Superman Lives/Reborn

Genre: Superhero/Comic Book Adaptation/Action.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Nicolas Cage (Superman, Clark Kent, attached to project).
Who's Making It: Dan Gilroy (Screenwriter); Jon Peters (Producer).

Premise: Superman returns to fight for truth, justice and the American way - but it's not the same Superman you remember. Facing off against the combined might of the three most dangerous villains he's ever faced - Lex Luthor, Brainiac and the monster called Doomsday - the Man of Steel will fight until his dying breath...and beyond.

Release Date: July 4, 2000?


April, 1998... WB announces a temporary delay to the project, now scheduled to resume in the fall.

October, 1997... Production officially halts. A tentative new start date is announced for late Spring 1998, with a 1999 release date anticipated.

April - May, 1997... Burton continues to adjust the project. Smith's script has been jettisoned and writer Wesley Strick hired to pen a new, darker draft.

August, 1996... Kevin Smith has nabbed the job to write a new screenplay for the project.

Comments: The Superman movie mythos is awaiting to be reborn. In the aftermath of Warner Brothers' Batman mega-franchise and the success of other comic book-to-movie adaptations, the film series chronicling Kal-El's adventures has fallen by the way-side, even though he may be the most recognizable fantasy character icon of the twentieth century.

The last Superman film was 1987's Superman IV: The Quest For Peace. It failed to capture both the box office dollar and the audience's imagination. The series has remained in limbo since then - but things are starting to heat up again. Mega-hit producer Jon Peters (Batman) has control over the direction of the property, and has brought in screenwriter Jonathan Lemkin (Demolition Man, Under Siege 2: Dark Territory and the current draft of Lethal Weapon 4) to rejuvinate the series. Details are held tightly quiet at the moment, and more rumor than truth probably exists to the reports of casting being tossed around, but it will focus upon the death, resurrection and rebirth of Kal-El/Superman. Nothing solid has been heard about villains, but again, rumors abound. However, Lemkin did touch upon some of the effects that are in his script during a Cinescape interview, mentioning that some of the action sequences should push the limits of what has been seen before with state-of-the-art SFX and CGI work.

With the casual throw-away reference to Metropolis overheard in 1995's Batman Forever, it does seem to be shaping up for a return of the last Kyrptionian to theatres. But with the dissapointing critical and box office results of 1997's Batman and Robin, and reports of major pre-production difficulties the new Superman flick has had a rough time getting off the ground. But hopefully, one summer weekend evening in the not-too-distant-future, the lights in the theatre will dim and the film will start - and you'll see again that a man can fly again.

Characters Confirmed to Be in the New Draft:

Rumors: See Scoop Feedback.

Scoop Feedback:

As with all rumors, sift them, consider them, but remember - they're just rumors.

April 4, 1996... A rumor has the new Dark Knight, George Clooney, making a cameo in the new Superman feature. It would be a brilliant way to tie together the two 'universes' as well as hope to draw some of the magic Bat-bucks to christen the new direction of the series. As well, other references from the four-color world of comics will be made, most notably the character of 'Unicron' or 'Unikron', who is rumored to have had a hand in the destruction of Superman's homeworld, Krypton. Also heard was that this new character will be played by James Earl Jones, and Teri Hatcher (from ABC's Lois and Clark Superman series) will play the new Lois Lane. [Scoops provided by superfan Blaine.]

April 16, 1996... An anonymous CA reader has also heard the Clooney cameo rumor, as well as catching a reference to Gotham City and a "Mr. Wayne" in a Lois and Clark episode. Additionally, the person heard that James Earl Jones will play a character called 'Roger Unicron' in the new Batman film to build on the shared-universe concept crossover. [Scoop handed in anonymously with an e-mail address located in the Phantom Zone.]

April 25, 1996... Now someone's heard that Gene Hackman, Courtney Cox, James Earl Jones and Dean Cain will all star in the new film, which is to take place storywise a few years after the events in Superman IV. Hackman is to re-play Lex Luthor, and Jones' character isn't based on a comic book character, but instead is a new player who will have a hand in the re-birth process of Superman. Cain is to play the re-born Superman, and Cox will fill Lois Lane's reporter shoes. The source also goes on to mention that George Clooney mentioned on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno that he will have a cameo in the new Superman film. Batman will try to fill Superman's shoes until the Kryptionian makes a surprising return to Metropolis. Jor-El and Lara, Superman's Kryptionian parents, are also rumored to be seen - and played by Patrick Stewart and Jane Seymour. Take the info as you will, kiddies. [Scoops reported by Mike]

April 29, 1996... More on casting rumors for the new flick: TV's Lex Luthor, John Shea, is being considered as a replacement for Gene Hackman if he doesn't return to the role. As well, a new rumor has Christopher Walken touted as the main megavillain of the picture. [Scoop submitted anonymously along with a chunk of red kryptonite.]

May 7, 1996... Christopher Reeve's Superman is rumored to physically die, with the new Superman actor assuming more-or-less the resurrected persona of Kal-El. Actors mentioned for the project include Dean Cain, Teri Hatcher, Gene Hackman, James Earl Jones, John Shea, Stacy Haiduk, Shaquille O'Neal, Courtney Cox and Christopher Walken. [Scoop mailed in by 'Nacho', who claims to have spotted Krypto the Super-Dog flying above his house one day.]

May 9, 1996... Basketball superstar Shaquille O'Neal is rumored to play Steel, one of the Supermen who try to fill-in for Superman after his death. Actress Stacey Haiduk, who portrayed Lana Lang in The Adventures of Superboy series, is rumored to be up for the role of the movie version of Lana - or is this simply fanboy wish material? The informant also mentions that they heard that Unicron kills the old Superman. [Scoop sent in anonymously - kinda like the people who admit they enjoyed Richard Pryor's character from the third film.]

May 11-18, 1996... Numerous scoop submissions also have mentioned that James Earl Jones is reprising a character called Unicron who first appeared in 1986. That's right, a giant tranforming sentient planet. [Scoops sent in by Ziad Malik, Jay Martina; claimed to have originated with People magazine.]

May 19-31, 1996... ...and other readers find that fact a little hard to swallow (as well as the CA staff). Perhaps Unicron is a new human character, eh? [From a variety of users.]

June 6, 1996... A scoop reaches us that John Williams has agreed to score the new Superman film. [Scoop sent in by Rolando Castellanos, music teacher extrodinare.]

June 18, 1996... We've been told that according to the 'Ames Rubicon' (whatever that is), Vince Di Cola and Ed Fruge have signed to produce several themes for Superman Reborn including the 'Unicron March'. Williams reportedly turned down writing the entire score for the film due to his involvement with the Olympics. Personally, we're dubious about the validity of this scoop - we have seen nothing to confirm any pre-production of the new Superman film is underway. And to top it off, the reporter heard that Di Cola was reponsible for producing the music for the Transformers: The Movie in which this 'Unicron' first appeared. Pass the aspirin, please. [Scoop offered by Chuck Knutson.]

July 27, 1996... We've been told that John Williams has not been contacted about scoring Superman Reborn. As well, the scooper wants to point out that Williams' requirements for the official 1996 Olympic theme were completed in December/early January 1996. "John Williams might score the film after he sees a finished script and completed storyboards, as always." Makes sense to us. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

August 8, 1996... 'Eson' spent some time at this year's San Diego Comic Convention, and had this to say about the rumors surrounding Kevin Smith and the new Superman project:

"Smith told the audience that even though it hadn't been finalized, he was very close to coming to terms with Jon Peters to write the next Superman movie. This was a surprise to the audience, and apparently to Smith himself, because apparently Peters really wanted Smith to write Superman. Smith asked aloud, "What, did he see Clerks, and say 'hey, big-dick jokes, this guy HAS to write Superman'?" Apparently, Jon Peters wants a darker, grittier Superman, along the lines of what Batman has become in the films. "Someone doesn't talk when he's kicking ass." So there won't be any catchy one-liners as Superman beats people up."

"Lastly, Smith relayed a funny story about Peters. Apparently, Peters is in the extremely early stages of looking for someone to play Superman. When Smith asked Peters who he would choose if he could have any actor in the world, Peters responded that he would want Sean Penn, with that look of being a caged animal. Smith joked aloud that this ought to be interesting." [Scoop info provided by 'eson' and Green Kryptonite Luggage & Apparel Co.]

August 26, 1996... In a Reuter's story annoucing Smith's involvement with the project, they also dropped a bombshell. Smith is apparently 'toying' with the notion of having cameos by famous DC Comics character during Superman's funeral. Names dropped were Green Lantern, Hawkman, and the Flash. If we may be so bold: "Kevin, if you can get away with it: Cooooooool." [Scoop supplied by 'coleo'; originally appeared in Reuters.]

September 3, 1996... This fellow e-mailed Kevin Smith to 'beg' Smith to include the superhero character Blue Beetle somewhere in the new movie. Here was Smith's response:

"Word from Warner Bros. is no heroes at the funeral. The logic is pretty simple - if there are other heroes, why wouldn't they then try to stop Brainiac (this movie's villain).

"Have to kind of agree with them.

"But for the record - I would've included Ted. As the model for The Watchmen's Night Owl, he's always kind of been a fave of mine as well.


Two things to point out here. One: No superheroes besides Supes - drat. Two: Brainiac is the main villain at this stage of the game. The scooper is in the process of asking for more detail in Brainiac's involvement with the Smith screenplay. [Scoop submitted anonymously.]

September 8, 1996... The Unicron rumor re-surfaces. Smith will be taking some of the concepts from the original Superman Reborn script, including the enitre Unicron idea...or so says this scoop writer. The story will tie in to the destruction of Krypton, but nothing more. No word on who will play the voice of Unicron, or whether or not it will be a planetoid. [Scoop sent in by 'Tweetiers'; originally appeared in Comic World Weekly.]

And here's a post that originally appeared on Usenet's alt.comics.superman. The original poster, Vincent J. Bonanno, comments about the first draft of the Superman Reborn screenplay. Of particular note is the absence of any Unicron character - instead, Brainiac is mentioned. Methinks that the original Unicron rumors came from someone who mixed-up the two names. The Usenet article:

"I just read the screenplay for what is supposed to be the next full length Superman film. It's called Superman Reborn, and pits Superman against his comics nemesis Brainiac. In this version, Brainiac is responsible for Krypton being destroyed. Brainiac also genetically creates Doomsday....who goes out to destroy the man of steel.

"In this version, Brainiac is a genetic bucaneer....he creates Doomsday as a force with kryptonite-laced blood. Doomsday goes out promptly murders Superman. Brainiac wants Superman's body..recognizing it as valuable genetic material.

"Superman is aided by Cadmus, who steals the Superman corpse so that Brainiac wont have it. All the while Superman's soul is on a journey, and it's decided that his work on earth is not finished. Though he regains consciousness, Superman is without his super powers and Cadmus attempts to restore them.

"It's a neat story, borrowing from the Doomsday story arc from the comics, and adds several new elements....among them a neat subplot about Superman/Clark seeking help from an analyst and undergoing therapy..hey it must be tough being Superman!!!!"

'Inmyho', the scooper who brought this Usenet post to our attention, comments on the comic book differences between the movie and comic book verions: "We now know that Brainiac has nothing to do with the comic Brainiac besides possibly apparance and name. The latest incarnation is simply a powerful telekenisis character. The early ones were all androids. Doomsday also is nothing like the comic version as in the comics he was an intergalactic asylum inmate that broke out. No genetic engineering, no Kryptonite blood. Finally, FYI, Cadmus is a top secret government genetics team in the comic books." And, most importanly, *NO* Unicron! We've sent an email off to Kevin Smith, the current Superman Reborn screenwriter, for a final verdict - but it seems that there are no giant transforming planets to fight the Man of Steel. [Scoop handed in by 'inmyho', or, using his Kryptionian name, 'Inmyho-El'.]

September 20, 1996... A scoop submitted to CA tells us that Warner Brothers may have turned down the latest draft of Superman Reborn because it doesn't appeal to all audiences. The scoop source indicates that officals at WB turned down the Smith draft because it is aimed at hardcore comic fans only. [Scoop submitted by 'BigFan'.]

September 22, 1996... Swedish born screenwriter Mess Aujorbun is in the process of writing a new Superman screenplay this scoop reporter tells us. [Scoop reported by Will Roder.]

September 23, 1996... 'S.K.' tells us that Kevin Smith was on America-On-Line recently, commenting about his involvement in the Superman Reborn script. Smith said that Warner Brothers was currently deciding whether or not to keep the 'giant spider' sequence in the third act of the film. "I don't think he was joking around either," the scoop reporter adds. Hey, is this the dream-up comic book fans have been dying to see - Superman versus a man-sized spider? Hey...wait a second here... [Scoop filed by 'S.K.'.]

October 13, 1996... The Smith screenplay will only appeal to "die-hard comic book fans", according to a Warner Brothers official and quoted in Entertainment Weekly. [Scoop filed by 'Boneyard']

And 'Plug Five' saw a recent Entertainment Tonight that said Dean Cain was not being considered to play the motion picture version of Supes; Sandra Bullock was a name mentioned being considered for Lois Lane. Paul Gross (from television's Due South series) may be considered for Superman. And apparently Nicolas Cage really, really, really wants to be the new Lex Luthor. In addition, Warner Brothers may be changing the name of the project to Superman Lives. Expect appearances by The Eradicator, The Cyborg, Brainiac, and the Legion of Doom (who are all Superman/DC related villains). And to clarify Doomsday's comic book origins, he is not an 'intergalactic asylum inmate who broke out' but a genetically engineered being from Krypton and placed deep inside the Earth. [Scoop provided by 'Plug Five'.]

December 9, 1996... We've been told some information concerning the new Superman film - apparently the working title for the project may be 'Superman Lives'. This scooper informs that Kevin Smith has sent in his 50-page story outline last month and that said storyline 'bowled over' DC and WB execs alike. This would clash against the September 22nd scoop that stated writer Mess Aujorbun (which could be Swedish for 'big lie' for all we know) would be taking over from Smith. Appearing characters now seem to include Batman and Hawkman. After the death of Superman at the hands of Doomsday, the Dark Knight and Hawkman attempt to maintain control over the city of Metropolis. Other characters feature are Lex Luthor (in a big role), the Legion of Doom (canon fodder, apparently) and the Eradicator (another big role). [Scoop sent in by 'imho'.]

February 4, 1997... Straight from the View Askew message forum, Kevin Smith has hinted that some 'big stars' will grab the lead roles. Who's gonna be Supes? In an interesting development, Smith now has hinted that Nicolas Cage may be donning the blue and red trunks instead of playing Lex. And Smith has batted Jack Nicholson's name around for the Luthor role. Whether or not these stars make it to Metropolis, Smith did mention that he gave his two cents worth of fanboy casting to the Superman producers. Let's see if any of it comes to pass... [Scoop sent in by 'Xerxes'.]

February 26, 1997... Warner Brothers is in negotiations with Burger King to promote the new Superman film. If successful, the restaurant chain may be able to lend its weight to give the production team more spending moolah for the picture's budget; McDonald's involvement with George of the Jungle boosted that film's working budget considerably. WB hopes to begin production on the new film by fall '97. [Scoop provided by 'Constantine'.]

March 11, 1997... This scooper just attended a sneak preview of Smith's latest picture Chasing Amy. Smith hosted a Q & A session after the picture, and answered some questions about his involvement with Superman. He said the second draft of the screenplay was completed last week, and that a director he could not name had been approached. When asked what Smith would do if he directed it, he said he would "...have fun 'From Dusk Till Dawn' with it," which would make for an interesting team-up. Filming should begin this fall with a Summer '98 release planned, and the budget could be in the $100 million neighborhood. Smith also reportedly commented, "If I have to write the word 'Krypton' one more time...I'll go fucking insane." [Scoop filed by Chad Hetterley, Phantom Zone reporter.]

Another fellow also reports a $100 mil price tag. Smith is in Austin, Texas for the 'South By Southwest' filmfest, and the scooper's friend got to speak to him. Sandra Bullock and Nicolas Cage are being considered for Lois and Clark/Superman. [Scoop sent in by 'Mongul'.]

April 3-5, 1997... As Bizarro World as it may sound, Tim Burton is in serious discussions to direct the new Superman film. Scoop reporter 'xth' best sums up our reaction to the news: "Personally, I am a huge Tim Burton fan, but I don't think he would be right for the movie." Burton directed the first two Batman features and helped give the movie franchise its trademark gothic, forboding look. [Scoops sent in by Christian, 'Maverick', Cory, Joe Hanna, 'H.B.', 'ckilpat1' ,'Josh the Sandman', Ralph, 'AGuerra601', 'mbe1300n', Mark 'Stingray' Santora, Robbie Banks, 'Sylvester', 'xth' and anonymously.]

Digital Domain may be the frontrunner for doing the film's FX. [Scoop supplied by 'Nullifier'.]

No, Boss Films may be the frontrunner for doing the film's FX. This scooper says that Boss has already done some test FX shots. [Scoop supplied anonymously.]

"Kevin Smith was at my school last week for a screening of Chasing Amy followed by a Q&A session. Afterwards I went up to talk with him, and amongst the topics we covered was Superman Lives. He said that Nicholas Cage was very very close to getting the title role, if his schedule could be worked out. He also said that both Tea Leone (Bad Boys and The Naked Truth) and Jennifer Lopez (Selena) were being considered for the role of Lois, not Sandra Bullock." [Scoop sent in by the scholarly 'generation w'.]

"I also attended a sneak preview of Smith's latest, Chasing Amy and the Q/A session that followed. One person asked if Smith would try to put Jay and Silent Bob, the not-so-dynamic duo from his New Jersey Trilogy, into Superman Lives, and Smith responded to the effect of, 'Sure, I'd like to. If nothing else, maybe then they'd make little action figures of them!' Could make for a VERY interesting cameo scene!" [Scoop handed in anonymously.]

"Kevin Smith, author of the new Superman screenplay, has submitted the first final draft of his script.

Smith has said that he will attempt to include a cameo for the characters Jay and Silent Bob, who appeared in his other two movies Clerks and Mallrats, if WB allow it. He says the movie will be full of 'tons and tons of cool fanboy references'.

Smith says the origin of the villain Brainiac in his script will be similar to that on Superman: the animated Series, i.e.: Brainiac is an artificial intelligence on Krypton, controlling the planet's defences, weather, etc, basically preserving the Kryptonian way of life. He becomes responsible for the death of the people insofar as Jor-El (Superman's father) alerts Brainiac to the impending eruption in the planet's core, however Brainiac fails to inform the Kryptonian Council, choosing instead to download into a satellite and save himself. It then roams the galaxy, assimilating data about all known cultures and then attempting to destroy them. His maxim is, that knowledge is more important therefore the lives of the people of the universe are insignificant as long as data is stored about them. He then arrives on Earth, posing as a benevolent force and under the endorsement of Lex Luthor. He recognises Kal-El (Superman) as being from Krypton and naturally attempts to kill him, his logic being that no survivor may remain from the destroyed planet.

Kevin Smith's only comment about the film's budget is: 'It's big. Boy is it big.'

No director has been officially announced, although according to Smith,: 'I had a long conversation with the front-runner tonight, and all I'll say is that the choice will make a lot of people very happy. It sure brightened my day.' Filming is scheduled to start in October.

John Mahoney (the dad from 'Frasier') will definitely have a part in Superman Lives, probably playing Perry White, CK's editor." [Information sent in by 'Doctor Octagon'. All above information taken from the View Askew homepage (Kevin Smith's production company.)]

April 12, 1997... Negotiations involving director Tim Burton to direct the film have begun. Sources inside Warner Brothers indicate the deal is "70%" done. [Scoops sent in by 'The Biggest Name In Tinsel Town', Joe Hanna, 'H.B.', Christian, 'Maverick', 'Fireball', 'Batman310', 'Sylvester', jkaminski, 'Mr. Las Vegas', 'Scooperpooper', 'Meglar', Mike Smith and anonymously.]

A report gleaned from Hollywood Reporter said that Burton rejected the Smith script and was now looking to veteran screenwriters to re-write it. Names mentioned were David Koepp, Sam Hamm and Akiva Goldsman. [Rumor sent in by Todd Dupler, 'Meglar', 'Sylvester', 'kims', 'soapie1' and anonymously; originally appeared in The Hollywood Reporter.]

A fellow who said he interviewed Kevin Smith on March 7th said the Cage casting was "as good as gold." [Submitted by 'Bigman Dave'.]

Another individual has read in a Warner Brothers news page that Burton is no longer being considered and that Renny Harlin (The Long Kiss Goodnight) is. [Scoop handed in by 'bjm'.]

Also, Michael Keaton may be the one being considered for the role of...Lex Luthor. [Scoop by Allan Whatford.]

May 15, 1997... Variety reports that Jim Carrey is in discussions to play Supes' nemesis Brainiac. If Carrey agrees to it, he could make $20 million for two months work, plus a percentage of the profits. Another rumor making the rounds has Star Trek: The Next Generation captain Patrick Stewart as the new Lex Luthor. [Scoops handed in by Christian and 'BBossert', 'wig', Cory Spence and Mark Joe Young.]

Also overheard was that screenwriter Wesley Strick (The Saint) got the job to re-write Smith's script, and not Akiva Goldsman. [Info submitted by 'Movieman', Dean Stringer and 'siegeaye'.]

We've received confirmation that Smith's idea of other DC superheroes attending Superman's funeral was squelched by the studio. [Info reported by 'flynn7'.]

May 18, 1997... Jim Carrey's agent denies the Variety story, claiming his client is not in any discussions with Warners. [Scoops sent in by 'RKX', 'compukiller', Stephen Brown and anonymously.]

May 19, 1997... Kevin Smith's script has not been dumped - the story will remain, only certain action scenes are being rewritten, this scooper says. Smith may be brought back on for a production draft. [Scoop sent in by Stephen Brown.]

May 20, 1997... In an interview this morning on WNNX radio in Atlanta, Kevin Smith stated that he was indeed taken off the Superman V project, but that his contract ended once he delivered two drafts. Tim Burton brought in his own person, but Kevin understood that about 2/3 of his remaining work is still there. [Info handed in by 'widgett'.]

May 25, 1997... Long-time Burton collaborator Rick Heinrichs has been hired as production designer for the new Superman movie. Heinrichs was production designer on Fargo as well as art director for Batman Returns and set designer for The Fisher King and Edward Scissorhands. [Scoop handed in by Stephen Brown.]

June 24, 1997... A mysterious individual who claims to be a Warner Brothers exec (working in a certain department we'll keep shush about) told us that the Keaton cameo and the Carrey casting are the only casting rumors with any truth to them. Send us more info! [Sent in anonymously.]

And Warners may be gearing up to re-release the original Superman next summer. Whispers of a cut featuring new effects and additional footage (a la the Star Wars Special Edition films) may be released by June 5, 1998. [Sent in by 'megadethdc'.]

June 29, 1997... Interesting anonymous scoop: "Michelle Forbes (Kalifornia and Ensign Ro on 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'), not Sandra Bullock, will play Lois Lane. Patrick Stewart will play either Brainiac or Jor-El. [Sent in anonymously.]

July 1, 1997... Someone inside DC Comics overheard that the next Superman feature will get pushed back until a Thanksgiving release date next year. [Sent in by 'No One at DC'.]

July 21, 1997... "After some confusing weeks at Warner Brothers, it has been reported that cameras will roll in January, with Tim Burton directing and Nicholas Cage starring. The film will miss the summer 1998 blockbuster period. Try the fall or next Christmas." [Sent in by 'DDM'.]

July 22, 1997... Comic Shop News reports that Kevin Smith called into the Howard Stern show on 6/24 to talk about Superman Lives. Smith said his understanding was that his basic story idea was being used, but none of his dialogue. Uh oh. [Sent in by 'widgett', originally appeared in Comic Shop News.]

July 27, 1997... While surfing the web, this scooper found a page that details the rumors surrounding an alleged Warner Brothers 'special edition' of Superman: The Movie to be called Superman: The Super Edition. To be released in 1999 and co-incide with the film's 20th anniversary, the new film is to be touched up in much the same way as the Star Wars Special Editions. If you're interested, the address of the page is ''. [Submitted by 'srat'.]

A couple of different emails arrived here claiming to 'know' what's happening with the development-in-progress. We present both:

"Wesley Strick's script was dumped by Warner. They will use the dialogue of Strick and combined it with Kevin Smith's original script. Reports say that it is 75% Smith's. The only major difference between the two will be in the third act where Braniac and Luthor merge to become Luthiac. I know it sounds stupid, but those guys up at WB will never learn after the Batman failures. No superheroes, I repeat, NO SUPERHEROES will have a cameo in the movie. No one from the Chris Reeve Superman movies is confirmed to have cameos, but Reeve is slated for a quick appearance as a friend as Clark." [Scoop sent in by a 'friend of a friend of a friend of a friend who works at Warner.']

"According to some of us who talked to Smith at San Diego, he's unhappy with what he's been told has happened to the script. It's full of bad one-liners and cheesy situations. Smith even said that the part of Braniac is 'ready for Jim Carrey' now." [Sent in anonymously; also, 'MattM71496' and 'Ozwald1' (who got his Bluntman and Chronic poster signed by Smith) also sent in similar emails.]

July 29, 1997... A very nice View Askew reader, who knows how utterly busy I am trying to keep abreast with all the latest film news in the cosmos, sent us Smith's exact comments about the Wesley Strick changes. It's definately not good, kiddies.

Smith wrote: "At the ComiCon, I signed at least twenty copies or more of the ill-fated script in question. It's out there, folks. And people seem to like it a lot. On a related note, I heard from a Warner Bros. exec at the ComiCon that the new script bares only a passing resemblance to my script (Brainiac comes to Earth, teams up with Luthor to kill Supes using Doomsday, Superman dies), and is a complete piece o' shit (he added that the Brainiac part smells like it was written for Jim Carrey). Gone is the great dialogue, the Eradicator, Deadshot, and any semblance of order and homage - it's all been replaced by crap.

Oh well. At least Howard said (on air) that it was one of the best scripts he ever read. Again, though - the script is out there. If you can pick it up (try Pix Poster Cellar in Boston), I highly recommend the read." The scooper also reports that they remember reading about Warners securing the web address '' recently. Although the scooper is unsure as to where they read it, it may have appeared on a Superman Internet newsgroup. [Sent in by 'ckilpat1' in ancient Kryptonian script.]

August 4th, 1997... Through DC Comics, Warner Brothers registered the domain name 'SUPERMANLIVES.COM'. This is a sign that WB still has its heart set on designating the fifth Superman film with that name. As the scooper who found out about the site told us, " They currently have the address working, but it funnels straight to another WB site..." The registry information gives the contact names of WB personnel assigned adminsitrative and technical support. [Superscoop sent in by Lee Stewart and 'tabanger'.]

Someone who seems to have the inside word on the project's development reports that Keaton's involvement is a go. The scooper also reports that Chris Reeve should be making a cameo as a crippled friend of Clark's. Personally, with all the advancements made in CGI, we'd like to see Mr. Reeve in a Jor-El cameo or nothing. [Scoop sent in by 'Yoda'.]

"I was at a screening on the Warner Bros. lot several weeks ago and en route to the screening theater we were led through a section of the backlot where set construction is well underway. Although the street sets were only 50% done, you can really tell that Tim Burton is serious about the film's look. What I saw looked like a comic book and very Metropolis-esque (the old German film, pardon the pun) like his two Batman movies. It certainly wasn't a generic backlot set and just seeing a tiny glimpse of what is to come already has me very excited." [Scoop sent in by 'cnlasher'.] A couple of people have reported this to us and we're still having trouble swallowing it. According to reports spread from some radio shows, Cage wants to update Supes costume to the new blue and white version and do away with the red-yellow-blue one. Normally such a perverse thought would be instantly disregarded - but considering how the film is starting to shape just may have some basis in fact. But we know Cage is a huge comic book would he really be the one who wants to alter the traditional costume? [Sent in by H.N. Greer, 'staticd' and others.]

Another scooper tells us that being considered are these possible movie titles: Superworld, Metropolis, Superman Reborn and Kal El. Also mentioned was that Michael Keaton's supposed cameo may be considerably longer... [Sent in by 'Tim Burton's Movieland'.]

An anonymous scooper reports that principal photgraphy wil lbe pushed back to January 1998, opting for a December 1998 release date. [Sent in anonymously.]

August 7, 1997... A voice is heard from the wilderness, hoping to remedy some of the falsehoods that have been growing as attention for this film increases. There has been no set construction yet, so any reports are untrue. Shooting is planned to start in January, as per other reports, and they're talking about a Thanksgiving 1998 release date. Now here's the bombshell: new costume designs for Superman have been comissioned but nothing has been approved so far. [Report sent in by 'Lumiere'.]

August 26, 1997... We're told that Time Burton will leave the project soon due to creative differences between the director and his star Nicolas Cage. According to this scooper, tensions reached a head last week when Cage refused to concede to his demands about Superman's costumes. In addition to having to deal with the actor, Burton is upset that studio executives don't share his view that the only man who could play Batman in the new Superman film is Michael Keaton. "This will not be a Superman movie, Cage wants this to be his Superman a real vanity film, and Burton can no longer take the stress," said the individual, who also predicted a formal statement on Burton's status in mid-November. "Expect Mark Romaneck to turn down the project and David Dobkin to do it.....make no mistake this will suck. Superman's foes sadly are Peters and Cage." [Scoop accredited to 'I hate Bob and Terry'.]

Corroborating the last entry, another letter also tells us of high tensions between Burton and Warner brass. This time the scooper tells us Burton refuses to put George Clooney in a Batman cameo. This in turn has apparently incensed the execs just as much as when he originally wanted Keaton for the role. [Sent anonymously.]

Will Linda Fiorentino play Lois Lane? Does this guy know more than he's sharing?! [Provided by Drew.]

September 2, 1997... "There seem to be this big rumour going around concerning Tim Burton leaving the project, I hope I can clear this up for you and put the problem into perspective. Tim Burton has had problems with Warner, they mostly concern the creative side though. He has had a few problems with the Batman cameo, Warner want Clooney in the Batman cameo, Burton wants Keaton and Nicolas Cage wants neither. I am 100% percent with Cage on this one, we just don't need other comic book character, this is about Superman. Why put another hero in, it would spoil the whole movie and distract the audience and most people are sick of Batman anyway. Cage doesn't want to be upstaged, the same reason why Ford didn't want to star as Jack Ryan opposite Sean Connery in The Hunt For Red October. Yes I know he starred alongside Connery in Indy 3, but he was matched or upstaged in parts and he declined Red October for probably that sole reason.

"So back to Burton, the stories about him quiting are just rumours, nothing more, nothing less. This fiasco reminds me of the problems with production on Superman 2, when Donner was fired, to the detriment of the film.

"Tim Burton is not the man to direct Superman, I believe Donner is, he gave us a definitive Superman movie and the only director I believe can pull it off in the late 90's." [Sent by 'Vond-Ah'.]

September 9, 1997... We've been told that most of the crew have been temporarily laid-off the project as a result of pushing back the start of filming. [Anonymous.]

September 14, 1997... Dozens of scoopers have sent us emails telling us Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will be filmed as Metropolis in the forthcoming Superman Lives movie. That's what you've all read or heard, but we haven't seen any official press announcement from WB or Burton's production office confirming the Pittsburgh location - which leads us to fear it may be a case of Internet rumor gone nuclear.

Radio and television shows and local Pittsburgh papers mention it as a done deal in their entertainment reports but nothing substantiating it has appeared on the major entertainment programs like Entertainment Tonight, Access Hollywood or the others. That leads us to suspect that it may just be a rumor - one that started when Ain't It Cool News posted a reader's comments that one downtown Pittsburgh building in particular should be chosen as the LexCorp HQ. That's the earliest we can trace the rumor to, at least.

So while the show may film exteriors there, nothing has been said that they will either. Perhaps someone in the Pittsburgh Film Office can help us sort this mess out. [Thanks to the many individuals who sent us the gossip: 'Troxell', Jeremy, 'NMatoney', 'Mr. Fedora', Simon, Barrie, 'bickel', 'Captrips67', 'Stinkor' and the may other anonymous people.]

Ok, now that we've gotten that out of the way, this scoop should be posted: "Pittsburg is the new Metropolis. Filming begins on December. Burton is still on the project. Renny Harlin was just about to replace him when Burton assured Peters his cooperation. Patrick Stewart wants the role of Luthor but right now his part is unclear." [Care of 'Superspy'.]

Of course, another scoop tells us to keep an eye out for Gene Hackman in Pittsburgh, too. [Reported anonymously.]

October 12, 1997... The studio has announced that pre-production has been halted and will not resume until at least late Spring 1998, which would push back release of the film until a date in 1999. Warner's added no more information as to the reasons why, but information reported to CA suggests that significant creative difficulties have arisen between almost all of the major players prepping the project. As well, this announcement would appear to finally kill the rumors about filming soon-to-be-occurring in Pittsburgh, PA. [Scoops handed in by 'wiegeabo', 'JSimmon1', 'wnorman', 'KryptonKnight', 'sschleifer', 'dwjj', 'davidl', 'prime', 'amylaw', Joe Hanna and anonymous senders. Also, we'd like to acknowledge the others (you know who you are!) who sent us the latest Smith script draft posted to the 'net - thanks!]

One scooper who claims to be close to the production insists that WB wants to get the film released before the heavu competition from the release of new Star Wars films. Also, Burton is now re-writing the script to fit his likings. [Scoops supplied anonymously.]

Two people report the previous Superman scribe voicing his opinion again on the View Askew WWW message forum about the project's status. According to the scooper, Smith said that Strick's script has been shot down, and Strick has not been re-hired. Smith also said that Burton is rumored to have stepped down, and Nicolas Cage is looking at filming another movie in the period of time he had slated for Superman Lives. [Reported by 'imho' and 'Superspy'.]

"When I toured in Los Angeles this past June at the Queen Mary, I questioned the tour guide about the big dome thingee. He said that film companies use it for soundstages. It was used for Batman and Robin. I asked if we could see and he told me that it was currently rented to Warner Brothers and was being prepared for Superman Lives. I did hear today, however, in the news that the production has been stalled to work on the screenplay more." [Sent to us by 'DeWeyVIC'.]

This was posted to a Tim Burton web site and then sent to us...

"What can you possibly believe already with the ongoing stories of this film? Current rumors over at the Warner Bros. back lot is that Tim Burton has had enough with the Hollywood sharks. Apparently, the executives at the WB asked Burton to come back to the Batman series with some of his old bag of tricks. What's been heard through the grapevine is that Burton broke down laughing once they asked. Then suddenly turned to the execs. grimly and screamed his head off. He complained about how much b.s. he's been through with the Superman Lives/Reborn project, and that he couldn't take the studio garbage anymore. Then, ask him back to Batman after basically kicking him off because they didn't like second film. What kind of a deal do you call that? Supposedly he had a contract with the WB to make another film or two, and that he is in contact with his laywer to leave Warner. Both Disney and Dreamworks offered him an office space, a three to five picture deal and freedom of creativity. What he has decided on is unclear at the moment. If this information is true, Warner is going to lose one of the best filmmakers in the business today. Also, from this little incident, other filmmakers are looking at their contracts with the WB and what they plan to do. Also, the studio execs. were both shocked and stunned, then said that Burton will never work in this town again. Who are they kidding?

"Burton is denying all the rumors of him not liking the Kevin Smith script. He blames the studio heads making him look like the bad guy who doesn't appreciate writers." [Forwarded to us by Timothy.]

Another person tells us that one of the chief conflicts between Burton and Cage is that the actor does not want to change his hair style significantly for the part. [Submitted by 'T-3'.]

Before the project was put on hold, we received this interesting scoop. Judge for yourself if it could be accurate:

"Three suits will be used in the film. One is a black Kryptonion suit that heals Superman until he recovers. Another suit is a funky metallic one with all sorts of life support systems, gadgets and so on. It's pretty hard to describe; maybe something like a complicated machinery would be a good description. The last suit, which is the one he will be using for future films, will be a dark blue suit with a dark red cape. All have blue Batman-like buits, and all have big silver 'S's. It is obvious that Burton is creating a new style for the Man of Steel. Even his continuity clashes with the previous four films, because the first few drafts in the script include several references to the comics continuity, not the previous films." [Sent to us by the 'SuperSpy'.]

Finally, our man with his ear to the music scene reports that when the project finally gets rolling, Danny Elfman will again provide the musical score for Burton's new film. [Reported by James Furlong and Mark Stewart.]

November 12, 1997... Our wonderful SuperSpy flies brings us up to speed after spending some time by himself at his Computer of Solitude. Wesley Strick's script has apprently been trashed and Avika Goldsman (screenwriter of Batman and Robin and Lost in Space) was brought in to revise Smith's original storyline. Goldsman's script was trashed, and production was halted and was not slated to begin until around April or May of next year. After pressure from the big execs (who were fretting about their 1998 summer tentpole film absence and upcoming competition from the Star Wars prequel, Jon Peters is reconsidering Kevin Smith's original draft and the possibility of releasing the film by late 1998. Again, there are schedules that conflict with this plan, including Nicolas Cage's upcoming Iron Man duties. So far, our spy reports that only Cage has been confirmed in the casting pool.

Great news for fans of Smith's treatment -- we're hoping Kevin or someone from View Askew can confirm the scoop. As for Mr. Peters and the other studio execs out You think every theatre-goer will want to see the SW all summer long? In today's day and age?? Trust us -- we'll see other films besides Mr. Lucas' contribution (the three or sixteen times that we do see it...) If you make a faithful and fun new Superman film, one that both the fans and the new generation of kids will both enjoy, it'll be successful. [Scoop sent by the 'Superspy' -- the two cents of our position came from out of own pocket.]

November 16, 1997... Someone who claims to be inside Warners writes about the studio's nervousness as other competing superhero projects begin to line up. "The whole Superman / Batman franchise is on the table and being seriously re-examined. The execs are starting to take notice over their shoulders of upcoming competition on the superhero front in the form of X-Men, Hulk and Fantastic Four. Those three are making execs here REAL nervous, especially considering how good the buzz is on them for the most part, and the amount of dough and talent is being invested in them."

The scooper also reports that there's been a definite "change in the wind", so to speak, about the studio's comic book and animation departments. "Example: the animated department is being regarded with more attention and appreciation at the moment." They also toss us a juicy tidbit of gossip: while the Superman is definitely getting pushed back, Burton and Peters are eager to lock in some more of the cast to work around Cage's schedule and prevent any further delays. "And if I were a betting man, I'd put down big money on Linda Fiorentino as Lois Lane and Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor," the scooper said. Yowza. [Note found stashed inside a hunk of red kryptionite by 'Mongul'.]

Remember that rumor that Smith may be asked back by Jon Peters. Smith's answer to the CA rumor appeared on his View Askew site: ""While I doubt this rumor has any validity, I don't think I'd be let near the project again, regardless." [Thanks to 'dilligas' for forwarding the response.[

January 20, 1998... 'Super Jimmy' writes us that Burton and Peters are hiring screenwriter Ron Bass (My Best Friend's Wedding, the upcoming What Dreams May Come) to now write the script. "Apparently nobody had anything good to say about Tim's screenplay" 'Jimmy' had to say. He also told us Courtney Cox is officially out of casting, and since she is committed to just one film per summer, her priorities will be with Scream 3. 'Jimmy' said Linda Fiorentino was probably the best choice at the moment. [Snapshots courtesy of 'Super Jimmy'.]

January 27, 1998... First, the good news: Michael Keaton confirmed his involvement with the Superman Lives project when the actor appeared on the MTV Live program today. Now, the bad news: while Keaton didn't come right out and say it, when he was asked by Carson Daly, the MTV interviewer, if there was any truth to the rumors that Keaton would again play the role of Batman for the fifth Supes film, the actor said "not exactly." In effect, Keaton has dropped fanboys into a frenzy of speculation over his cryptic words. What's the possibilities? We figure there's four, ranging from the most tantalizing to the least appealing:

[Thanks to the following people who've got their MTV: 'usc0dave', 'Josh the Sandman', 'humphrse', 'jhockett' and anonymous.]

February 10, 1998... Ok. So like a million people wrote in to us and said there's a fifth possibility for Keaton's character in the picture -- he's playing Bruce Wayne. Fine. That's just great. We didn't want to blow his cover, but I guess since the concept of having a secret identity if you're a superhero and the Internet just don't mix, we'll concede and post up the connection. Just remember this: when Wayne gets knocked off at the next Wayne Corp. fundraiser by The Riddler or Clayface, the blood will be on your hands. [Murderer!]

April 7, 1997... Last night Nicolas Cage appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno to promote his new movie City of Angels. Cage said that filming was scheduled to begin July 6th. Cage also remarked that the costume would be made of the same material shaped foam-rubber material used for the Batman movie costumes, suggesting that Supes will also have the added advantage of a scuplted 'buff' look. The actor also revealed that he originally asked that the 'red underwear' component of Superman's costume be removed, but Cage's 7-year-old son persevered and eventually got his Dad to see the mistake he was about to commit. The words of one anonymous scooper best summed up the thoughts of all Superman fans: "In my opinion, the red underwear is the way to go." [Reported to us by 'cchevela', 'excalifunk', anonymous.]

Premiere magazine reports that Kevin Spacey will play 'Lexiac' (the hybrid of Luthor and Brainiac.) They also list credit for the latest screenplay draft to one Dan Gilroy. ['Narcolepsy' rules.]

April 19, 1998... On Wednesday, April 15th the Pittsburgh Post Gazette breaks the story that Pittsburgh's City-County Courthouse building is to be used as the offices of the Daily Planet in the movie. A platform is to be constructed above the central walkthrough room in the building so scenes in the Planet newsroom can be filmed without disturbing the pedestrian traffic underneath them. The unusual set location settled months of rumor speculating that Pittsburgh would serve as the new Metropolis. [Contributed by 'cain272733' and anonymous; photo originally printed in the Post Gazette.]

As rosy as things appeared to be the day before, Thursday the 16th a dark cloud fell over the production. On this day WB announced it would temporarily place the production 'on hold'. Scuttlebutt flew fast as to whether this was the final setback for the project. Officially WB said that production will resume in the autumn after new rewrites are complete. Unofficially our source who scooped us this info hours before it became public had this to say about matters:

"The same thing happened to I Am Legend last month [also at Warners], and Jan De Bont's Ghost Riders in the Sky [at Fox] last week. The official line will be that production 'could commence if script and budget problems are worked out,' but no official date will be announced. This is also the same procedure that took place with I Am Legend before they finally axed it for good. So, you can kiss off that July start date. And very possibly, the entire production..."

We here at CA feel that if the delay is to fix the mechanics of the story and to ensure that the best Superman film there can be is the result, go for it WB. The delay may be the studio's reaction to the strong wave of hostile fan feedback about the proposed changes and script modifcations we've been hearing about. If so the Warners has the opportunity to fix matters one last time. [Material submitted by 'cantwaltz', T-Rob', Todd Dupler, 'kerouac45', 'Danger3210' and anonymous.]

April 24, 1998... Sure the movie is in development hell now but the scoop's still fun to read. Last February Shaolin monks appeared on a segment of Live with Regis and Kathy Lee. For those unfamiliar with the order, they're a northern Chinese Buddhist sect famous for their legendary skills in the martial arts. Remember the old Kung Fu TV series? David Carradine's character, Kwai-Chan Caine, was supposed to be a Shaolin priest.

The next day Regis unleashed a big scoop -- turns out that Superman producer Jon Peters had been watching Regis and Kathy Lee and apparently loved the monks because -- you guessed it -- Peters called and said he wanted them in the new movie.

The next time the world seems to turn on you and you just can't seem to make sense of it don't turn Regis and Kathy Lee on. [Furnished by Shaolin scooper 'The Greyhawk'.]

May 2, 1998... Citing an abysmal screen test of Nicolas Cage in the Superman suit, Tim Burton "snickering" over it, and Cage's adamant refusal to wear a wig, the buzz from within the studio is that the project is dead -- or so this scooper claims. "Other talk says that with pay-or-play casting, location scouting, conceptual design, and script drafts, $120 million has already been put into this thing," 'Mr. WB' reports.

Again, officially Warners claims the project is on a temporary hold as the script is modified, but along with the reports we've been told by our sources, other movie sites are also receiving the same information. [Info submitted by 'Mr. WB'.]

July 19, 1998... A few months have gone by since the announcement that Superman Lives would be put on hold but that hasn't stopped the controversy from continuing on. Readers have sent in letters commenting on recent interviews Nicolas Cage has given the press in which he talks about the grounded Superman project.

Most of the emails we've read have been written in a passionate, nearly defensive manner, with some scoopers even expressing their rage over the comments Cage made. We're going to sit this one out on the fence but we felt it was necessary to show that enough of these emails have been received to merit a new entry in the film's page. From the letters we've seen, fans of the Superman series are upset with the take Cage has for the character.

The first scooper quotes from Cage's interview with US Magazine about the status of the film:

"It's sad to talk about it right now. I don't know what's going to happen. I was very excited about working with Tim, who to me is the champion of the outsider. I loved what he did with Ed Wood and Edward Scissorhands. To me, Superman is the greatest example of the ultimate freak outsider from another planet who is trying to fit in with a world where these sort of do- good heroics are more or less a compulsion to be loved."

And here are the scooper's comments:

"A few pointers:

"- Tim Burton is the champion of the outsider. Please take the term 'Outsider', in this context, as a weak, pesudo-gothic puss. Which, of course is the most accurate way to view Supes. No wonder there was rumor of the costume being black/darker in tone.

"- Superman as example of the ultimate freak outsider. Really? I had no idea. So, Shuster and Siegel had drawn their inspiration for Superman from, oh, let's say, Frankenstein's Monster? Or would it be Quasimodo? Because, now it makes perfect sense as to, why they decided to make him LOOK COMPLETLY HUMAN. Because he's an outsider. A freak. (please reference the term 'outsider' from the context of a Timothy Burton "Outsider". Not the novel).

"- '...these sort of do- good heroics are more or less a compulsion to be loved'. Well, I was under the impression that it was a sense of responsibility, since he was/is the only one who could do something about it! I'm not talking about Dickie Donner-Superman-pulling-F#$@ing-cats-from-f#$@ing-trees-s!*t. I'm talking about unbelievable forces of destruction, which Joe-Insider-shlub couldn't do a damn thing about. But, apparently, he just like that three-legged dog, that will try to please any human around, just for a pat on the head and a milkbone. Why a three-legged dog? because that makes him an Outsider animal." [Sent in by Ardeth Bay; quote originally appeared in US Magazine.]

The second email is more reserved than the first; nevertheless, the scooper did forward the notion that Cage's take on the character may have contributed to the project being put on-hold. We think it's probably more complex than that, but then again, we're not a fly on the wall in Jon Peters' office. Ever since he had his bungalow swept and our listening devices were found we've been in the dark...

"Most Superman fans out there are probably already aware of Nicholas Cage's interview in the Calgary Sun, confirming that Warner has put an 'indefinite hold' on this project.

"What's a little more interesting is Cage's take on the main character, maybe the source for some of the conflict, aside from the script, that has surfaced between the star, Tim Burton, and Warners.


'I'm an everyman kind of guy. I think that's more interesting than the classic muscleman take on Superman. That worked for Christopher Reeve, so we should be looking for a completely different take for the new version.'

['Gulliver' sent in this one; quote originally appeared in the Calgary Sun.]

This type of controversy isn't new to high profile films. A few years back fans of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles series of books stoof behind the novelist to express their dismay and shock that Tom Cruise had been cast as the vampire Lestat. Months later Rice herself recanted and gave her blessing to the film and the actor's portrayal.

Both Tim Burton and Nicolas Cage have received commercial and critical acclaim for their past why has this proposed collaboration generated so much controversy? Perhaps it's the notion of tampering with the interpretation of such an iconic hero. Will Cage and Burton find the time in their busy schedules to work on this project again or has enough transpired so that they've soured on the project? With Burton prepping Sleepy Hollow and Cage looking at more projects to star in, it's looking more likely that the postponment in photography will last much longer than just until this fall...

September 30, 1998... Is the beast rearing its head once more? Ain't It Cool reports that Mr. Cage is looking at those tights again. In fact, they're reportedly looking at the summer of 2000, and Dan Gilroy is credited in Harry's report for salvaging the script. [Originally appeared in Ain't-It-Cool News; reported by 'jeremcvay']

October 11, 1998...Jon Peters spoke with the crew at Cinescape, and here's the breakdown. Tim Burton is reportedly off the project and a new director is being sought even as we, type. The movie should be made next year and they've managed to get a good script from Dan Gilroy. Budget is somewhere between $90 and $100 million. He says of both this and Wild, Wild West: "These are gigantic movies, and they're summer fare and if they work, they work all over the world. This kind of movie ... these are things that people know in every country, in every language. So if they work, you have audiences built in everywhere." Oh, and Cage is still the man in the cape. [Originally reported in Cinescape Online; reported by 'JFH' with some assistance by 'Forbin'.]

October 20, 1998... Okay, let's get really weird here, shall we? "A friend of mine said he saw a report on E about Kevin Smith and Superman Lives. You've probably gotten a million people writing in about this, but anyway... apparently Smith has approached John Peters about playing Superman. That's right - *playing* Superman. Smith apparently backed up the casting of Nicolas Cage originally, but has now decided to step in himself because he feels that he understands the character better than anyone else and doesn't want to let someone else screw it up. The strangest part is that Smith apparently came in wearing a traditional Superman costume, and was said to actually look pretty good in it. He does have a lot of acting experience but it's questionable as to whether Warner Brothers would really go for it, since he is not really as popular as Nic Cage." Warner Brothers will indeed probably stick with Mr. Cage. [Brought to you by 'yodabot' and Darkstar]

In other news, WB jumped at Jon Peters' comments and responded that although a little enthusiastic, everything is pretty much up in the air and being discussed, including Burton and Cage. Everyone likes the script, but more pounding upon it must occur. The WB source says that the movie will indeed happen. The question then becomes when. Also, Brett Ratner has not been approached as some other reports might lead you to believe, and Kevin Smith will not be back to work on Gilroy's script. [Originally appeared in Cinescape Online; reported by 'masque']

October 22, 1998... Kevin Smith addressed our last scoop posting on the View Askew WWW Board! message forum yesterday. Here's Smith's comments on our scoop that he walked into Jon Peters office in a Superman suit, hoping to land the role: "I look terrible in tights - just flat-out disgusting. Or, to put it another way - that's about as untrue as untrue gets." Sorry Kev, but even though we found it really hard to believe we had to post it -- two seperate scoopers sent it our way. Did E! publish -- *gasp!* -- a rumor??? [Thanks to the View Askewians 'Jihad' and 'Bodybaggr1'.]

October 27, 1998... One of our happy campers has read Gilroy's draft and sent us their coverage of it. The scooper's summary is filled with SPOILERS, so you've been warned.

""Plot: We watch Superman's origin, as he escapes Krypton in the wake of its destruction at the hands of BRAINIAC, a creation of Jor-El. As the infant Superman rockets into space, Brainiac promises to track him down. Cut to the present: Lex Luthor's company discovers evidence of an alien space craft which crashed here 30 years ago... in Smallville. Lois is about to discover that Clark was raised on the farm where the spaceship landed, and he reveals his secret identity to her. Brainiac arrives on Earth, along with the genetic freak DOOMSDAY. Brainiac takes over Lex Luthor's body, becoming LEXIAC, a super-smart alien bent on Superman's destruction with the resources of a multi-national corporation at his disposal. After luring Superman to the Lexcorp Tower, Doomsday and Supes go at it. After a protracted battle, Superman is triumphant... but dies in Lois' arms. The world mourns. (The BATMAN cameo that was here in the Kevin Smith version has disappeared, squelching all rumors that Michael Keaton might once again don cape and cowl). As Lexiac takes over the world's nuclear weapons (and tries to seduce Lois), Superman is ressurected by 'K', the still-living embodiment of his mother and father. Initially without any of his powers, Superman reclaims them through the force of his own will. A final battle ensues, and Superman stops Lexiac with one second left on the nuclear clock. He saves the world, and Lois... who is revealed to be bearing his child."

[Thanks for the Kryptionian email from 'Fabio'.]

November 2, 1998...During a meeting with The Drunken Surgeon, he imparted to us some information about this project he gleaned from an "inside source." There's apparently "...completely different info on a daily basis. One day it's made leaps and bounds (sorry) in progress, the next day it's on the shelf again. The same can be said of the story -- they're continually changing their mind on everything from the villain to the locations, and the script changes like a mood the rate things get accomplished, it's a wonder that Warner Bros. releases any movies at all." [Thanks to The Drunken Surgeon. You'd rather have what than a frontal lobotomy?]

December 3, 1998... What? WHAT?? There's some GOOD NEWS to report about this project for once?! It must be close to the turn of the millennium because the latest script for Superman Lives is so good our scooper can't stop shouting.

"Contrary to what's been said SUPERMAN REBORN by DAN GILROY fuckin' rocks! The script reads like it was written as it's own 4 issue 'Superman' mini comic saga. Basically it's much better than the Wesley Strick version and dare i say that it's better than the Kevin Smith versions?"

The man does dare. ['Wong Fei Hung' is wondering what else is in Krypton's home solar system besides green meteors.]

December 21, 1998... Our calls to Jon Peters requesting an interview with him went unreturned when CA Director Patrick Sauriol flew down to L.A. this past weekend, so we've got little else to go on about Gilroy's script except reader commentary. 'The Last Son of Krypton' wanted to offer his side of the coin about the Gilroy draft that our last scooper loved...

"Contrary to what your previous scooper said, Superman Reborn by Dan Gilroy fuckin sucks. Problems: first of all Brainiac never destroyed Krypton and he never vowed to track Kal El down, so part of his orgin has been re-written right there, second of all Lex Luther never found the Birthing Matrix. The movie should at least follow current continuity. And another thing this new movie bears alot of resemblence to is Superman 4. Brainiac wants to kill Superman so he creates the 'Genetic Freak' Doomsday ( Lex Luther in Superman 4 creating Nuclear Man.) Once acomplished he takes over the worlds nuclear weapons (that is another Superman 4 resemblence I really think that nuclear weapons should be left out of it). Kal El is ressurected by 'K' the living emobodiment of his parents, please that is a rip off of the green energy module crystal in Superman 4 which helped Kal El to recover. And this last thing Lois is pregnant with his child -- what kind of shit is that, Superman would never do something like that.

"Kevin Smith's script should be used I mean even though it had Brainiac destroying Krypton the story was still great and it had a couple of the elements that The Death and Return of Superman story had such as the Eradicator. I mean either use Smith's script of write a new one that lives up to the gold standard that the first two Superman movies had because Gilroy's script does not.

"Doesn't Warner Bros ever learn from anything I mean after two terrible Batman movies: Batman Forever and Batman and Robin. The story has some great characters but Warner will use them in corny ways like they did in the two Batman movies that I mentioned. Like Bane in the comics, he played a big part: he broke Batman. In the movie Bane was easily killed by pulling that tube out of his head, Warner will probably do the same kind of stupid thing with Doomsday.

"And what is this crap that John Williams will not be doing the theme...come on that theme was the most up-lifting theme I have ever head it practically represented America.

"And on a last note Nicolas Cage as Superman: I don't think so, he has not the look as Christopher Reeve did. In the beginning I was all for Nic but as I watch the Superman movies I realize that Nic is not the man for the Job. Warner always makes stupid moves like that, I heard that they gave Nic 20 million dollars for this movie before it was even made. Superman should be someone who has the look and can deliver the perfect Superman perfomance as Christopher Reeve did, maybe a Casper Van Dien or Gerard Christopher who played Superboy (the second one), and for all you Dean Cain fans Dean can definitely not deliver a good Superman; he played a rather pathetic Superman on TV."

['The Last Son of Krypton' certainly is opinionated...]

Another reader sent us their opinion as well...

"I don't know what script Wong Hei Fung has seen for Superman Lives, but from what I've heard, this script has Superman not knowing he's from another planet, he and Lois having an affair before the baddies arrive, and her having his baby at the end. I don't know about anyone else, but this is not the kind of Superman I want to see. He may be from another planet, but he is supposed to be the best of us: best superhero, most compassionate, and also most MORAL. I'd love to see a Superman movie, but not this one." [By 'Cornichon'.]

And did you happen to notice that if you go to or, you'll wind up on the Warner Bros. website doormat? Both URLs weren't around a couple of months ago. Hmmm... ['NeoDevilbane' works for the technology department of the Daily Planet.]

December 29, 1998... Add Shekhar Kapur to the short list of directors being considered for this film. Kapur's critical success with his latest work Elizabeth has also drawn the attention of Waner Bros., who have apparently offered him the chance to direct the latest Superman. The catch is, as Kapur explains to the Times of India, is that Nicolas Cage is still attached to the project. Kapur is still considering which project will be his next. ['MorbidMuch', Joe Hanna, 'Beleg' 'Fabio2', 'Five Minutes', 'Ajay'; originally appeared in the Times of India.]

January 3, 1999... We think it's about time to share a little feedback from the audience, right? But be warned: these following emails come from a passionate lot that clearly have their own opinions on what's holding up the new Superman picture. If you've got sensitive skin, or you're too young to handle some near-flaming emails, click on another film page.

However, if you do work for Warner Bros., would you please call someone in Jon Peters' office and let them know that people really want to see this film done right and fairly soon? We're thinking of buying another hard drive just to house the Superman and Star Wars emails we receive...

First, this comment from a Phantom Menace-inspired scooper about the recent Gilroy support from earlier scoopers:

"First of all, Dan Gilroy doesn't know who Superman is. He has no concept of the character. There are scenes in the script where Superman is acting more like Batman. It's just a mess. And while the film starts off fairly strongly, it just sort of falls apart and ends up going nowhere.

"As for the 'news' that Kapur has been in talks with Warners, well, who _hasn't_? Jeez, everyone from Michael Bay to Brett Ratner has been approached by Warners. There is no 'short' list, it's insanely long because Warners is grasping at straws. They have no idea what they're doing, except that they've already invested too much money in development and casting to scrap everything and start from scratch -- which is exactly what they _should_ do." [So says 'Captain Panaka'.]

Next up is this anonymous scooper who's got an issue with CA posting the 'Last Son of Krypton' comments that you read about earlier. Let's let them have the floor...

"I can't BELIEVE you printed that rant by 'Last Son of Krypton!' That was just irresponsible. I always list you as the best scoop site, but to have someone critique the 'script' who had clearly just read your summary and on TOP OF WHICH continually complained that it didn't fit current comic continuity, but didn't know the current continuity himself (for example Eradicator is used entirely differently by Kevin Smith than in the comics). And then to include his little generic fanboy complaint about Nic Cage, too. Did this guy blow you or what?!

"Of COURSE the new draft is retarded!

"Of COURSE they should kiss Kevin Smith's butt and get him to work out a new draft for them!

"Of COURSE they should recast Supes!

"That doesn't mean we need the piddling and the retarded to be given their own forum to state these things in a manner that makes the case sound ridiculous and, as such, all of us sound just a retarded when we try to say it.



"Try to use quotes from 'scoopers' who sound somewhat rational and like they've maybe grown more than 5 pubic hairs. Please. For those of us who care." [Anonymous cares.]


Jeesh. OK, moving right along...we come to this email. Oh no. No.

"I have to agree with your previous scoopers espically the Last son of Krypton because his views on this movie are pretty much the same views that I have." ['The Eradicator'.]

Already we can see the angry emails rolling in...

Here's a lone, calm voice in the storm:

"Not a scoop, but if you're going to print other reader's opinions, then I'll throw in my $0.02. I have not read any script, I have only been following CA's reports. I have no particular loyalty or hatred towards Kevin Smith, Wesley Strick, Dan Gilroy, or Tim Burton. I am just a guy who likes movies and Superman.

"I think that the whole concept behind Superman Lives needs to be rethought and restarted from the ground up. The concept of Superman dying and returning is old now. This would have been perfect about 4 years ago when the death and return of Superman was happening in the comics. As far as I'm concerned that is the past and it's time to move on to something new. Unfortunately, it seems that The Powers That Be like the death and resurrection concept and are sticking with it.

"Another gripe that I have is the selection of Tim Burton as director. He is a great director and many of his films have made much money. However, he works best with dark anti-heroes and film noir. Superman is neither of these things. Superman is a hero of light. He is the archetypical superhero upon which all others are judged. He is the definition of 'good guy' and he knows where he stands. This is not the kind of character that Burton works best with.

"As far as selection the Nicholas Cage to play the Man of Steel, I not thrilled about it. However, if anyone can surprise me and grow into the role, then it's Cage. Personally, I liked Dean Cain. 'Last Son of Krypton' suggested that he made a poor Superman. That's debatable, but I think that Cain's portrayal of Clark Kent was superb and defined the character for the 90s.

"I also have some nits to pick with the previous posters. It seems that many comic book fans don't realize that the origin of Braniac in these scripts is closer to the origin in the Superman Adventures cartoon. This origin is vastly different from the character's history in the comics. Also, 'NeoDevilbane' mentions that Superman should be the a very moral character. I agree. Unfortunately, Hollywood has a hard time grasping this concept. One might recall Superman II where the first thing Clark does after having his powers removed is have pre-marital sex with Lois.

"In sum, I think that Warner's and Jon Peters need to start over with a fresh concept. Perhaps they can give Smith another shot at it. They also need to find a different director and not necessarily one with a 'name.' Finally, if this movie is going to be made, then getting John Williams to do the score is a must!" [So says 'Ironman26'.]

OK, as long as we removed the lid on that whole 'Should Supes save it for marriage or not' issue...

"In your most recent post someone stated 'And this last thing Lois is pregnant with his child -- what kind of shit is that, Superman would never do something like that.' If this fan is a true comic book reader and follows the continuity of the books, he may remember back to a major crossover in the DC universe in which Waverider, a being who could see the futures of people, went into Superman's future. Lois was pregnant with Sup's child and as a matter of fact, she died while the child was in the womb, due to the injuries sustained when this superhuman baby kicked. Finding Lois pregnant in this new movie.. is very much a possibility." ['Meph'.]

Well, not everything you read in the comics necessarily should come to pass in the movies, but y'see Warners, that's the great thing: you already have a template in which to follow. The comic books have proven which characters and plot lines were big hits with the fans. And don't tell us that you don't let that sort of small demographic influence your decision making with a feature that'll be seen by a far greater audience: after all, isn't the whole Doomsday/death of Superman storyline in each draft of the film based on the early 90's comic book storyline 'The Death of Superman'? How wrong could you be if you stick in even more elements from that storyline?

"Not a scoop as such, just a comment. I wish people would stop dissing Dan Gilroy's Superman Lives without them having read it. 'Wong Fei Hung' has read it, and so have I. The script ROCKS! This is a fact. Those comments in your December 21 update were from people who haven't read it." ['Fabio2'.]

Uh oh. More emails.

Again, Warners people: listen to our readers. They're representative of the North American movie audience. Don't write off this project; put some time and energy into getting it back on track with the right director and stars and you'll re-vitalize your original superhero franchise. Y'know, it wouldn't be such a terrible thing if someone called Bruce Timm, Paul Dini or Alan Burnett over at Warner Bros. Animation and asked them if they'd be interested in offering their comments...

Alright, you've had enough of the opinions. We now return you back to your hard news reporting source.

January 4, 1999... Here comes a CA exclusive for you: info so hot most Warner Bros. employees will learn about it here first. Thanks to our friend 'Mr. WB', we learn that a meeting was held on Sunday that may have sealed the film's fate...

"It's me again, this time with another report from the Warner Bros. publicity department.

"This is the big news: it appears the top brass held an informal, at-somebody's-house meeting yesterday (Sunday, January 3) and decided a few things about WB's future schedule. It sounds like we're in trouble, what with the relative and expensive failure of Soldier (although people are pleasantly surprised by You've Got Mail, on its way to $100). Some publicity ideas for The Wild, Wild West were kicked around and approved, so work has begun en masse for that flick. But here's what you really want to know: there was an order on my desk this morning to destroy ALL PUBLICITY MATERIALS, PROSPECTIVE OR OTHERWISE, for SUPERMAN LIVES. The project has been shelved because of an unnecessarily escalating pre-production budget ($103.4 million has been spent to date), and the PTB are tired of delays.

"So, I guess you can all let your collective breath out, because SUPERMAN LIVES, for now, ain't flyin' nowhere."

['Mr. WB' shuttled back to the Fortress of Solitude.]

Related Sites

View Askew -- Original Superman 5 screenwriter (and View Askew main director dude) Kevin Smith can be found frequenting this site. He's more than willing to answer questions about his involvement with the development of the film's first script through the View Askew forum.

Have a Scoop/Information about a New Film Project? Copyrights and trademarks for the film and related entertainment properties mentioned herein are held by their respective owners and are used with permission or solely for the promotional purposes of said properties.
All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Monday, 04-Jan-1999 22:41:08 PST.