Flash Gordon

Genre: Science Fiction/Adventure.

Studio: Sony Pictures.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet.
Who's Making It: Joel Silver (Producer); based on the 1930's comic strip.

Premise: Flash Gordon, football hero and all-around nice guy, accidentally gets hijacked to the planet Mongo along with the brilliant Dr. Zarkov and the beautiful Dale Arden. Mongo's ruler, the despotic Ming the Merciless, is bent on not only destroying Earth -- but taking Dale as his own! Flash knows its his terran duty to punt the dictator and save the damsel in distress. I mean, wouldn't you?

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Sony, who in their desperation for another franchise will soon be looking at acquiring the rights for a Piranha revival, see this as [yet another] potential goldmine for movies with numbers tacked on the end.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett', who is haunted by the 1980 Queen song every waking moment of his life.]

August 9, 1998...With this update of the film that is said to be light on camp, a few changes will be evident, such as the various races of Mongo speaking different languages, and also that they all believe Ming to be their personal lord and savior. At some point in the proceedings it had been reported that Johnny Depp was being considered for the title role. [Originally appeared in Comics2Film; reported by 'Widgett', who quit sticking his hand into tree stumps around 1980 or so.]

October 25, 1998... "Looks like Flash is going to be junked because Mandalay sold off a portion of the merchandising rights, and Sony doesn't have all the rights they'd want before sinking all this money into the project," the scooper tells us. "It doesn't look good..." [Anonymous Hawkman.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 25-Oct-1998 18:29:06 PST.