Blast From the Past

Genre: Comedy.

Studio: New Line Cinema.
Production Company: Forge Productions.

Project Phase: In the Can.

Who's In It: Brendan Fraser; Christopher Walken; Alicia Silverstone; Dave Foley; Sissey Spacek.
Who's Making It: Hugh Wilson (Director); Bill Kelly (Screenwriter); Renny Harlin, Geena Davis (Producers).

Premise: Back in 1962 a paranoid father thought that the country was under nuclear attack and locked his young son inside the family's bomb shelter. Thankfully there was no big kaboom! - but no one told the boy. Finally someone does - after thirty years have passed by. Now the child has grown up to be a man who's permenantly stuck in the Cold War...and he's acting like it's still 1962.

Release Date: February 5, 1999.


Fraser's coming off of Disney's $100 million grossing George of the Jungle and his career's never been rosier. It looks like fans want get to see more of the 'bizarro fish-out-of-water' type of characters Fraser plays so well.

As a side note of pure gossipy fluff, the producers are director Renny Harlin and actress Geena Davis - who are in the process of getting a divorce. The project was in development at their production company well before their recent marital breakdown, and both parties have agreed to continue on with their production business venture.

Rumors: Unknown.

Scoop Feedback:

September 9, 1997... [Page drafted and submitted by 'Deadpool'.]

March 29, 1998... A reader writes to us that filming is going well and director Hugh Wilson is also getting screenplay credit. "Basically, Brendan Fraser's character has not been in the 'outside' world for 30 years, but he finally has to venture out into the city where he meets Alicia Silverstone's character and falls in love. Renny Harlin described the $35 million film a classic romantic comedy, whatever that is." [Thanks to 'riot'.]

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Last updated: Sunday, 27-Dec-1998 18:19:05 PST.