Chill Factor

Genre: Action/Thriller.

Studio: Warner Brothers.
Production Company: Morgan Creek.

Project Phase: Greenlighted.

Who's In It: Cuba Gooding Jr.; Skeet Ulrich; David Paymer; Peter Firth; Hudson Leick.
Who's Making It: Hugh Johnson (Director); Caleb Carr, Michael Cheda, Drew Gitlin (Screenwriters); James G. Robinson, Terrence Michael (Producers).

Premise: Two Army men must stop a terrorist from getting control of a bioweapon that activates once it's raised past 50 degrees.

Release Date: Unknown.

Comments: Unknown.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

[Page draft submitted by 'Deadpool'.]

October 25, 1998... Two cool scoops make the debut on our Chill Factor page. First up is a report from a reader who's a resident of the town where the production is filming:

"This movie is currently being filmed in my city (Vernal, Utah) They are scheduled to be here at least 2 more weeks. Rumor is that the movie is like 'Speed on ice.' High action and suspense. There is a scene with some of the characters going down a hill in a boat that falls off its trailer while going down the road. Another where innocent people at a carnival are in danger, and of course a car chase. This little town is all a buzz with the filming going on. I signed on to be an extra, but no call yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed." [Our best wishes for good luck to our scooper, Chris Piner.]

Our next scooper calls the film's premise "Speed meets The Andromeda Strain". In addition to Utah, shooting will also take place in North Carolina. Our scooper didn't have much positive to say about the production; they felt that it was already in troublem even going so far to say it resembled an "amateur hour zoo." What about how the script reads?

"The script? Yawn. Two guys running from a big blue meanie trying to keep a container cool so that a bio weapon is not released. Pass the ice, bubba. A cross between Speed and Andromeda Strain? Nah. More like a cross between Speed 2 and a revision of Andromeda Strain written by someone with a lot less demonstrated knowledge than Michael Crichton. Andromeda Strain was fascinating. This ain't."

[Filed by an anonymous source.]

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All other text and images copyright © 1995-98 Corona Productions.
Last updated: Sunday, 25-Oct-1998 18:29:17 PST.