
Genre: Comedy/Science Fiction (B-Movie).

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Foil Productions.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: Lots of people.
Who's Making It: Henry Burrows (Director, Screenwriter, Editor, Director of Photography); Henry Burrows, Howell Parry, Nick Stocker (Producers).

Premise: Four students sharing a house in Manchester are rudely interrupted one evening when their pizza-delivery man is attacked and taken over aliens that have crash-landed their spacecraft in their vicinity. Chaos ensues when the aliens decide that all witnesses to their existence must be eliminated. Against all the odds three of the four survive to a final showdown in a graveyard where they must face the ultimate challenge.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: We were informed of this production by Howell Parry, one of the creators of the film. "It's a modern-day B-movie, set in a student house in Manchester, UK," Parry told CA. Foiled is an homage to all those cheesy sci-fi B-movies you've seen, being made by a group of independent filmmakers on their weekends off.

The Foiled web site (at '') has been created to show any interested Netizens the week-by-week development of the project. Because of the necessity for these filmmakers to actually have day-jobs to pay something evil called 'bills', the Foiled gang have chose to film the project over a the course of a year. The web site goes behind-the-scenes, showing all aspects of the movie process including casting, special effects, photography, location scouting and the all-important aspect of on-site catering.

Rumors: Unknown.


[Thanks to Howell Parry for sending us the information about the project!]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:34:41 PDT.