Starship Troopers 2

Genre: Science Fiction/Action.

Studio: Sony/Buena Vista.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: Paul Verhoeven (Director, presumed); based upon characters created by Robert A. Heinlein from his novel, Starship Troopers.

Premise: An actual premise is unknown at this time, although Paul V. has given it some thought. His idea is that there are always more planets to be explored, more rounds to be fired, and more and bigger and smarter bugs.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: CA weapons advisor Widgett remarks:

"Oh, and Paul -- can we give our boys some real weapons this time? The question 'Why bring knives to a gunfight?' kept popping in my mind during ST1."

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

January 21, 1997... Although Paul V. has never directed a sequel to one of his films before, he's stated he would go forward with this project if the studio was willing. AICN mentions that by Paul's reckoning, the first movie would need to reach a worldwide gross of $200 million in order for the sequel to be greenlighted. But with just a shade under $55 mil in domestic sales, will we get to see Rico's Roughnecks blasting bugs again? [Scoop provided by Ain't-It-Cool-News and 'Widgett'.] March 29, 1998... Our latest scooper walked up to Troopers producer Jon Davison at Marmalade and started a conversation about if there'll be a sequel. Davison said he wasn't sure and that nothing has been planned, but he did joke and said they were thinking about calling it 'War on Earth'. The scooper thought it sounded pretty catchy, and Davison said they were kicking around a couple of ideas for a sequel title. As for the story, Davison said he wanted the bugs on Earth, and for them to 'accidentally' learn and pick up greater intelligence. How you ask? "The brain bug finds a way!" was all our scooper said on the matter. [Ben has been recruited by EarthGov Forces.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 18:03:03 PDT.