The Rock 2

Genre: Action.

Studio: Disney.
Production Company: Touchstone Pictures.

Project Phase: Script Stage.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

April 5, 1997... The project is in development. No plot details are avaliable at this time. [Project announcement sent in by Pramod Kalapa, Joe Hanna, 'Josh the Sandman' and 'baby'.]

May 15, 1997... We received a message from a Sonia Warble, who claims to be Jerry Bruckheimer's secretary, forwarding a message from Mr. Bruckheimer to CA. In the message from Ms. Warble, we were told that Jonathan Hensleigh's draft arrived in the Bruckheimer's office in April, and that the Stanley Goodspeed character "definately comes back." She also passed on a message that the production company was aiming for a June 1999 release, and that director Michael Bay will hopefully be back behind the camera lens for the next prison break.

This was a tough one for us to try to disprove or confirm, and we came up short. If Ms. Warble or one of Bruchheimer Productions staff is reading this, we'd love to confirm that we were indeed contacted by one of your representatives. Send us an email! [Scoop sent in by Sonia Warble; later proven to be false.]

July 27, 1997... This scooper overheard the sub-title, 'Rock 2: Poisoned Minerals' in the Disney/Touchstone cafeteria line. The gossiper in question as wearing a Bruckheimer jacket. [Sent in by Ben.]

On the audio commentary on Criterion's The Rock Special Edition laserdisc, director Michael Bay said that he would enjoy making any sequel more of a thriller than all-out action. Bay's idea of the sequel would pick up exactly where the first film left off. Stanley Goodspeed has the microfilm and the government turns on him. As they try to recover the film by all means necessary, the only person Goodspeed would be able to turn to is Mason. This seemed to be just an idea that Bay was thinking of; he made no mention if there was a script or if there were even any plans for a sequel at all on the Criterion commentary. [Delivered by 'october15'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 18:00:35 PDT.