The Stinky Cheese Man

Genre: Animated/Family.

Studio: Nickelodeon.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's Voices Are In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: No one confirmed as yet; Based on the story from the book The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka, illustrated by Lane Smith.

Type of Animation: Cut Out.

Premise: Jack (yeah, of beanstalk fame) creates The Stinky Cheese Man in order to help defeat the Giant, but winds up with more than he bargained for--because man, that guy smells--!

Release Date: 1999.

Comments: As you may have gathered, the original book has more than just "The Stinky Cheese Man". It's chock full of twisted fairy tales for children and highly recommended for its high silliness factor.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'; information originally appeared in Cinematter.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 02-Dec-1998 01:21:18 PST.