
Genre: Biography/Mystery.

Studio: Columbia Pictures.
Production Company: Rastar Productions.

Project Phase: In Development.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Stephen J. Rivele, Christopher Wilkinson (Screenwriters); Gareth Wigan, Amy Pascal (Producers); Marykay Powell, Alan Marshall (Executive Producers).

Premise: During one of the master magician's performances the trick he is performing goes horribly awry. Recovering from his brush with death, Houdini finds himself starting to believe that some sort of higher power protected him. As he starts upon his personal quest to find an answer as to what lies beyond death's door he begins to cross paths with those that prey upon the bereaved seeking consolation. Soon after, Houdini begins to debunk these spiritualists claiming to speak with 'the other side', all the while still striving to attain an answer to his original question: is there life after death?

Release Date: Unknown.


The mystery surrounding the life and death of the greatest magician that ever lived would make a fascinating picture. But with the track record of this long-stalled project (10+ years in the making), it just might need a little bit of magic to get it greenlighted. Here's hoping Verhoeven and Cruise are just that.

Advance word indicates that Verhoeven likes the script's approach to the wonder of performing live magic. And Cruise has long sought out a project that will allow him to play a magician.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

July 12, 1997... [Page drafted and submitted by illusionist 'Deadpool'; additional information submitted by J.C. Cox.]

July 22, 1997... At the San Diego Comic Convention and speaking at the Starship Troopers panel, director Paul Verhoeven mentioned that he is considering Houdini as his next project (which garnished a healthy round of applause from the audience members.) Verhoeven said that the script is somewhat unlike his previous works but still a strong piece; to that, Troopers cast member Dina Meyer made a joke that Verhoeven would find some way to make it NC-17... [Reported by Patrick Sauriol.]

July 14, 1998... We've just been told that Verhoeven is out of the project...and discussions with Ang Lee (The Ice Storm, Ride With the Devil) have started. July 23, 1998... One of this scooper's moles at Columbia told him that Ang Lee doesn't want to do this picture and has turned it down. Right now we're told that Verhoeven is back in discussions with Columbia as is Anthony Minghella (The English Patient) and Bruce Beresford (Driving Miss Daisy). [For his next trick Dave Leavitt will saw someone from the audience in two...you there with the outdated Mosaic browser! Would you please come up onto the stage?]

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Last updated: Friday, 24-Jul-1998 00:12:01 PDT.