Godzilla 2

Genre: Action/Fantasy/Sequel.

Studio: Tri-Star Pictures.
Production Company: Most likely Centropolis Entertainment would return to produce the follow-up.

Project Phase: Movies Rumored.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Unknown. Chances are extremely good the key Godzilla creative team of Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich would return in at least an executive producer capacity, if not in greater roles.

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: You know Sony's designs for any probable sequel can't be that far behind when producer Dean Devlin said he'd like to make a trilogy of Godzilla films -- and that was before the first film had even opened.

Having inked a sweet deal to remain with Sony studios for the foreseeable future, chances are more than good the team of Devlin and Emmerich will show us more computer generated colossal creature carnage. All that needs to be worked out are the specifics...

Rumors: The first Godzilla film featured the big guy (ok -- so 'he' had girl parts too) all by his lonesome. We'll betcha a box of donuts that the next film will be like Rocky: two heavyweights (this time CGI does the acting) going mano a mano in the ring (can you say 'urban sprawl', kids?)

But the big question is: of all the foes who fought the original Toho incarnation of Godzilla...who are we gonna see ducking it out with G-Man in Sony's sequel???

Scoop Feedback:

May 20, 1998... The first mention of any possible sequel in Sony's Godzilla franchise came to us on the final page of the spring edition of Sci-Fi Invasion!. An interview with Godzilla producer Dean Devlin revealed that the ending of the forthcoming movie was left open for the possibility of a sequel. Devlin also revealed that he forsees a possible trilogy of films should the first picture be a success. [Originally appeared in Sci-Fi Invasion!]

May 24, 1998... The summer preview issue of Entertainment Weekly mentions Matthew Broderick has signed up for two more sequels should the first Godzilla be a financial success. As well, additional Broderick sightings on The Today Show and The Late Show with David Letterman confirm Broderick's involvement with any sequels. The rest of the cast may have also inked deals to possibly appear in the sequels. [Sent in by 'jvasvary', 'Kavalyr', 'GF2020', 'Grason', Jon, 'peteman', 'Gojira X', 'sandoval', 'tmatula', 'Kevin 2010', anonymous.]

The best scoop of the week comes to us from 'Gojira X'. That person writes that Toho has agreed to wait 2 years after the '98 film now in release before resuming their Japanese series of films. "Godzilla's 50th is in 2004 so a trilogy would make sense with Godzilla 2 in 2000 and Godzilla 3 in 2002, leaving room for 2004 because there will be a Japanese G flick in 2004," writes our scooper.

The Godzilla cartoon show debuting this fall will also feature apperances by many of Godzilla's foes except for the fan favorites King Ghidora, Mothra and Rodan. "This leads you to think about monster #2 in Godzilla 2." 'Gojira X' theorizes. "Everyone wants King Ghidora I'm sure and if TriStar is smart the three headed dragon will be the opponent, not some new creature." According to the scooper, the May 25th Time magazine article lists the sequel as taking place in New Delhi and Islamabad. [Thanks go out to 'Gojira X' for stepping in the footprint.]

May 28, 1998... Aaron J. Smith, creator of the Monster Zero website, clears up the details concerning the Time article that mentioned locales for the sequel. "First, that Time article did not mean to say the sequel would be in the 2 places mentioned -- it had meant how significant the current nuclear threat is in that part of the world that a Godzilla film could be set there," Smith wrote to CA. "Second, when the contract was made between Toho and Tristar, it was specifically mentioned that all monsters were fair game except Ghidorah and Mothra -- they are the most popular of the kaiju (Mothra vs. Ghidorah is set for 1999) and thus hands off. But more recently it was rumored that Ghidorah could be up for use but that Tristar would pay dearly to Toho for its use. Then again, in this age of a 'realistic' Godzilla how are they going to explain a 3 headed dragon?" [Atomic age scoop provided by Aaron J. Smith.]

July 21, 1998... On the offical Godzilla website G-Board producer Dean Devlin wrote the following:

"The video will be out in the fall. I don't believe there will be a director's cut. And, yes, there will be a sequel, we just don't know when yet.

"Roland and I have a few other projects we're anxious to make before returning to Godzilla II.

"Thanks for your questions,
Dean Devlin

['Dumbdog' keeps his ears open for us.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 22-Jul-1998 00:30:31 PDT.