Don Quixote

Genre: Unknown.

Studio: Unknown.
Production Company: Phoenix Pictures.

Project Phase: Development Hell/Turnaround.

Who's In It: Robin Williams (Sancho); John Cleese (Don Quixote).
Who's Making It: Fred Schepisi (Director); Susan Shilliday (Screenwriter, unconfirmed); Steven Haft (Producer, unconfirmed).

Premise: Unknown.

Release Date: Unknown.


March, 1997... The project has been placed in turnaround.

Comments: See Scoop Feedback.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback

April 22, 1996... [Project information supplied by Christian. Awaiting confirmation.]

May 9, 1996... Robin Williams first became attached to the project while it was at Paramount and a draft by Nicholas Meyer (Star Trek II, Star Trek VI) was being considered. At that stage the plan was to have Williams co-star with Sean Connery, but the deal fell apart - perhaps for the better. This new version of Quixote is going to use a screenplay by Waldo Salt, first written in 1965 and considered something of a legend in Hollywood. Numerous drafts have been attempted over the years, but none made it to production. As John Cleese was finishing up on Dangerous Creatures, he was approached by about the project. Apparently Williams was in on the project, as long as the co-star was of his own choosing - and Williams wanted Cleese as his partner. Cleese apparently jumped at the chance, and is the one who suggested director Fred Schepisi to helm the picture. [Monda info courtesy of 'Pavlov' - thanks!]

October 6, 1996... We're told that the picture is taking shape with Phoenix Pictures, to begin rehersals in March 1997. [Scoop reported anonymously.]

October 8, 1996... We're told that the film's most recent screenplay is by Susan Shilliday, a former Thirtysomething writer who also re-wrote Courage Under Fire. "The plan now is to use Liz Robinson to 'cut and paste' the Waldo Salt version with the Shilliday," the scooper writes. The project is indeed set up at Mike Medavoy's Phoenix Pictures with Robin Williams in reported final negotiations. Rehersals are to begin in March with filming to take place in Spain and Portugal. [Scoop handed in anonymously.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:32:20 PDT.