Captain America

Genre: Action/Comic-Book Adaptation.

Studio: Paramount Pictures.
Production Company: Cloud Nine Entertainment.

Project Phase: Development Hell.

Who's In It: Unknown.
Who's Making It: Larry Wilson, Les Bohem (Screenwriters); Mark Gordon, Gary Levinsohn (Producers).

Premise: Rejected as 4F, Steve Rogers wanted desperately to serve America while it fought the Axis powers during World War 2. Rogers found a solution when he volunteered to be injected with an experimental "super-soldier serum", designed to create the ultimate fighting soldier. The results exceeded everyone's expectations, and overnight Rogers went from the physique of a 90-pound weakling to the stamina and build of at least an Olympic-level athlete. Unfortunately, before more American troops could undergo the process the Axis powers killed the creator of the super-soldier serum. The secret had been lost, forever.

Rogers assumed a costume designed to boost the morale of the men fighting the war. Adopting the name of 'Captain America' he fought on the side of the Allies in the war until the sinister plans of a Nazi mastermind known as 'The Red Skull' intervened. The world believed Captain America had been killed by the Red Skull until he again surfaced in the present day, complete with a fantastic tale of how he managed to survive.

Now Captain America fights for the highest ideals of the United States of America: for its spirit, its honor, and its citizens.

Release Date: Unknown.


Skip the poor 1992 low-budget movie; back when Marvel was selling their film rights for a song this is the type of fare that got produced. But that hasn't stopped another production company from aquiring the film rights and trying to develop a new Cap movie. We think it's an excellent time to bring Cap to the mainstream: the re-launch of Marvel's comic has brought an even-greater awareness of the character. And in addition Cap has a solid "Rogue's Gallery" of villains he could face -- but of course the first one up would have to be the Red Skull.

It'd be a pleasant change of pace to see a hero out-of-time, from an era where the bad guys were easy to identify. That and it'd be damn cool to see Cap's shield take out some AIM henchmen...

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

June 21, 1998... With Marvel Comics re-organizing its finances and almost every film property of theirs trapped in development hell (all except X-Men), just what are the chances of a big-budget Captain America movie? While we feel that at present chances aren't too good, that hasn't stopped others from talking about what the fans have been saying...

"I'm getting a lot of hype from, particularly Marvel fans that a blonde Dennis Quaid will be playing Captain America. Apparently, Marvel has no comment on the production of a Captain America movie until they see the outcome other comic titles turned into movies. If the comic-movie genre falls apart, (they're looking very closely at WB's Superman and all of its problems) then Marvel will not waste they're mobney to produce something mediocre that doesn't have any box office pull. However, the Captain America comic team of Ron Garney and Mark Waid have been mentioned for writing the movie and Doctor Doom will be the villain. Other names that have popped up have been Matthew McConaughey. However, most Marvel movies will use Superman as a precedent, so unless Superman goes well, we can all say goodbye to those guys in colorful suits." [Anonymous.]

We know the movie rights have been sold to Cloud Nine Entertainment. We also know FOX Kids/Saban were developing an animated Captain America series for their Saturday morning lineup until Marvel fell into financial disarray. With the renewed fan interest in the character (and decades of industry awareness) perhaps all this project needs is one big star name standing behind it to get it greenlit.

[With additional thanks going out to 'Reckless Abandon' and anonymous for their contributions.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 12-Jul-1998 17:30:00 PDT.