Dudley Do-Right

Genre: Comedy.

Studio: Universal Pictures.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: Brendan Fraser (Dudley Do-Right); Sarah Jessica Parker (Nell Fenwick); Alfred Molina (Snidley Whiplash); Alex Rocco (Chief); Eric Idle (The Prospector); Robert Prosky (Inspector Fenwick); Lou Mustillo (Standing Room Only); Jack Kehler (Homer); Don Yesso (Kenneth); Brant von Hoffman (Barry); Jed Rees (Lavar); C. Ernst Harth (Shane); Eddie Moore (Lefty).
Who's Making It: Hugh Wilson (Director, Screenwriter); Joseph Singer, John Davis, Todd Harris (Producers); based on a character created by Jay Ward.

Premise: In the Canadian Rockies community of Semi-Happy Valley, our hero Dudley Do-Right, a dedicated but hapless young Mountie, uncovers the plans of a diabolocal scheme. The villainous Snidely Whiplash is planning to swindle all the local citizens out of their land by creating a fake gold rush and, at the same time, steal Dudley's ladylove, the beautiful environmentalist Nell Fenwick. It's up to Dudley to single-handedly expose Snidely's dastardly plot, reunite with Nell and restore peace in the Valley. Hopefully, he won't screw it up.

Release Date: Thanksgiving 1999.

Comments: This one's got the creator of George of the Jungle, the director of The First Wives Club and the producers of Eddie Murphy's Dr Dolittle all standing behind it. That's worth some serious attention from Hollywood.

Rumors: In an effort to 'moderize' Dudley's image and make today's youth relate to the plucky Mountie, the creators of the Disney film will give Dudley a number of body piercings.

(Did we have you fooled?)

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by Canada's Eastern number one Mountie fan, 'Deadpool'.]

October 25, 1998... Finally some news on this project: "Brendan Fraser is hard at work reportedly pulling 12 days in a row, so far, to bring about Dudley Do-Right's successful transition to the big screen. Fraser, who recently got married during production taking ten days to honeymoon, has returned to the set and work with a vengeance, according to columnist Marilyn Beck. Word from the set is that in the last 12 days, Fraser has had to ride a horse while being fired upon by tanks, as well as doing an Indian dance and be chased by motorcycles. Producer Joe Singer adds that Fraser has also had to 'act very stupid and be the butt of a lot of jokes.' Beck also reports that shooting with Sarah Jessica Parker and Alfred Molina, playing Nell Fenwick and Snidely Whiplash respectively, is 'pretty much finished.'" [Scoop provided by 'Masque'.]

November 22, 1998... Our anonymous friend called us from the Klondike to fill us in on the rest of the cast and the characters they play. Alex Rocco stars as Chief, who's apparently the chief of a band of Italian-Indians called, appropriately, the Kumquats. Eric Idle stars as the Prospector, the person who first finds the gold that Snidely plants. Robert Prosky is Inspector Fenwick, Nell's father and Dudley's retired ex-boss and Lou Mustillo plays Standing Room Only (the Chief's right hand man).

The leads are rounded off by Snidely's band of bad guy idiots: Jack Kehler as Homer (the second in command); Don Yesso as Kenneth; Brant von Hoffman as Barry; Jed Rees as Lavar; C. Ernst Harth as Shane; and Eddie Moore as Lefty.

When the Prospector (Eric Idle) becomes famous for finding all this gold, he is a guest on Live with Regis and Kathie Lee. That's the big time, baby! [Thanks to our gold-panning anonymous source.]

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Last updated: Monday, 23-Nov-1998 16:20:35 PST.