The Silver Surfer

Genre: Science Fiction/Comic Book Adaptation.

Studio: Twentieth Century Fox.
Production Company: Constantin Films.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Jeffrey Wright (Director, possibly no longer involved); Richard Jefferies (Screenwriter); based upon the character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby that appears in Marvel Comics.

Premise: Norrin Radd was once a scientist on the planet of Zenn-La, with a beloved named Shalla-Bal. But he lost all that as well as his human form when he pledged himself as the servant of Galactus, a being who threatened to annihilate his homeworld. Changed by Galactus and imbused with cosmic energy, Norrin Radd's body was transformed into a metallic scout capable of flying across the cosmos - the Silver Surfer.

Release Date: Summer 1998 (tentative).

Comments: The director currently attached to the project, Jeffrey Wright, is best known for his independent film Romper Stomper.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

June, 1996 - May 4, 1997... Because of the high volume of mail we receive, some projects don't get their own web pages until they roll into active development...or unless we get a day off to create them. Such is the case with this film project.

We've received scoops from individuals over the last few months about the slow-moving Surfer project. Now you will finally be able to see them... 'cuz the movie sure ain't comin' at us anytime soon.

This scooper heard back in October '96 that Fox was working "very hard" on the project's development. Appearances by Norrin Radd and Galactus should ease the concerns of Surfer fans. [Scoop sent in by 'The Skywalker Connection'.]

December '96... "I am currently employed by Marvel Comics UK and I wanted to tell you about something I was privileged to see last year. I was attending a meeting at a well known, but now sadly defunct film. Distrbutors & I was asked whether I would like to see a five minute test reel for a new Silver Surfer movie, naturally I said yes! I was shown a 5 minute test reel which I was informed had been requested by Marvel Entertainment and Marvel Comics. It turned out that they had been approached by a computer animator who wanted to make a Silver Surfer film. Marvel were sceptical and didn't believe it possible to make the Silver Surfer work on film. How wrong they were! The film starts off with the sound of a claxon going off at a space tracking centre (peopled by scientists and a surprised looking general) as a fast moving blip is detected heading towards the earth, faster than the speed of light. All concerned start panicking when suddenly the object decelerates and gently enters earth orbit. Cut to a typical street scene. A young teenage boy is being chased down a typical 'Spielberg' surburb by a typical gang of teenage kids. The boy is holding a GI Joe-type 10" action figure. The boy is chased down an alley and ends up backed into a wire fence as the gang advances, menacingly. From what I remember, the boy is wearing glasses, because the look of fear on his face changes to one of shock as we see 'something' reflected in his lens, getting closer. The gang, realising the boy has seen something, turn slowly and, en masse, their faces drop in panic. We see The Silver Surfer. His board hovers just above the ground. The Surfer stood on the pavement with one foot resting on the silver board, the Silver Surfer stands gleaming, strangely muscular, his eyes huge and oval the way Jack 'The King' Kirby drew them. He looks fantastic. The gang scarper and in the process drop the doll they have taken off the boy. The Silver Surfer watches them run away then climbs off his board, he bends down & picks up the doll, the whole time the boy stands 'gobsmacked'. The Silver Surfer looks closely at the doll, concentrates for a moment and the doll is enveloped in Cosmic energy, transforming it into a 10" version of himself. He hands it back to the boy and smiles, the boy smiles back. The Silver Surfer turns around and climbs back on his board. He begins to 'pump' the board the way skate boards do to get momentum going, we watch him ride the board from side to side across the car-filled street, getting higher, his body moving like a surfer working a pipe, finally he's completely airborne, he banks the board, flys toward us & the boy and in an elegent turn blasts straight up and into the sky, disappearing in a flash of light. All the time, his trail (once again exactly like the comics) is visible. The boy smiles and waves as the Surfer leaves. That is the film. It used the same computer technology as Terminator 2. The Silver Surfer looking very similar to the style of T1000. It was, I have to say, incredibly impressive. I know it's not too much of a scoop but I thought it might be of some interest." Actually, it's a pretty cool scoop. Anyone else out there have something similar to report? [Scoop submitted by 'Big Guy'.]

December, '96... John Thurman has written the current script. Thurman has said that his draft is faithful to the Silver Surfer/Galactus trilogy, minus the Fantastic Four. [Info sent in by Drew.]

January, '97... Fox has forecasted $70 million for the project. [Scoop by 'shape'.]

April '97... New scribe Richard Jefferies has penned the latest draft. [Scoops sent in anonymously.]

[Thanks to all those who supplied us with additional information, including 'The Skywalker Connection','sz1308', Bob Tucker, Jeb, Drew, 'shape', 'gield' and anonymously.]

May 24, 1997... Here's an interesting follow-up to our December 1996 scoop from 'Big Guy', who was the first to report of Silver Surfer test reel in existence:

"The 'test film' described is actually a film produced by students at the University of Southern California School of Cinema Television Computer Graphics department. It is titled The Silver Surfer and is 5 minutes long. Very impressive graphics for a student production, especially considering it was made in 1992! I think work started on it before 1990. In fact, tests of it were done *before* Terminator 2 was released, although the film itself was obviously shot afterwards.

"The students who made this film have been trying for many years to get interest in making a feature. They aquired the legal right to the characters for this short film, but nothing else, as far as I know. "Other interesting facts: the film is on 35 mm with a 4-track sound mix. All graphics were done on an SGI Crimson (1992, remember). Alias was primarily used. The 'silver sphere' used to film reflection maps on location was the same one used for Terminator II. The 'deep space tracking facility' is in fact the USC Computer Graphics lab, and all the people in the background are the students and faculty that work there." And here's the kicker the scooper ended their message with: "The compositing software was written by yours truly."

Maybe there's a download avaliable somewhere out there on the Web someone knows of...? [Thanks to 'spitzak' for the scoop.] August 17, 1997... This person claims to be an employee at Marvel Comics, and overheard word from Stan 'the Man' Lee himself about the new direction the in-development Surfer movie. The scooper said he overheard Lee mention the developers were hiring the same people who did the original 5 minute movie and then making them re-create the short utilizing the lates computer graphic programs. If he (we suppose the scooper means Lee, or Marvel Entertainment perhaps?) likes what he (they?) sees, he's willing to invest in it. Lee hopes to get a Surfer movie on the fast-track along with the X-Men and Hulk films in development - and the new animated series should increase public awareness of the cosmic character.

We're hoping someone on the original film's development team could maybe drop us a line to confirm or deny this rumor. [Scoop sent in by 'bullion gold'.]

September 9, 1997... "Though I have not seen the test footage of The Silver Surfer, I have read the script and can offer info on the storyline. Two years ago I was sent the screenplay for development. The copy I have is dated August 24, 1995 and written by John Turman, not Richard Jeffries. Much of what was stated by the scooper who saw the test reel pretty much outlines the first ten pages of the script. The rest of the story revolves around the Silver Surfer being mistaken for a hostile enemy on the planet Earth. He is shot down out of the sky by your typical paranoid militarymen and two earthlings, a Ray Ramsey (SETI Researcher) and a blind girl named Alicia Masters, come to his aide. They befriend the 'wounded' Silver Surfer as he journeys on the earth, hiding from the government, and maintaining an unkown objective. It is later revealed that the Silver Surfer was sent as a scout by Galactus, a gigantic being who feeds on planets, and who wishes to feed on Earth. As I read the story, I couldn't help but notice the screenwriter following the same 'lost and wounded alien, stranded on planet earth, misunderstood by the government, befriended by humans' premise we've seen in so many science fiction dramas. When the Silver Surfer eats a hamburger for the first time and when he saves a child's life with a healing touch, John Carpenter's Starman came to mind. Remember the dutch apple pie Jeff Bridges ate and that time he revived a dead deer to the dismay of the hunters?

"With regards to special effects, the Silver Surfer is a combination of the T-1000, Predator, and Superman. He can morph himself into whatever he touches, has vision that can breakdown the chemical components of whatever he sees, and has a scene where he crushes charcoal into a diamond. What was interesting was when the Silver Surfer morphs into an African American man. The screenwriter describes him as 'a dead ringer for Denzel or MJ...'. Perhaps Michael Jai. White will not be the only black actor to grace the silver screen as a superhero.

"In any event, after the world is fear stricken when Galactus shows up, the Silver Surfer comes to the rescue. The ending is a combo of Starman, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and E.T. Everyone is staring up at the sky awestruck, music is used to communicate with the alien anomalie, and a tearful good bye is made with the Silver Surfer. However, in the final scene, the screenwriter clearly leaves an out in the story for a sequel. What happens reminded me of when Elliot first found E.T. in the shed.

"Overall, as cynical as I am in reviewing screenplays and films, I sort of enjoyed this one. Its kinda like when I saw Species. Even though that film was just another Aliens rip-off with a twist, I enjoyed it anyway. The whole concept of the Silver Surfer is interesting, and there is a funny character named Milo, a geek scientist, that had some pretty funny dialogue. At the time I was sent the screenplay, word was given to me that it was going under drastic rewrites, and that Fox had placed the development of this script high on the production totem pole. Anyway, that's all I know and I haven't heard much of anything since. Lastly, the tag line the screenwriter used for the story is 'ALIENS DON'T SURF'." Oh God, no. That's worth Galactus eating the planet. [Script review sent in by 'The Biggest Name In Tinsel Town'.]

December 14, 1997... We've just been told by anonymous email that Jeffrey Wright has left the project, and that no director has been contacted to fill his position at the present time. [Anonymous.]

September 24, 1998... Wizard Magazine apparently has stated that the new target date will be sometime in 2000. [Cosmic scoop sent in anonymously]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Thursday, 24-Sep-1998 22:45:46 PDT.