The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle

Genre: Comedy/Animation.

Studio: Universal Pictures.
Production Company: Tribeca Productions.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Jason Alexander (Boris); Monica Potter; Rober De Niro (Fearless Leader, rumored).
Who's Making It: Kenny Lonergan (Screenwriter); Tiffany Ward, Jane Rosenthal (Producers); based on the animated cartoon created by Jay Ward and Alex Anderson.

Premise: The various and sundry adventures pitting Rocky the Flying Squirrel and Bullwinkle the Moose against the nefarious Pottsylvanians, Boris and Natasha.

Release Date: 1999.

Comments: None.

Rumors: There was a weird little Rocky and Bullwinkle spinoff movie filmed in the 80s called Boris and Natasha (directed by actor/director Charles Martin Smith.) It starred Dave Thomas and Sally Kellerman as the dastardly duo, and if you stay up really really late you may one day get to see it. And no, we don't know why someone made a movie of the bad guys instead of a movie about Rocky and Bullwinkle first. Creepy.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

January 28, 1998... This project would be a combination of live action and animation, a la Roger Rabbit, with the title characters animated against a "real world" backdrop. What about the other characters? Well, DeNiro himself is kicking around the idea of playing Boris. We could see it! "Hey, Moose -- you talking to me?" [Scoop provided by 'Widgett', Natasha's love slave.]

May 17, 1998... Des McAnuff, who directed the Broadway plays Big River and The Who's Tommy, is reportedly eyeing this project. [Scoop originally appeared in Variety, Zentertainment; reported by 'Widgett'.] May 24, 1998... This scooper reminded us that it was Charles Martin Smith (last seen most recently in Deep Impact who directed the 80's live action Boris and Natasha picture. The scooper also touches upon the reason why Rocky and Bullwinkle were not in the earlier film. According to the scooper, Smith addressed the issue when the production of Boris and Natasha was happening. The creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle wouldn't allow him to use Rocky, and so all Smith had to work with was the two bad guys.

However, that still doesn't explain why the bloody movie went ahead anyway. [Part of the mystery has been cleared up by 'pab5raf'.]

October 20, 1998... Monica Potter is the first actor announced for the picture. According to Variety she'll be playing the role of a young eager FBI agent that hooks up with Rocky and Bullwinkle. It was also confirmed that the squirrel and moose will be the only CGI creations. [Thanks to 'masque'.]

November 10, 1998... Jason Alexander is the first big-name marquee star confirmed for the picture. Best known for his stint playing George Costanza in Seinfeld, Alexander will play Boris in the Rocky and Bullwinkle feature. ['Bruhdah' chimed in with the news first; first appeared in Daily Variety.]

November 16, 1998... So the Smith says, we shall repeat: "Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) spoke at my school recently and said that he had read the script of Rocky and Bullwinkle. His reaction: 'One of the funniest things I have read. I am really looking forward to seeing this movie.'" [Anonymous.]

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Last updated: Monday, 16-Nov-1998 22:52:05 PST.