The Dinosaur Club

Genre: Comedy.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Unknown.

Project Phase: Script Stage.

Who's In It: No one confirmed as yet
Who's Making It: John Wells (Screenwriter); Based on the novel by William Heffernan.

Premise: When Waters Cable decides to do a bit of corporate cutting, they train their eyes on the group of their employees who are over 50 and making 50K and up.  However, these "dinosaurs" "do not go gently" and instead join forces to fight back against losing their paychecks.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Should do for all those poor, walked-over business execs what The First Wives Club did for divorced middle-aged women. We're still waiting for ours: Gen X or XOXO?

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Widgett'.]

November 30, 1997... The struggle for acquisition of the film rights of this particular project were punctuated by Danny DeVito, who had the 400-page manuscript faxed to him from the office of Heffernan's agent.  (Don't they have next or same day delivery where you are, Dan?)  Despite the strain imposed on the telephony network of the nation, Warner Brothers won out anyway, with a bid of $1 million.

Those wanting to put in their two cents about who should be cast, can skip on over to, the book's website.  There they have a small poll on who should be cast, who should direct, and who should provide the music.  They will reportedly forward the results to the people involved in the film's production.  As for Heffernan himself, among his favorite contenders are DeVito, Harrison Ford, and Michael Douglas.  [Scoop provided by 'Widgett'.] December 9, 1997... Hey, we didn't know this: John Wells is an exec producer of ER. And the original name for this project was The Downsizing Project. [Scooped by 'Omega Man'.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:32:06 PDT.