
Genre: Comic Book Adaptation/Fantasy.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Critical Mass Entertainment.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: Based on the comic book Mage created by Matt Wagner.

Premise: Kevin Matchstick is an everyday joe until he meets the World Mage, who informs him he is the latest reincarnation of the hero known as the Pendragon (who in one iteration was King Arthur) and has the responsibility of saving the world.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Having been around since 1984, the first series of the three part trilogy, The Hero Discovered, originally appeared from largely forgotten publisher Comico Comics (remember Slaughterman?) and now Part Two, The Hero Defined, is being turned out by Image Comics.  Chocked full to the gills with mythological heroes and villains (not to mention a glowing baseball bat), Mage seems a natural fit for to the big screen.  But then again, we thought that about Batman, too.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett', who wants Mage's ATM card.]

November 29, 1998... Well, this fall the rumors surrounding a Mage movie have been swirling around and repeated over and over again. We know that Wagner is definitely trying to bring Mage to the silver screen but after that your guess is as good as ours.

We've heard that Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma) may be writing the screenplay. We've heard Vince Vaughn is in talks to play Kevin Matchstick. We've also heard that Robin Williams is up for playing the World Mage, known as Mirth. Whew!

As for hard facts, Wagner himself has stated to ZENtertainment that "...some of it's true, and some of it is just expanded rumor." Via View Askew's website, we know that Smith is indeed in the running for writing Mage but they're looking at other writers as well. As for who'll be in the film, there have apparently been no casting choices made just yet. Wagner was fairly certain Robin Williams had not yet been contacted about the part, but said the role was "right up his alley." [Originally appeared in ZENtertainment, Comics2Film; reported by 'Widgett'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 29-Nov-1998 21:50:15 PST.