The 13th Warrior

Genre: Adventure.

Studio: Disney.
Production Company: Elk Bay Productions.

Project Phase: In the Can.

Who's In It: Antonio Banderas (Ahmad Ibn Fadlan); Dennis Storhoi (Herger); Diana Venora; Omar Sharif; Vladimir Kulich (Buliwyf).
Who's Making It: John McTiernan (Director); William Wisher (Screenwriter); Michael Crichton, John McTiernan (Producers); Andrew Vajna (Executive Producer); based upon the novel Eaters of the Dead by Michael Crichton.

Premise: In 922 A.D., an Arab courtier voyages with a group of Vikings, finding them to be savages. However he soons finds himself trying to save their very lives against an unseen terror that kills them while eating away at their flesh.

Release Date: July 1999.

Comments: Well, you write a novel that eventually becomes the highest-grossing domestic film of all time (Jurassic Park) and see how fast your other works get made into movies, ok?


June, 1998... The film is delayed until sometime in 1999. March, 1998... The film is re-titled The 13th Warrior and pushed back until late July.

July, 1997... Diana Venora and Omar Shariff have joined the cast.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

July 30, 1996... While McTiernan is not a done deal with the project yet, things are proceeding quickly along this project's path. Cricton's newest novel, Airframe, is set for release this holiday season, with a 2 million hardcover print run. [Project announcement and info submitted by 'mallekai'.]

August 4, 1996... McTiernan's project could make a big jump ahead this week when he meets with Disney studio chief Joe Roth to discuss casting considerations for the proposed $60 million dollar project. [Scoop info mailed in by 'shape'.]

August 27, 1996... [Correction information supplied by 'Sylvester'.]

December 17, 1996... Antonio Banderas looks certain to play the lead character in the picture. His character will be. Banderas should begin work on Eaters as soon as his Zorro duties are complete. [Scoops furnished by 'SuperM', 'ckilpat1', Christian, and 'amurray529'.]

June 17, 1997... Dennis Storh°i, a well-known Norwegian actor, will co-star in the flick as the vicious viking Heger who developes a friendship with Antonio Banderas' character Ibn. [Character names sent in by 'widgett' and 'ksletvol'.]

July 1, 1997... We're continually hearing reports from people being cast in the Vancouver area that Arnold Schwarzenegger will be involved in the production for a week's shoot. Schwarzenegger would be playing a Viking warrior, and one of his scenes involves a duel with another Viking barbarian.

Filming is happening right now in Campbell River, B.C., on Vancouver Island. The project's tentative release date is spring 1998. [Sent in anonymously.]

July 8, 1997... Diana Venora and Omar Sharif join the cast. [Scoops sent in by 'st7i9', Joe Hanna.]

In addition to the Sharif/Venora casting, one of Sweden's biggest newspapers, Expressen, reported today that native actor Sven Wollter and Norwegian actress Marie Bonnevie will be in this picture. For Bonnevie this is her second viking film: she was in the 1991 Swedish film Den Hvite Viking. Wollter's character will be the Northern King Banderas' Arabian messenger comes to visit. The actor (who was also voted Sweden's sexiest man alive in the early 90's) calls the film a typical "grabbfilm" (translated as roughly the Swedish way of saying 'a guy picture'.) [Mucho Swedish info courtesy of 'Surfcity'; with additional corrections sent in by Knut-Erik R°nningen.]

October 1, 1997... A person who was in Campbell River tells us that Schwarzennegger is filming his scenes for the picture right now. [Sent in by Ethan Sinsabaugh.]

November 22, 1997... One of the full-time crew insists that the rumors about Arnie in a cameo are false. [Scooped anonymously.]

January 19, 1998... The one, the only Graeme Revell is scoring the picture. Snack time, Graeme. [Midnight snack fed to us by James Furlong.]

February 23, 1998... Our scooper tells us the title may change to 'Battleground'. and the show might get pushed back as far as August. What's going on? [Via 'Nate'.]

Doesn't look like the rumor about an Arnie cameo is gonna pan out. This scooper was fortunate to take in a test screening for the film, and while the music wasn't complete, and a few visual effects shots still needed touching up, there wasn't a Schwarzenegger moment in there. But the scooper called the film "spectacular." ['C'.]

March 8, 1998... The film will now come out June 12th. [Thanks to 'Dawnnn321'.]

April 7, 1998... Renamed and with a new release date, The Thirteenth Warrior now will be released July 31st. [Info supplied by 'rcbonk', Brent, Nicholson, 'slui', 'sieglinde', Dustin, 'spirit', 'Launch', 'lcuga', 'Dawnnn321' and many anonymous senders.]

'Movieman' told us this was the reason the studi changed the film's name. "The reason for the title change is because the movie has almost nothing to do with the 'eaters of the dead', it has to do completely with a dignified man (Banderas) learning about a more vulgar culture such as the Vikings. He comes to learn that the whole world is not like his and he becomes a true man." [Credit 'Movieman'.]

The name of Antonio Banderas' character is Ahmad Ibn Fadlan. One of our educated scoopers tells us that since Banderas' character is typically referred to as 'Ibn Fadlan', that roughly means 'Son of Fadlan' or 'Of Fadlan'. 'Ibn' by itself is simply a genetive suffix to show lineage, kind of like O'Brien or O'Shea does for Irish lineage. "Yeah, I know it's a minor point," our scooper writes to us, "but I have to use my two months of Arabic to some use." [Tutelage provided by 'sawyerj'.]

The Arnie rumor just won't die. This scooper's friend works for Baker-Taylor books, based out of New Jersey. The friend's job is to write a brief synopsis (called an 'annos') for upcoming movies and books. While penning an annos for The Thirteeth Warrior, the friend told the scooper Arnold Schwarzenegger was in fact listed in the credits as appearing in the film. [Thanks to 'Irm'.]

Now whether or not this is simply a continuation of the Arnie rumor we're not sure. Again, we first heard of it through the Vancouver casting circles when the film was shooting in the province last year. Since then test audiences screenings have revealed there's no cameo of Arnold anywhere to be seen.

April 19, 1998... "I saw the movie last night at the theater I work at. I must say, it was very awesome. (I have not read the book yet) While Antonio Banderas is cool, there is one character, the Norse king/warrior (I believe is played by Sven Wollter), who kicks major ass. In fact, I'd like to take this chance to suggest him to Bryan Singer, Ed Solomon, and the Donners for Magneto's role for the X-Men movie (if Mag's going to be in it). Just wait till you see him in this. Keep my suggestion in mind. Anyways, the movie is very Braveheart-esque, with a touch of Willow. By the way, Arnie is NOT in the flick. The first half was slightly on the slow side, but still was very interesting. The second half however, was awesome. There is, however, a very well-done way of showing how Ibn (Banderas) eventually learns the viking language which acts of a bridge from the first half to the second. With huge bloody war scenes, a humorous duel, a suspenseful invasion, and lots more. Anyone who likes action movies, war movies, fantasy, Crichton novels, Vikings, epics, or just a fun movie will enjoy this film. I highly recommend this movie." [Review submitted by 'Tenguman'.]

May 24, 1998... With the budget now over $100 million, we've been told that director John McTiernan has been let go. As the studio orders more reshooting to be done, we've also heard the novel's author, Michael Crichton, will be assuming the director duties for the remainder of the shoot. So far, test audience screenings have met with generally positive reactions. Composer Graeme Revell has also been let go and now Jerry Goldsmith has all but signed a new contract to score the picture. The latest release date target we've heard of is November 25th. [Submitted by 'Gulliver' and James Furlong.]

This other scooper has also heard of McTiernan and Revell leaving the project at Crichton's request but not of the novelist assuming the director's chair. Goldsmith is passing up the chance to score Ronin to work on this picture. [Our thanks to 'C'.]

August 4, 1998... Eric's website reports that digital effects house Cinesite has landed the visual F/X contract for Buena Vista's The 13th Warrior. The CG creation of a Viking ship careening down 300-foot waves was the most challenging shot for Jerry Pooler, Cinesite's visual effects supervisor on the picture. Pooler has worked closely with Buena Vista's visual effects supervisor John Sullivan on the film. Cinesite's tentative deadline on the pic, which opens Thanksgiving '98, is August 31st. [Thanks to 'bhundlan' for the heads up; originally appeared on 'Movie Site'.]

August 18, 1998... Now Touchstone Pictures has officially pushed the release of this film into the 'to-be-determined' slot for 1999. Mainstream media and industry sources are all abuzz about the rumored "Titanic-sized" budget for the film -- now said to be hovering around $175 million. Touchstone Pictures maintains that the picture may be released in the spring of 1999. [Anonymous and 'jasin1999' helped us out.]

September 27, 1998... Another review to while away the time: "I saw this film about six months ago and it was great. That was six months ago! It was all but completly finished and ready to go,I don't know what the hell is taking disney so long to release it. I also really doubt that the budget is anywhere near $175 million, even $100 million is hard to believe. I'd peg it closer to $60-70, but I'm only going on what I saw on screen. Arnold was not, and will not be in it, period. This movie really kicked ass none the less however and anyone who bothers to read this should go see it." [Review provided anonymously]

October 27, 1998....More rumors : "Ran into someone whose wife was assistant to Mr. Banderas on this film (nice guy, Mr. Banderas, apparently), who said that after initial test screenings proved somewhat negative that the studio may opt not to release it at all. Maybe after a bit more editing? He mentioned something too about the scene with the evil earth-mother creature (if you read the book, you'd know the sitch) being quite weird, and disturbing. Also that McTiernan spent studio funds somewhat frivolously, shutting down a nearby lumber mill for several weeks (that's a LOT of money, in case you're wondering) because it was making too much noise in the background of a shoot. Sounds like he spent more than the studio set down for him. Maybe he felt 'Cameron-ized' in size??

"However, I DID get to see some interesting items from the shoot that were sold off, including a couple of oil lamps, as well as a plastic (!) horned-sheep/goat skull head. As well, a baseball cap with Eaters of the Dead on it. Should've asked to buy, considering the title change!" [Scoop sent in by an anonymous Viking.]

And now for some casting confirmation from the agent of a member of the cast. "Sometime around September 24th, you ran a review of this highly controversial film. In it, the character of 'Buliwyf' was listed as being played by Omar Sharif - WRONG!!!! The role is played by my client, Vladimir Kulich - known for his role as the evil Russian in the X-Files episode in which Scully & Mulder age on a boat!

"He stars opposite Banderas as the King of the Vikings. The scoop on this film is that there is a feud over 2 versions - one by Crichton, the other by McTiernan. The studio has not chosen which one they will use. There are actually 4 versions out there...the scheduled release is Summer 1999..." [Scoop provided by 'Siri'.]

December 8, 1998... During a presentation at the Film Music Network, last night Graeme Revell spoke about his unused score to The Thirteenth Warrior. Though Jerry Goldsmith has replaced him, Graeme's score is finished and recorded, and he WILL be releasing it, says frequent CA scooper JAmes Furlong. "He'll most likely be pulling producer duties on him album. He just couldn't let go of a score that he felt had some of his best stuff in it. We're with ya, Graeme." [Thanks to James for taking notes.]

January 5, 1999... This anonymous scooper tells us the work's almost done: "It's officially over - The Post Production crew hasn't gone home yet - A few loose ends - I think the official last date is Jan 8th."

Still some more information about the film's score and if Graeme Revell or Jerry Goldsmith's work will be heard: "In a recent scoop, you say that Graeme Revell was replaced as composer of The 13th Warrior by Jerry Goldsmith - which is true. But Goldsmith recorded his score months ago, since when - of course - the film has still been undergoing major revisions, and it's unlikely that Goldsmith would revisit the film to provide the necessary alterations, and so a third composer is likely to become attached." [Scoop provided by 'ma6jes'.]

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Last updated: Wednesday, 06-Jan-1999 00:21:59 PST.