Pretty in Pink 2

Genre: Drama.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who's In It: James Spader, Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy and John Cryer are rumored to be either involved or have been approached about the project.
Who's Making It: Unknown.

Premise: Described as 'more nihlistic' than the original film, the storyline now centers upon James Spader's character. See Scoop Feedback.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Is Ducky back? And can the inevitable sequel to another Hughes film, The Lunchroom Club, be far behind? Five slices of Nineties teenage angst and isolation receive detention for packing their guns to school - and with a hip dance/techno soundtrack to boot!

Alright...we admit it. We own the soundtrack to Pretty in Pink. Hey - we dug the Psychadelic Furs tune show...

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

October 20, 1996... On radio station 94/WYSP (in lovely Philadelphia), this CA reader heard a sound bite mentioning that a Pretty in Pink sequel is being considered. The four principal actors, James Spader, Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy and John Cryer are supposed to be involved with the project in some capacity. The alleged storyline will be more jaded and moody in tone, focusing upon Spader's now-adult character being involved with high-finance business. During the course of the story, Spader must make a decision that will have a severe impact upon Ringwald and McCarthy. [Scoop sent in by 'sxd148' and the 'Evil Yuppie'; with a follow-up by Nicole Yates.]

November 5, 1996... This anonymous reporter only heard of the involvement of Spader and McCarthy so far. John Hughes is not involved with the project. Spader's charcter Steff would be shown ten years later as a "corporate raider/womanizer/asshole." [Scoop submitted anonymously.]

January 1, 1997... There seems to be a script floating around for this film with the sub-title 'Ides of March.' It refers to a deadline of March 15 on which Steff (Spader) plans to shutdown the business that Blaine's (McCarthy) family had built up and provided him with his affluent yuppie lifestyle. The script also has Harry Dean Stanton's character suffering a stroke, adding to the financial drama of the family. And yes, Ducky makes a return appearance as a nightclub owner offering moral (but not financial support) to the downtrodden Molly and Andrew. [Scoop sent in by 'Caesar'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:59:10 PDT.