
Genre: Biography/Romance.

Studio: Columbia.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: Unknown

Premise: Once you get outside of his musical career, Lennon was probably best known for the sometimes odd but always quite honest romance he shared with his wife, Yoko Ono.  This film would show the course of the relationship from their meeting in 1966 to John's murder on 8 December, 1980.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

August 18, 1997... Yoko Ono is reportedly selling the rights for both the story and the music, songs such as "Imagine" and "Give Peace a Chance," for $80 million.  Ewan McGregor is the running favorite for the title role, although no dotted lines have been signed thus far.

Apparently, Columbia head Amy Pascal convinced Ono to go through with the project, which is said to portray Ono as the one trying to save the Beatles, soothing the tension between Lennon and McCartney.  This, of course, is contrary to the belief held by many Beatles fans.  Sir Paul is said to be watching the developing project with "cynical interest." [Scoop submitted by 'Widgett'.] December 2, 1997... Rumor has it one of the hottest directors in Hollywood right about now, Paul Thomas Anderson (of Boogie Nights and Hard Eight) is interested in writing and directing this project. [Thanks to 'Doug Diggler', Dirk's little brother (but baby, he ain't *that* little!) and John K.]

A little over a month ago 'Plug Five' alerted us to the rumor that David Thewlis may star as John Lennon, with Neil Morrisey (from Men Behaving Badly) as the Walrus' side-man, Paul McCartney. We forgot to include that in the page's original upload. Sorry PF! [Great thanks to our friend 'Plug Five' for the reminder. You can call off the dog anytime now.]

But also the London Times reported back in August that Columbia was trying to convince Ewan McGregor to star as Lennon. [Reported by 'Lillepus01'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:56:07 PDT.