The Jetsons

Genre: Comedy/Fantasy.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Limbo.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Scott Alexander, Larry Karaszewski (Screenwriters).

Premise: Meet George Jetson, an average kind-of-fella. He has a job, just like you (at Spacely Sprokets). He comes home to his wife and family after work, just like you (in his floating apartment building), and he walks his dog Astro just like any other guy (via remote control on the automatic treadmill). Yup, life is fine for George in the 22nd Century - provided you don't ask him to do anything else.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Remember The Flintstones? You know it was bound to happen, sooner or later.


July 23, 1996... Peter Segal is the new director of the show.

Week of June 9, 1996... Director Joe Dante is out of the project, due to 'creative differences'.

Rumors: Unknown.


March 24, 1996... Thanks to Christian for letting us know about the show, for better or worse!

April 9, 1996... Scott Alexander and Larry Karasiewski (Ed Wood, Mars Attacks!) are writing the screenplay. [Scoop provided by 'Pavlov'.]

May 9, 1996... The special effects budget is rumored to be at $30 million. [Scoop sent in by Christian.]

June 9-18, 1996... [Thanks to Christian, Jeffrey K. Howard for the Dante info.]

July 23, 1996... Director Peter Segal assumes the vacancy left by Dante. Segal is supposed to be a huge Jetsons fan, and this is a dream project for him. [Scoop info submitted by Christian, 'mallekai' and 'xth'.]

Sepetember 22, 1996... Rumors have it that actor Danny DeVito has been to various meetings with the director, Peter Segal, and is being coaxed into the part of Mr. Spacely. [Scoop supplied anonymously.]

January 12, 1997... According to a television report this scooper saw, after Warner Brothers aquired Turner Pictures, the project was dead. You see, WB shut down the production/development house for the film - which was owned by Turner. [Scoop sent in anonymously.]

January 18, 1997... Another report that Warners has shut down the project - they're currently not interested in a live-action project. [Scoop sent in by 'The Temporary Guy'.]

October 21, 1997... A scooper who reminded us that director Pete Segal indeed has left this project to helm the anticipated Fantastic Four film also informs us that the project has suffered a fatal stall. With little attention being directed at the project, it slips into our limbo catagory. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

June 28, 1998... Although there hasn't been any new development with this project for months, one scooper submitted their own personal experience with the Jetsons film:

"I was attending a small film festival where i ran into one of my all time favorite screenwriters, Thomas Helmrich. We chatted a lot and he told me that Warner Brothers Studios had originally asked HIM to write the screenplay, but he turned it down cause he didn't feel he could do it justice, not being a fan of the show, and it was handed over to his good friend, Scott Alexander. He also told me it was going to be directed by Pete Segal, and he leaked a whole bunch of other stuff to me. Apparently, Charles Grodin is the one everyone wants to play George, and Grodin is very interested. Also, Jon Lovitz has already signed to play Cozwell, and Danny Devito has attended meetings about playing Spacely. The plot revolves around the fact that George keeps getting fired and then rehired by Mr. Spacely. A friend asks offers to bet 5,000,000 dollars that George can't spend 2 weeks without getting fired. As a matter of pride, George takes it. If he can't keep his job, his life will be ruined." Whether or not the screenwriters or any of the actors mentioned are still associated with the film remains to be seen. As we said, this one moves like a snail. [Scooped by a 'Jetfan'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:38:30 PDT.