Man on the Moon

Genre: Biography/Comedy.

Studio: Universal Pictures.
Production Company: Jersey Films.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: Jim Carrey (Andy Kaufman); Danny DeVito (George Shapiro), Courtney Love; Jerry Lawler; Marilu Henner; Paul Gamiatti (Bob Zmuda); Judd Hirsch; Jeff Conway; Carol Kane; David Letterman; Lorne Michaels.
Who's Making It: Milos Forman (Director); Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski (Screenwriters); Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg, Stacey Sher (Producers).

Premise: The more-than-slightly askew comedian Andy Kaufman's life story, who was best known for the character of Latka Gravas on the television series, Taxi, but who also crafted many other quirky personas to the public and his friends.

Release Date: 1998?

Comments: Andy Kaufman died in 1984 at the age of 33, but in his short career he made a lasting impact in Hollywood. Away from his role on Taxi, Kaufman created a host of bizarre characters and which often made the comic look like he was the victim of multiple personality disorder. Often the jokes he played struck some uncomfortable chord inside -- he seemed to enjoy not letting the audience (and his friends, too) know for sure that it was just a joke, and that maybe what they were witnessing was real. That sort of reputation had some people convinced that Kaufman never died from the lung cancer that claimed him; instead, it was merely the crowing achievement in his long history of pranks.

And with the writings who gave the world mainsteam movies about the lives of Ed Wood and Larry Flynt, we're pretty hopeful that they can nail Andy down on paper too.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Deadpool' and 'Widgett'.]

January 20, 1998... The main role of Andy has yet to be cast but names like Jim Carrey, Edward Norton, John Cusack, Tom Hanks, and Nicolas Cage have all been mentioned as possibilities. Production is set to start in summer 1998, with DeVito playing the role of George Shapiro, Kaufman's manager. [Scoops provided by 'Deadpool', 'Widgett'. Additional info sent in by 'eviscerate'.] March 4, 1998... Jim Carrey is selected to portray Kaufman. It was down to him and Edward Norton, and Milos Foreman made the decision after both actors had auditioned for the role on videotape. Carrey was said to have badly wanted the role, and in the end his performance won out. The studio is said to be delighted with Foreman's choice (no doubt due to Carrey's huge box office appeal.) Word is DeVito's character may provide a documentary-like voiceover during the picture. [Thanks to 'MC Man-At-Arms', 'Excalifunk', anonymous.]

August 11, 1998... Our scooper overheard on a sound-bite from the Howard Stern show while guest Marilu Henner was on-the-air. She commented that the entire original cast of Taxi was brought together for a quick cameo in this film. But is DeVito playing himself as well as Kaufman's friend?? [Anonymous.]

We also received this scoop from someone who also has seen the Taxi shooting taking place earlier this month. If you're planning to take a trip to Universal Studios, keep your eyes peeled!

"Filming inside some of Universal's sound stages as well as right outside of these sound stages. Actors have been seen dressed in 'Taxi' garb filming on the exterior of certain sound stages (obviously scenes dealing with Andy's sit-com days) under the noses of Universal's theme park guests. So far the filming for this very top secret bio pic has commenced just a few feet from the public without them even knowing about it!!" [Anonymous.]

September 24, 1998... Some news from a wrestling fan: "Of all places to hear movie news, last night on WWF Raw the usual announcers Jim Ross and Jerry 'The King' Lawler were absent, said to be off filming an appearance in the new Jim Carrey movie Man On The Moon." [Scoop provided by 'Bartlett']

And now some news on Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler's cameo: While Carrey was reenacting a scene in which Kaufman, in real life, spat on wrestler Jerry ``The King'' Lawler during an stunt in Memphis, Tennessee. The wrestler turned angry and attacked Carrey. He then grabbed him by the hair. Carrey was taken to California Hospital Medical Center where he was treated and released.  The comedian was back on the set Wednesday and said he would not work with Lawler again.

September 27, 1998... Some fresh news from an extra on the set:

"On September 21 and 22, 1998 were the big crowd scenes for this film. As mentioned last week it took place at the Grand Olympic Auditorium in Downtown Los Angeles over a 3 day period.They needed several hundred extras for scenes in which Jim Carrey playing Andy Kaufman was being b**** slapped around by Jerry "The King" Lawler of WWF Wrestling fame.Well here's a quick report on the filming:

*Most in attendance were UNPAID extras from Audiences Unlimited and other agencies. They were put in the seating areas way in back.

*Paid extras from Central/Cenex Casting out of Hollywood were right in the front rows in complete 70's attire including tie die shirts, bell bottom jeans, and cowboy hats.

*Raffles were held whenever there was a slow period which seemed like ALL day. The extras coordinator kept promising a "nice and large color TV" all day. At the end of the day they reneged on the deal and said they were saving it for the next days shoot. Everybody booed and were pissed!

*All the action being shot was from a Grudge match in Memphis in the late 70's.

Turns out the unpaid extras would be paid in the long run. If you filled out the proper paperwork (W2 forms, etc) and showed up the next day you'd get $90. Like other shoots Ive been on it seems everyone is served food by which class you are in. Unpaid folks got your basic sub sandwich, paid extras got a nicer spread in a completely different area along
with the crew Im sure.

The following day went on as planned but later in the day Jim Carrey spit in Lawler's face after the director yelled CUT. Lawler allegedly pull Carrey's head back by the hair and threw him to the ground. Lots of media coverage on almost all stations here in LA plus a  brief cover on Entertainment Tonight on Sept.23rd.

The next day Carrey was spotted back on the set with rumors flying that Lawler was fired off the picture going hot and heavy. Carrey was there complete with neck brace and hospital folks say a CAT Scan indicated he had a slightly sprained neck.Talk around here pretty thinks this is a hoax or publicity stunt since it was this SAME grudge match that had Kaufman originally hurting his neck and being transported out of the arena on a stretcher.I guess we wont find that out until sometime next Spring or Summer when this flick is released." [Scoop provided by 'Richard']

October 1, 1998...This scooper sent us a Conspiracy theory like scoop filled with spoilers: "It is very interesting, but also very Andy Kaufman. I wouldn't be surprised if this was some how staged, or at least grossly misinterpreted. Jim Carrey injuries his neck, just like Andy Kaufman alledgedly did?!

I read the first draft of the script, and unless they changed it [START SPOILER] Jery Lawler is shown to be in on the joke with Andy. Now, unless he just doesn't care, why would he agree to be in the film knowing that it displays him in this way? [END SPOILER]

Also, some additonal info:

Here's another question:Is Danny DeVito playing George Shapiro and himself from Taxi? Could someone clear the situation for us? [Scoop provided by 'brando78']

October 7, 1998... Now the who's who of the cast:
"a) Danny DeVito is only portraying shapiro, not his taxi character
b) Paul giamatti (private parts) is portraying bob zmuda
c) The only former cast members of taxi that are taking part are Judd Hirsch, Marilu Henner, Jeff Conaway, Chris Lloyd, and Carol Kane (Tony Danza is doing his broadway show, so he's unavailable). now i don't know where in ham sandwich the rest of you people have been, but where i come from.. add some hair dye and some cheap makeup and you've got these folks lookin' 20 years younger." [Scoop sent in by 'Main Money T']

October 25, 1998... "This little tid bit is very interesting and confusing. Reports from the inside say that Jim Carrey is totally flipping out and staying in the Kaufman charecter 24 hours a day. Also, he's become a Believer in Jesus Christ. I'm a christian and all that, but I find that strange. Maybe this is some big joke or stunt, but I find it very spooky... Like the ghost of Kaufman is all around this project (or maybe Andy really ain't dead and is cahoots with 'em all.)" [Scoop sent in Anonymously]

October 29, 1998... This just in: there was more filming involving large numbers of extras today. "Audiences Unlimited was once again placing ads in local papers for a 'final' concert scene that requires many extras. Shoot dates were October 28th and 29th in Los Angeles again. Still waiting word from a friend who took the extra job. Audiences Unlimited as I had mentioned in past scoops basically rounds up as many non paid people as they can and send them over for the film shoot. Apparently all of the budget went to Jim Carrey!

"I don't much else about this concert scene "Reports from wrestling websites have confirmed that the alleged Jim Carrey and Jerry Lawler brawl was a 'work' intended to generate publicity for the movie. Lawler bragged about the on-set fight on WWF television, essentially confirming that it was not real (even though it was reported by several major news outlets). Many sites have predicted that Carrey and Lawler will go on the Late Show with David Lettterman, and have a confrontation similar to the earlier confrontation between Lawler and Kaufman." Stay tuned to see if that prediction comes true when the film's release draws close. [Scoop provided by 'thecurto'.]

November 1, 1998... "I was at the LA Theatre shoot on 10-29-98 for Kauffman's 'final concert' and we were many and unpaid. Only the first 10-12 rows used paid extras with wardrobe for a winter Xmas concert Andy gave. It was ardious and only had the plastic boxed sandwiches and some snacks. We got on the bus at 10am and got back to our cars at 9pm. Most people were only thrilled to be there for the first hour or two. Milos Foreman calls Jim 'Andy' all day long, as does everyone else. His double is called 'Cary'. Weird but true. Courtney was lovely, Danny always on the cell phone. Milos said 'We will do it over and over until you hate us!'. Jim Carrey was very nice and indulgent to the audiances - i.e. 'Do you think you can get these people a fucking sandwhich now!!!' he said at 2:30pm (late lunch)." ['Alpha60' ate better the next day.]

November 22, 1998...The production is now shooting in New York. "The crew moved into the SNL set on Tuesday, using the old set designer to tear up the set and make it look like the 1975 pilot episode Kaufman hosted. Lorne Michaels will play himself (from 23 years earlier) in the film; meanwhile, Jim Carrey has shaved his head to ressemble Kaufman's last days." [Scoop provided by 'The Angry Mr Duck', originally appeared in Daily Variety.]

November 24, 1998... Danny DeVito was on Larry King Live over the weekend. DeVito finally spilled the beans and answered one of today's burning questions in the film world: does he at any point of the film play Louie Depalma from Taxi? According to DeVito, no -- in fact, the character of Louie doesn't appear in the Taxi scene near the start of the film. [Scooped by taxi driver 'Gayinseatt'.]

December 1, 1998... A nice little report about the on-location shooting, from this scooper:

"Man on the Moon is being filmed in Great Neck, NY, which is where Andy lived as a child. The shooting of his house was done at a friend of mine's house, because evidently that is where Andy lived. Anyway, I was lucky enough to be at The Great Neck Woman's Club, which is where the Cast and Crew (i.e. makeup people, costumes, actor) hang out, that is about 2 min away from shooting at the house, and the crew parks at Temple Israel, located next door). I was talking with some crew members on dates and such and who should walk by, Mr. Milos Foreman. Well the crew that I chatted with mentioned that Jerry Lawler is infact in on the whole 'joke', the spitting, neck twisting and all. Also, filming was done at Great Neck North High School (Andy's old school) and that was when Jim Carrey was still filming in Great Neck. I happened to catch (evesdrop) Jim saying that Andy Kaufman's long time enemy and comedian (?) Tony Clifton would have a small part in the movie, but he might be kicked off the set due to being drunk on the set 24/7. The crew will be in Great Neck for awhile longer." [Scoop provided by 'GreatNecker'.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 02-Dec-1998 01:21:22 PST.