stop the presses! Our last scoop may have been in error! "Filming has not begun in Mexico...because it is filming in the Imperial Valley (real close to the border). Nora Dunn (of SNL fame) and Spike Jonze (director of some Beastie Boys videos) are also in the movie. I saw some sets way out in the desert. One was a couple of big bomb holes that were spray painted black to look like they were burnt. In one was a huge tank that was white before but the painted it dark green and black. It's probably been hit by a bomb. There were boots and shells laying all around. George Clooney has been sighted everywhere in this small town I live in called El Centro. Imperial Valley, if ya remember was in Independece Day (where Randy Quaid's character was from). Anyway maybe I'll bring pics later. Oh yeah, also near the bomb holes there was half a sign of Saddam Hussein that said the Iraq border. And a friend who was an extra said that when he was there, the guys playing the Iraq soliders were asked if one of them would want to show their butts. That's where the treasure map is found, apparently! Bye!" [Michael Farmer.]

December 8, 1998... MTV jock Jaime Kennedy is also in the pic. [Thanks to Matt for the info.]

January 5, 1999... Tom Muzila (Under Seige, Solo, BASEketball) is the stunt coordinator on this film. Shooting is taking place in Arizona, Mexico and some L.A. locations. [Scoop provided by Larry De Meza II.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Wednesday, 06-Jan-1999 00:21:54 PST.