The Roger Rabbit Sequel

Genre: Fantasy/Animated.

Studio: Disney/Touchstone Pictures.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown. See Scoop Feedback.

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Type of Animation: Traditional cel/live action mixture as in the first film.

Comments: Will Jessica be back? Seriously, I think this should be one of the first confirmed developments, ok?

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

May 9, 1996... When the producing team of Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall lost their Paramount deal, they eventually wound up back at Touchstone. That studio wanted the pair to develop the long-awaited Roger Rabbit follow-up flick. However, word is that executive producer Steven Spielberg has reservations about proceding with the Kennedy-Marshall story pitch. The premise has Roger and a troop of his cartoon cohorts sent oversees on a U.S. Army mission during World War II to fight the Nazis (sort of a 'Toon Platoon' concept.) The idea is certainly a high-concept one, but in the wake of Spielberg's post-Schindler's List success, his motto may be "No Nazi villains in my movies." The follow-up idea presently is to have the sequel be in a musical vein. [Scoop info submitted by 'Pavlov'.]

June 4, 1996... One scoop informant read a script for another sequel idea titled "Who Discovered Roger Rabbit?" In it Roger found himself brushing elbows with the Hollywood stars at the start of his career. Errol Flynn, Clark Gable and numerous Hollywood landmarks were sprinkled throughout the script. [Scoop provided by 'globe'.]

August 18, 1996... Gary Wolf, author of the book on which the first film is based and author of the book sequel, Who P-p-p-plugged Roger Rabbit? recently commented on the feasability of a sequel to the popular film. "The second Roger Rabbit movie is currently being looked at as a direct-to-video release, much like the cartoons. It will have a live-action opening and closing, and a cartoon middle. It will all take place in Toontown, so the premise works." Wolf also said that he has completed a third Roger Rabbit book, but his agent is encouraging him not to sell it until the film is released, to increase profit potential. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

September 21, 1997... Alan Menken has let it slip that he's been asked to write a few songs for the picture...if any picture is forthcoming. [Sent in by 'Brently'.]

August 18, 1998... "When I went to Disney Wolrd earlier this summer we went on an animation tour so we could see how they made cartoons. Well anyway we went into one room that showed future Disney films in development. Well, on a computer it showed a wireframe version of Roger Rabbit talking with a man at a desk. This scene was from Roger Rabbit 2." [Anonymous.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 19-Aug-1998 00:27:48 PDT.