Scud: The Disposable Assassin

Genre: Comic Book Adaptation.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Illusion/Ixtlan/Cingeri.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Alan McElroy (Screenwriter); Oliver Stone (Executive Producer); based upon the comic book Scud: The Disposable Assassin created by Rob Schrab.

Premise: Scud is an assassin robot, sent in by the purchaser to assassinate its intended target and then self-destruct. The thing is, Scud doesn't want to self-destruct; he likes living too much. After whacking his target, he sets him up on continous life-support monitoring and then goes off to start his own adventures.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Are the developers going to take an action approach, or comedic one? Anyway, also see Scoop Feedback.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

May 8, 1996... Oliver Stone has picked up the rights to the property, and may be developing it with the present Spawn screenwriter - whoever that person may be. [Movie info sent in by J. Webber.]

June 1, 1996... [Additional production names submitted by J. Webber.]

August 31, 1996... While being interviewed on The Anti-Gravity Room, Scud creator Rob Schrab gave his casting ideas on who should play which characters from his comic book. This is familiar territory for Schrab: he's traditionally cast the suggested voice talent of all his characters at the begginning of every issue of Scud.

Scud: John Malkovich
Lieutenant Schwartz: Ed Harris
Captain Jack Jones: Tommy Lee Jones
Chuck Brown: Johnny Cash
Tony Tastey: Gary Oldman
Mr. Spidergod: Christopher Plummer
Don Cortese: Danny Aiello
Angelo: Paul Sorvino
Cop #1: David Caruso
Cop #2: Sean McKenna
Joe: John Turturro
Judge: Ray Watson
Forehead: Tom Sizemore
Sussudio: Gwenyth Paltrow
Drywall: Woodstock
Voo-doo Ben: George C. Scott

"In the last two issues, Schrab has also listed as suggested soundtrack," the scooper wrote. "He lists scene by scene, what the accompanying music should be. Scud the movie WILL have a hit soundtrack I can tell you that; bands that he included on the suggested soundtrack for the past two issues included: The Pixies, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly, Tony Bennett, James Brown, Belly, K.D. Lang, Tori Amos, etc."

"You had asked if they will take an action or comedic approach. I can say with a great deal of certainty that it will contain hearty doses of both. The real question is what medium they will do it in. It is still undecided whether it will be animated, live-action, or 'Toy Story' style (computer generated)." [Scoop sent in by J. Webber, a serious Scud fan.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 18:01:19 PDT.