Pitch Black

Genre: Science Fiction/Horror.

Studio: PolyGram Filmed Entertainment.
Production Company: Intrepid Pictures.

Project Phase: In the Can.

Who's In It: Radha Mitchell; Vin Diesel; Cole Hauser.
Who's Making It: David Twohy (Director); David Twohy, Jim Wheat (Screenwriters); Tom Engelman (Producer); Ted Field, Scott Kroopf (Executive Producers); Patrick Tatopoulos (Creature Designer).

Premise: Marooned on a sun-scorched alien world a galaxy away from home, the survivors of a crippled starcraft come to realize that the inhabitants of the planet are noctural, savage beasts. The natives never emerge into sunlight, but every sixty years the sun is eclipsed and night veils the planet...and the lifeforms emerge from their dark slumber to feed.

Night is falling.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Originally called Nightfall (and not to be confused with the Isaac Asimov short story of the same name), Pitch Black is Twohy's follow-up to his 1996 directing debut, The Arrival. Twohy, a veteran screenwriter of a half-dozen mainstream SF films, proved in The Arrival that he can create a lower budget SF film. The question is, can his latest film earn a greater degree of public awareness than his debut? While The Arrival earned a small but very outspoken following of advocates for Twohy's work, it failed to make sizable box office (but, nevertheless, earned enough that a follow-up was filmed, now re-scheduled to appear on pay-per-view cable television.)

The story itself is 'harder'-SF than The Arrival. Twohy's Arrrival showed us that one can make a scientifically faithful SF film and yet still ensure that the film follows a traditional character and story arc. Here's hoping he's learned from his first outing and Pitch Black will be something special for not just the SF fans but a wider audience.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

December 8, 1998... Readers of science fiction literature will know the name Gully Foyle from Alfred Bester's classic novel The Stars My Destination. In the middle of last week we were contacted by another 'Gully Foyle', this one bearing not Bester's pyRe element but something even better: ultra-secretive knowledge of Twohy's Pitch Black, including conceptual art of one of the planet's noctural creatures.

Resembling something that may have come from the imagination of science fiction artist Wayne Douglas Barlowe (whose book of alien contact is being turned into the movie Expedition), this image is of one of the planet's beasties. They use a form of biological navigation called echo-location: this allows the animals to form a radar-like picture of their surroundings using sound clicks. The aliens on Darwin IV in Barlowe's Expedition book also used this technique.

Two days ago, before we had a chance to post our Pitch Black page, Harry Knowles posted what appears to be the same information our scooper had slipped us. Knowles' posted up two-thirds of a detailed synopsis of the film but stopped just short of revealing who lives and who dies. We're going to post more than Harry did in his article but we're also not going to reveal who survives and the film's ending...sorry amigos. You'll have to see the film.

We'll stop there -- gotta give you a reason to see the show, remember?

The show was filmed earlier this year in Australia and should be released sometime in '99. [A big thank you to 'Gully Foyle' for this and the other scoops. Lotsa work for us now...]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Wednesday, 09-Dec-1998 01:42:09 PST.