Ghostbusters 3

Genre: Comedy/Horror.

Studio: Columbia Pictures.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Dan Aykroyd (unsigned); Harold Ramis (unsigned); Will Smith (rumored).
Who's Making It: Dan Aykroyd (Screenwriter, Producer).

Premise: See Scoop Feedback.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: None.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

September 15, 1996... Dan Aykroyd has announced that he's currently working on the second draft of the script. He says that negotiations are underway with Harold Ramis to reprise his role (and possibly direct). Aykroyd also boasts that Sony desperately wants to make the film given their recent troubles. Unfortunately, if the film is made, don't look for their fellow Ghostbuster Bill Murray, co-star Sigourney Weaver; they've presently passed on the new installment. So who's going to put on Murray's jumpsuit? Aykroyd says that Chris Farley "would make a great ghostbuster" and that he's talked to Chris about the project and informed him that a role is being written for him. Aykroyd would also love to see Will Smith in the film, but after the success of ID4 and Bad Boys, that is highly unlikely. But fans of the show will note the absence of one of the trope: Scoop reporter Diane notes: "As usual, no word on if Ernie Hudson will return to ghostbusting. In fact, no word on Ernie Hudson at all. I guess he's forever going to be known as the "forgotten ghostbuster", poor guy.] [Project annoucement and information provided by Diane.]

September 29, 1996... Harold Ramis discussed the proposed third Ghostbusters movie. He's very interested in the idea, and describes the concept as the older team training a new, more 'handsome' team. [Scoop provided by 'srat'; additional info supplied by Doug Smith and 'jknutson']

September 30, 1996... This fellow has also heard the Smith and Farley rumors as well as Bill Murray's reported dis-interest in the project. [Scoop given by 'jcroft'.]

November 2, 1996... This person was told that Oscar (Dana's baby from Ghostbusters 2) will reportedly have a larger, more adult role in the new film. [Scoop sent in by '94024977'.]

November 5, 1996... This fellow reports that they've heard Conan O' Brien's name mentioned with the project. According to rumors he is helping Ackroyd write the movie, and will also have a significant part in it. The scooper also comments that the Murray rumors are "true." [Scoop info supplied by 'Internet'.]

August 19, 1997... This person informs us that talk of Will Smith donning on Ghostbusters gear isn't accurate...but that the rumors of Chris Farley suiting up are true. [Sent in anonymously.]

December 23, 1997... With the tragic death of Chris Farley last week, the rumors surrouding his supposed involvement with any sequel haven't been mentioned yet.

January 19, 1998... In Newsweek's latest issue, the magazine focuses on the new Hollywood landscape of astronomical budgets and star salaries. The article briefly mentions the possible deal for a forthcoming Ghostbusters 3: with Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman controlling the rights in tandem, they allegedly asked Columbia Pictures for more than 40% of the second sequel receipts; now word is they've lowered their expectations, except for Murray who still wants a big paycheck for not starring as the picture's lead. The article also mentions that so far, it's just Ackroyd's treatment and no finalized script. [Ectoplasm scoop brought in the box by 'Seth Gecko'.]

April 14, 1998... We've been told by our source that Aykroyd's first draft of Ghostbusters 3 (set in a Hellish NYC) was a "total disaster." In late March an unnamed screenwriter was brought in to work with Ackroyd and Ramis to make the script work. Bill Murray may re-consider starring in the flick depending on the script's quality, but it's unlikely Weaver will reprise her character...unless they offer her a lot of money. [Ecto-1 driven by 'Mr. Clark'.]

September 1, 1998... Our scooper learned from composer George Fenton that"he's taken a handshake agreement to score the project." Whether that means things are moving along or not remains to be seen. ['C' 'busted this class two apparition.]

October 25, 1998... Some interesting casting rumors: "Recently news I have overheard is that Dan Aykroyd spoke with former 'Seinfeld' star Jason Alexander, and he asked Jason to maybe consider playing a role AS a ghostbuster in this upcoming film sequel. Dan also mentioned that he is thinking about having Jeff Daniels and a peewee ghostbuster Will Smith step into the cast lineup." [Scoop sent in Anonymously]

November 10, 1998... Dan Aykroyd was in a Yahoo! chat at around 11:00 pm November 3rd. He was asked about the possibility of Ghostbusters 3, to which he responded:

"Harold (Ramis) and I are working on story points now for GB3 and expect to have a script to present to Sony in a few months."

"That was pretty much all we could squeeze out of him. He seemed to want to promote his House(s) of Blues and his Psi Factor TV show," said our scooper. [Ecto-trail scouted out by 'Seth Gecko13'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Wednesday, 11-Nov-1998 01:49:25 PST.