Highlander: The Search For Connor

Genre: Action/Fantasy.

Studio: Dimension Films.
Production Company: Dimension Films.

Project Phase: In Development.

Who's In It: Actors Adrian Paul (who portrays Duncan MacLeod on the syndicated Highlander series) and Christopher Lambert (Connor MacLeod from the film series).
Who's Making It: Gregory Widen (Director); Eric Bernt, Gregory Widen (Screenwriters); William N. Panzer, Peter S. Davis (Producers).

Premise: Unknown. See Scoop Feedback.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: "In the end, there can be only one." Highlander fans have been moaning that since the release of 1991's Highlander II: The Quickening and the subsequent trashing of the Highlander mythos. 1994's Highlander III: The Sorceror didn't prove to be the shot-in-the-arm the franchise needed to get back on track. But the syndicated Highlander television series has proven to be a success both in terms of ratings and with the legions of fans.

There's been considerable debate as to what direction a new Highlander film should take; in fact, about the only thing everyone can agree to is to ignore everything that happened in the second film. But which hero should a new Highlander film focus on, Duncan or Connor MacLeod? Should the climax of the first film be ignored and instead continue ahead as if no Gathering took place? And don't forget that whatever direction the producers of the new film decide to set out on, they run the risk of offending some group of die-hard Highlander fans who don't want to see anymore sequels, thank-you-very-much.

The latest round of rumors has series star Adrian Paul comitting to star in the forthcoming film. Time will tell if this is truly the case.


Early July, 1998... Original Highlander scribe Gregory Widen is announced as the new film's director.

Rumors: Sometime in 1995... Highlander screenwriter-turned-The Prophecy director Gregory Widen is approached by Dimension Films about the possibility of writing/directing a fourth picture, tentatively titled Highlander: The Immortals. This is the only kernel of information every released about Widen's possible return to the franchise.

Scoop Feedback:

January, 1997... A scooper sends us some information after attending a Highlander convention known as 'The Gathering'. In attendance were William N. Panzer and Peter S. Davis (producers of Highlander II).

At the convention, the Gregory Widen rumor was mentioned again. Supposedly the basic plot summary revolves around a new group of Immortals. As of this time, Connor MacLeod (played by Christopher Lambert) and the TV series character Duncan MacLeod (played by Adrian Paul) are not supposes to be featured in the new film. The new main Immortal character is said to originate from America around 200 years ago and is not a Scottish Highlander. The film is to be distributed by Miramax, who also distributed Highlander III: The Sorceror and Gregory Widen's recent The Prophecy.

In the scooper's own words: "At the third 'Gathering' convention last October, producer Bill Panzer said that at that time they were still just working on the first draft of the script for the movie. That's all I know right now." [Credited to Brian A. Haden.]

April, 1997... Word is sent about a new subtitle for the fourth film, 'Blood of Kings'. Bill Panzer and Gregory Widen are now credited as screenwriters for the film, which apparently revolves around a new MacLeod character fighting an enemy that, in the words of the scooper "Makes the Kurgan look like Barney." [Scoop sent anonymously.]

May, 1997... British magazine Impact runs an interview with Lambert who reports that he has not been approached about returning for a third sequel but that he would be up to it if the script "was up to scratch." [Scoop sent in by 'Ash'.]

June 3, 1997... On-line magazine Zentertainment reports that one of their scoopers was having a nice talk over tea and crumpets with the WWF wrestler known as 'Sunny' at one of their events. Said wrestler said that she is the love interest in the fourth Highlander film. Filming will take place mostly in NYC with some in Scotland and Sean Connery is expected to return. [Reported by 'Widgett'.]

June 10, 1997... The first of many scoops arrive telling us Sean Connery has offically signed on the dotted line to reprise his character Ramirez in the next Highlander film. Although many scoops are received, no official mention is released to major entertainment trade magazines or to the mainstream press. [Thanks to Doug D., and many anonymous scoopers.]

In a December 1996 interview in the L.A. Times Adrian Paul said he might be interested in doing a Highlander film if it had a good script. Executive producer Bill Panzer said that they'd be honored to have Adrian on board. [Scoop by 'Big John'.]

June 11, 1997... Series star Adrian Paul conducts a chat on America On Line, in which he says the movie is still in the works, the ink is not dry yet on the script and Christopher Lambert will be in it, not Sean Connery. [Thanks to an anonymous scooper and 'Big John']

August 14, 1997... Highlander series scriptwriter Donna Lettow said at the Crescent City Con in New Orleans that there will definitely be a fourth Highlander movie. She also helped clear up the water surrounding who'll be in it: Lettow said it may involve Christopher Lambert, it may involve TV Highlander Adrian Paul, it may involve both of them, or it may involve neither of them (thanks - no, really, thanks.) Miramax wants explosions, but the producers want more story, and many little odds and ends must be worked out. [Scoop sent in by 'Big John'.]

Late August - early September, 1997... A flood of emails telling us series star Adrian Paul just signed on the dotted line to star in the next Highlander movie with filming slated to start in February 1998. Although the scoopers swear this information is true nothing has been confirmed (but a lot of scoopers wrote in telling us of the 'event'.) The Adrian Paul on-line fan site Peace first breaks news of this development September 3. [Thanks to 'kilabud1', 'mike12528', 'Big John', 'C.T.D', 'laudre', 'ruizj4js', Mark Stewart, 'The Lawnmower Man', 'galadriel', 'Aerimis' and the many anonymous scoopers.]

September 21, 1997... According to this Highlander fan, producer Bill Panzer has said that both men of Clan MacLeod (Adrian Paul and Christopher Lambert) will star in Highlander 4.. [Submitted by 'Big John'.]

September 23, 1997... Variety reports that Adrian Paul will be in the fourth Highlander film, regardless if Christopher Lambert does or does not return. They also confirm the involvement of Panzer and Davis as producers and mention Eric Bernt as the screenwriter. [Sent in by 'Big John', originally appeared in Variety.]

November 16, 1997... Jim Byrnes, who plays Joe Dawson, a Watcher, in the television series, is reportedly in the picture now. This is interesting, because the Watchers -- mortals who know about and secretly observe the Immortals -- are a creation of the television series. It remains to be seen how closely the film will reflect the events and characters of the TV series universe. This information was reported to Rysher Entertainment's Highlander Forum by two regular posters, 'Rottweiler' and Calla, and is said the info comes directly from Jim Byrnes himself. [Thanks to 'Big John' for the scoop.]

November 22, 1997... During a Highlander convention cruise, Byrnes said the he's not officially in the new Highlander film. [Reported by 'Big John'.]

December 7, 1997... Last Thursday's Keenan Ivory Wayans show featured Adrian Paul as a guest, and on it Paul said that he's going to be in the next Highlander flick for sure. Filming is slated to begin in April '98. Done deal, babies. [Scoop by 'gorok190'.]

January 14, 1998... This scooper swears to us that his friend's uncle works at Davis/Panzer, and that the rumors floating around about Christopher Lambert have the actor only appearing for a few minutes in the new film. He may come in at the end of the film to help Duncan, or Connor may die early on in the start of the film. Wow. Heavy. ['Word Ta Big Bird'.]

February 10, 1998... Memo sent to CA: "Christopher Lambert is now confirmed to appear. Has just finished shooting Beowulf in Europe. Says he will be taking a similar size role as SC's Ramirez in original. Shooting delayed until July/August 98." [Scooped by 'Scribbles'.]

March 29, 1998... As Kenneth Starr tries to subpoena Highlander: The Series star Elizabeth Gracen (she's outta the country in talks about setting up her own spin-off series named Highlander: The Raven), a Highlander convention dubbed 'Chronicles '98' took place in Manchester, England. Our immortal correspondent 'Big John' told us what's the latest film news:

" The first draft of HL4 was written by a Miramax staff writer, *but* that script has gone the way of the dinosaur and Gregory Widen, the creator of Highlander who wrote the first movie, is now writing the film. Executive producer Bill Panzer has given Widen the room to finish it and do it right.

"Info from Thunder Magazine: In an interview with the magazine, Adrian Paul said that Miramax wants a dark thriller and the Highlander producers want adventure and romance. The final product will be a bit of both. Paul has approval over script, cast, director, stunts, swordmaster (fight choreographer), and even hair stylist. He said that this one could be the biggest Highlander film yet.

"The title, accorinding to an ad Miramax ran in Screen International, is Highlander: The Search for Connor That title is likely to change before the film hits theaters.

"Filming will begin in late summer or early fall.

"Adrian Paul is currently filming a movie in Vancouver called Convergence, where he plays a coroner. In April, he'll be in Belgium filming a movie called A Dog of Flanders with Jason Robards and Jon Voight."

That's the latest. Still no word on what size of a role Lambert's character will have in the new film. [Swordplay by 'Big John'.]

April 16, 1998... 'Big John' just got back from a US Highlander convention, where he had the chance to ask producer William Panzer about Gregory Widen's involvement with the film. Panzer just smiled and said, "He's involved." Panzer also said that the new film will have Connor MacLeod and Duncan MacLeod, and then he added with a raised eyebrow, "And there can be only one."

There's also hints that story elements from the television series will carry over to the film series. Peter Wingfield, who plays Methos on the series, said that he'd like to be in the new film and hinted that the Watchers might be in the movie, but everyone was keeping quiet. Panzer expected to receive a chunk of the script the week of April 13 and everyone involved seems excited. "Sorry, guys, but they were a cryptic bunch! 'Big John' concluded with. [Thanks to 'Big John', our friendly immortal.]

July 7, 1998... Yesterday it was announced that Gregory Widen would direct the new Highlander: The Search for Connor film. Widen was the screenwriter for the original Highlander and also directed and wrote Dimension Films' The Prophecy. [Thanks to 'C-Man' and Big John.]

Related Sites:

PEACE - The Adrian Paul Fan Club - Where fans of Highlander Duncan MacLeod can learn the latest about television's favorite Immortal.

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:36:44 PDT.