
Genre: Comedy/Fantasy.

Studio: 20th Century Fox.
Production Company: Blue Tulips Productions.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Jan De Bont (Director); John Mattson (Screenwriter); Lucas Foster, Jan De Bont (Producers); John Mattson (Executive Producer).

Premise: They're in your fridge, wondering which one of them will survive past the holidays -- and who'll become leftovers. Days before Christmas dinner, the food in the fridge contemplate their eventual fates.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: No, we're not making this one up. This is a real film.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Deadpool', a new brand of dijon mustard.]

November 24, 1998... Daily Variety announced today (appropriately enough days before the American Thanksgiving holiday) that Twentieth Century Fox and Twister director Jan De Bont will serve up the film Food.

In his Dish column, Michael Fleming reported that screenwriter John Mattson's pitch was bought by Fox and De Bont's Blue Tulip Productions company for a high six-figure sum. Once the fiulm gets made Mattson could earn bonuses that beef up his share of the pie to seven figures.

De Bont intends to direct the film after he completes his next film, The Haunting of Hill House...although De Bont may let his food grow cold if another, more appetizing project appears on his plate. According to the screenwriter, Fox was particularly enthusiastic about Mattson's concept for the film, where the food in the fridge becomes alive and aware of their surroundings, a la Toy Story. Still, it's uncertain right now if Fox and De Bont envision the movie as a combination of animation (CGI?) and live action.

Our take on this? Sure, we weren't there and didn't hear the magic in Mattson's pitch to Fox...but still, doesn't the concept give you the heebie-jeebies? This could do to condiments what Jaws did for sharks and swimming in the ocean. By the time the lights come up in the theater, you may never look the same way at your jar of mayo again.

[Scoop provided by 'Deadpool'.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 25-Nov-1998 00:15:26 PST.