
Genre: Horror/Comic Book Adaptation.

Studio: Universal Pictures.
Production Company: Lawrence Gordon Productions/Dark Horse Entertainment.

Project Phase: In Development.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Guillermo Del Toro (Director); Peter Briggs (Screenwriter); Lawrence Gordon, Lloyd Levin, Mike Richardson (Producers); based on the Mike Mignola Hellboy series of comic books.

Premise: In 1944 a group of Nazis who were dabbling in the occult tried to bring a demonic force into the world to use against their enemies. An Allied strike team intercepted the Nazis and stopped their sinister plan, but not before something came into our world. Sitting in their circle of power was what appeared to be a red-skinned, horned child - literally a demon - with an enigmatic left hand fashioned from shaped metal.

Fifty years later, this demon child has grown into adulthood. Instead of being an instrument of destruction, he has championed himself for the forces of good. When reports of strange and unusual phenomena reach America's Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development , he's the fella usually assigned to check it out. He's Hellboy, and if you can get over the fact he's supposed to be a demon, he'll probably buy you a beer.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: The world's greatest paranormal investigator is about to hit the big screen. He's big, red, has a mechanical left hand but he's really just one of the guys. Mignola's stories may be inspired by Bram Stoker, H.P. Lovecraft and Mary Shelley but his Hellboy is more in the vein of Detective John McClane from Die Hard than Tim Curry's Dark One from Legend.

In our humble opinion, there are three wonderful assets of the comic that are essential to craft a faithful Hellboy movie:

It's all in the execution. Now that we know Hellboy's creator will be keeping a close eye on the translation of his buddy, chances are good things will work out just fine. And hopefully one summer day in the near future theater-goers will be able to see just what the rest of us have been enjoying for the past few years...and maybe we'll get to see just how the big red guy files down his horns!

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

September 1, 1997... It's no secret author Mignola has been mucho verbal about being very concerned with the direction of a possible Hellboy motion picture, until scribe Briggs flew over from England to meet with him and Dark Horse CEO Mike Richardson two weeks ago. Mignola is now a much reassured and happy man, and is reportedly offering "extensive creative input" to the screen story. [Thanks to 'Mr. Clark', who dropped off this note in the dead of night - on the foot of our bed while we were sleeping. In the morning we changed the sheets.]

April 12, 1998... Rob Allstetter, the fellow who writes the Trailer Park section for Wizard magazine, interviewed Hellboy creator Mike Mignola recently. Mignola said that from what he's seen the adaptation was "really faithful" to the comic. Although he remains cautious as to the chances that a Hellboy movie will ever get greenlighted he remains hopeful. Universal's rights to the property expire in nine months, then it reverts back to Mignola. [Thanks to 'Mr. Clark' for the recon.]

April 14, 1998... Hellboy creator Mike Mignola is currently doing an online strip of his character over at Playboy Online. At the Playboy.com internet chat transcript from March 12/98, Mignola had this to say about Briggs' script:

[Brought to us by that paranormal playboy, 'Mr. Clark'.]

July 20, 1998... Just last weekend at the Wizard World Chicago convention director John Bruno gave the crowd an exclusive first at his latest picture, Virus. After the preview of the film Bruno hinted at the possibility that he may have another Dark Horse feature in his future. Our scooper explains what went down:

"Bruno wouldn't comment on his next movie, but he did ask the Dark Horse representative for permission before a negative reply was given. Hint? Then he just told us that we would know what it was if we heard it."

Now, this is nothing more than speculation that could quite possibly turn into a rumor....buuuut...could Bruno be sizing up Hellboy as his next project? C'mon. Why the need for a Dark Horse rep tp shoosh Bruno down? Somethin's up. [Info sent in by 'Uncle Seven'.]

August 3, 1998... Today's Hollywood Reporter reports that genre director Guillermo del Toro (Mimic, Cronos) will direct the film adapation of Hellboy. We've heard rumblings that del Toro is aware of the project but hasn't decided which film he'll direct next. HR might have the scoop but we're working on a way to try and confirm or deny said scoop shortly. [With a nod to Harry's AICN and an anonymous friend.]

August 4, 1998... We've confirmed Del Toro's involvement on Hellboy; he's been considering this project for months now and it finally looks like the director has committed to it. However the budget isn't set at $40 million as yesterday's Hollywood Reporter noted; at the moment the picture hasn't been budgeted but it's extremely likely the budget will start at $40 million and go up from there. This latest development has now raised the film from CA's 'script stage' level to the 'in development' stage. [An anonymous paranormal agent told us this.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Wednesday, 05-Aug-1998 00:35:39 PDT.