The Thief of Always

Genre: Thriller/Fantasy.

Studio: Universal Pictures
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: In Development.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Bernard Rose (Director, Screenwriter); based upon the novel The Thief of Always by Clive Barker.

Premise: Set in a world of horrific fantasy, a thief attempts to steal the dreams of the young.

Release Date: Unknown.


March, 1997... A live-action film is announced and the animated production is officially dead.

Comments: This is the second attempt to adapt Barker's novel to the big screen: back in 1995-96 the Canadian animation studio Nelvana was set to work on the project. There apparently was a fatal disagreement and the project fell into limbo.

Then, in Spring of 1997 Barker hooked up with Candyman director Bernard Rose for plans to helm a live-action film. Mainly associated with the Hellraiser series of films, Barker would like to bring his dark children's fable to the big screen and show his fans his other material.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

May 9, 1996... Word reaches CA that this project could very well be dead. Producer Frank Marshall and Nelvana may have had a falling out. [Scoop info comes via 'Pavlov'.]

July 25, 1996... We're told that the show may be released this coming October. [Scoop forwarded by Jeremy Ritter; originally appeared in ZENtertainment.]

September 13, 1996... Paramount may be releasing this film this coming October. [Scoop handed in anonymously.]

August 19, 1997... Even though development is underway on the second attempt of The Thief of Always, the legacy of the Nelvana picture continues to haunt Barker's fans. Listed in the biographies at this year's DragonCon, Clive Barker's bio mentioned the release of the animated picture this October. [Scoop by 'widgett'; special thanks to those who reminded us about this film's second chance at life.]

Another scooper crytipcally mentions that Nelvana will never release the animated picture. Does that mean it was completed? [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

September 21, 1997... "Although it looks like this film isn't going to happen, Lois Carruth, personal assistant to composer Jerry Goldsmith, told me that Barker approached Goldsmith back in 1995, and Goldsmith presented him with a few musical ideas for the film back last year. Who knows whether we'll ever hear 'em." [Reported anonymously.]

October 4, 1998... Word has it that this project is awaiting a second draft from Rose. We're also told that Clive Barker is "working on a live-action family film version of his book..." Verrry interesting. [Originally appeared in Lost Souls, Tribute; reported by 'clementc,' who hopes that it doesn't get Disneyized]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Tuesday, 06-Oct-1998 19:38:10 PDT.