Ridley Scott's Metropolis

Genre: Science Fiction.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Scott Free Productions.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Ridley Scott (Director).

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

January 21, 1997... This scooper found a copy of a script titled Ridley Scott's Metropolis in the 'In Production' script section of a store. The scooper was unclear as to whether or not Scott himself wrote the said script. [Scoop handed in by 'hostetl'.]

And this fellow wrote: "Amazing, incredible, super cool news. Saw some storyboards Ridley Scott was sketching out. Apparently they were for a science fiction movie that hadn't been scripted yet. The boards are epic, with giant cities and spaceships. There's a man in a trenchcoat that is awfully reminiscent of Deckard. However, I heard that these boards weren't for Blade Runner 2 but some other science fiction film Ridley is developing. Let me tell you though: if these boards were realized, it's an EXTREMELY expensive film." [Scoop provided by 'Ultimate Booger'.]

January 27, 1997... An anonymous emailer tells us that the story is set ina futuristic world where people can 'go on-line' mentally, similar to William Gibson's 'cyberspace' concepts from his Sprawl books. At the time of the story, approoximately 3 million people are hooked up into a virtual cityscape. The trouble starts when a madman becomes completely virtual and threatens to kill all the mental functions of the visitors inside the digital city. The protagonist must enter the computer and track down the terrorist before he can complete his plan. The script is also known as "Virtual Cop". [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

February 4, 1997... The Metropolis storyline is indeed not a direct sequel to Blade Runner and does not feature any returning characters from Scott's 1982 film. However, the story is said to take place in a "similar universe" and at roughly the same technological epoch as the events from BR. The second scooper told us they heard it from someone inside Scott Free Productions. [Scoop sent in by 'Usul' and 'Jackson'.]

February 10, 1997... If the script is also known as Virtual Cop then the screenwriter may be a Rick Ramage. Ramage penned the upcoming film Shakespeare's Sister. [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

November 3, 1998... It's been almost two years since our last update. With Scott currently warming up to direct Gladiator in the early part of next year, it looks like the Metropolis project has grown cold. Still, one scooper wanted to help us complete this page's missing information as best they could. The scooper tells us that the script was written by Cory Mandell. According to the writer, "A friend took a class from him, and in the handout was a list of accomplishments, including Metropolis." But will the project ever take off again under the helm of another director? Time will tell. [ "

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Tuesday, 03-Nov-1998 23:30:40 PST.