The Sin Eater

Genre: Horror.

Studio: Twentieth Century Fox.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Antonio Banderas (under consideration).
Who's Making It: Brian Helgeland (Director).

Premise: See Scoop Feedback.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

September 15, 1998... Word about Helgeland's second directorial project was first leaked to Aint It Cool News in early September by a scooper who met Helgeland at the international film festival in Haugesund, Norway last month. The project, a horror movie described to be more in the style of The Omen or Rosemary's Baby, The Sin Eater should begin shooting in Prague in February, 1999. Helgeland is currently trying to get Antonio Banderas to commit to playing the titular character, an immortal villain who literally has the power to absolve someone of their sins (which soon results in the person's death.)

We'll be keeping our eyes peeled for more info as February draws closer. Perhaps someone who's read Helgeland's script might offer us their review...? [Project information submitted anonymously.]

October 22, 1998... Ah, finally -- a script review from someone who's read Helgeland's script. Here's their spoiler-free (and opinionated) review for your consumption:

"I read Brian Helgeland's first draft of The Sin Eater a few months ago (it's dated 1997). You pretty much have the story right. The Sin Eater of the title is the last of an ancient group of excommunicated priests that were able to absolve people's sins outside the church. There is now a Sin Eater doing his thing in present-day New York and a cop and a priest, who used to be involved, start to investigate. The story eventually leads to Rome, where the Sin Eater, the priest and the female cop come together.

"As for the quality of the script...Well, the only thing I can say is that Brian's talent seems to vacillate dangerously. He can be great, like on L.A. Confidential and Parker; and then he can turn out Assassins or Conspiracy Theory.

"Here...he's in his Assassins/Nightmare on Elm Street mode. The script is empty and vapid. The characters--something you expect Brian to excel at--are so boring they are almost nonexistent.

"I'm not really sure of the point here. Brian doesn't seem to be saying anything about religion. It's not 'scary'--and not played to really be a 'horror film.' And it doesn't even really get into the whole workings of the Sin Eaters--what they do, why they do it, what it's like.

"With End of Days and Lost Souls dealing with religion in a very commercial way without even TRYING to take its subject serious (the atrocious The Sky is Falling, written by Howard Roth and Eric Singer, is the worst of all)...I think we've had enough."

[Submitted anonymously.]

October 29, 1998... An anonymous scooper left us some solid leads this morning. First, they told us that Fox is the studio making this film. Helgeland still plans on filming next year and Banderas is still attached to play the Sin Eater. But we're told the latest draft of the script is markedly different from the draft from '97. [Anonymous.]

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Last updated: Friday, 30-Oct-1998 00:23:51 PST.