Monsters, Inc.

Genre: Fantasy/Family.

Studio: Disney.
Production Company: Pixar.

Project Phase: Script Stages?

What Type of Animation:

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI).

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown.

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: After establishing their presence in animation with 1995's Toy Story, Pixar plans to try and repeat their critical and commercial success with two new '98 films, A Bugs Life and the Toy Story 2 sequel. If the picture proceed ahead without any major stumbling blocks, we're guessing it'd be released sometime around Christmas 2000.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

April 27, 1998... There's been some talk that Pixar has started discussing what form their next pixel adventure will be in. There's been some gossip that the project is called 'Hidden City', but other than that no details had been forthcoming...until this scoope clocked in with us.

Scooper 'Juju B.' wrote to us that Pixar's fourth feature film's working title is actually Monsters, Inc. and not truly 'Hidden City'. Here's how 'Juju' explained it to us:

"The working title is Monsters, Inc., but it is referred to as 'Hidden City' by everyone because it was being developed at the building across Pixar's main building, and takes that name from the Hidden City Cafe in Point Richmond, where the directors love to order their (expensive!) dinners from when working late."

What little we were told of the story involved a group of monsters that dwell under a child's bed. We're looking for someone to confirm that there is a Hidden City cafe 'round those parts -- and if we're really lucky, give us a bit more detail about the picture's storyline. [Scooped by monster killer 'Juju B'.]

April 28, 1998... Yes, there is a Hidden City Cafe in Point Richmond because we're told is has "excellent food." [Thanks to a hungry 'Antibody' for the recommendation.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:58:01 PDT.