Magnum P.I.

Genre: Action.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who Would Be In It: Tom Selleck.
Who Would Be Making It: Tom Clancy (Screenwriter); based upon the television series Magnum P.I..

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

May 14, 1996... A strong rumor about this project surfaced in an interview given to T.V. Guide by Tom Selleck. Selleck told the magazine that he'd like to do a Magnum movie "more than anything" for Universal. And - here's where it gets really interesting - Tom Clancy has apparently agreed to write the screenplay for it. Yowza. [Scoop sent in by an undercover Christian (working for Higgins).]

October 22, 1996... Tom Selleck has mentioned to syndicated columnist Marilyn Beck that right now Universal just wants to do a big-budget TV-movie Magnum P.I. and that it isn't convinced that there's enough fans to make a Magnum movie into a blockbuster hit. However, Selleck states that he'll only do it if it's a feature film and not a TV movie. [Scoop furnished by Brent Lynch.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:56:47 PDT.