Hilary and Jackie

Genre: Drama/Biography.

Studio: October Films.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: In the Can.

Who's In It: Rachel Griffiths (Hilary Du PrΘ); Emily Watson (Jacqueline du PrΘ); James Frain (Daniel Barenboim); David Morrissey (Kiffer Finzi); Charles Dance (Derek du PrΘ); Celia Imrie (Iris du PrΘ).
Who's Making It: Anand Tucker (Director); Frank Cottrell Boyce (Screenwriter); Andy Paterson, Nicolas Kent (Producers); David Johnson (Director of Photography); Martin Walsh (Editor); Barrington Pheloung (Musical Score); based on the novel A Genius in the Family by Hilary du PrΘ and Piers du PrΘ.

Premise: When the world heard the musical prodigy Jacqueline du PrΘ play her cello it brought her international accolades and worldwide acclaim. But what the world didn't know was of her regret for not choosing to have a 'normal and everyday' life like her sister Hilary.

Release Date: December 30, 1998 (New York, Los Angeles); January 1999 (wide release).

Comments: The picture's been receiving exceptional reviews by those who saw it at this year's Toronto Film Festival.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

December 29, 1998... [Special thanks to 'emilovely' for tuning us into the music.]

January 3, 1999... First review is in:

"Hillary and Jackie is the story of famed musical sisters Jacqueline Du Pre and her sister Hillary. Although I wasn't familiar with the story before I had the pleasure of viewing this film, its riveting performances led me through this wonderfully acted and well directed story.

"The story starts with the two girls as young children, competing in various festivals; where Jacqueline takes to the stage quite well, Hillary finds the road to becoming a prodigy a little harder to follow, finding herself ill-equipped to deal with the strictness of her tuitor as well as the attention she recieves, choosing instead to start a family with her husband, who is played in a wonderful performance by British theater actor David Morrissey.

"Jacqueline gets married as well, but the constant strain of touring internationally takes a toll of her; she becomes emotionally fragile, taking out her strain during a visit home to her sister where she asks something of her that is unthinkable. Throughout her story, Jacqueline is never happy; it's not only a mixture of stress that makes her fragile, the viewer can begin to see that she has never quite found true love and as the story progresses, we find Jackie becoming more lonely and more deseperate as she becomes physically ill.

"What starts off as a simple story begins to add layers and layers of emotional heart and complexity as the peformance by Emily Watson is, yet again, a work of true brilliance as we, the viewer, bare witness to a soul that has become ever more alone and fragile. This is a powerful, sad, terrifying performance by Watson that deserves an Oscar nomatination. Watson also plays the cello in the film, with an outstanding power and passion.

"As her sister, Hillary, Rachel Griffiths brings a magnificent combination of sadness, anger and caring to her performance; I've never seen Griffiths in a film before, but, after watching this picture, it is obvious that she is a performer with great talent and ability.

"This is also the debut of director Anand Tucker, who was a great admirer of Du Pre's music and you can tell; the film is directed in grand, powerful strokes; there are also moments of silence and emotion that are powerfully subtle and brilliant; this is a richly satisfying and beautiful picture that should not be missed. I certainly hope it gets much deserved recognition at the Oscars.

"4 stars."

[Reviewed by Aaron.]

Official Web Site: www.octoberfilms.com/hilary-jackie/

Related Sites:

Jacqueline du PrΘ -- Provides the reader an introduction as to who du PrΘ was and why she was hailed as a child prodigy. Also briefly touches on the October Films picture. Site created and maintained by Miguel Muelle.

Jacqueline du PrΘ Homage Page -- An incredibly detailed online resource. The site has numerous pictures (including the house where she lived), a detailed rundown of key events from du PrΘ life and musical career and a review of the book the film is based on. Site created and maintained by JosΘ Sßnchez-Penzo.

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Last updated: Sunday, 03-Jan-1999 23:52:03 PST.